Medical Master - Chapter 1940 Let him administer!

Chapter 1940 Let him administer!

Chapter 1940 Let him administer!

That fast?

When he saw Fang Qiu, Zhuge Yan was very surprised in his heart.

He hadnt expected at all that Fang Qiu would come so quickly, was this speed without conducting an inspection?

Elder Zhuge.

Fang Qiu shouted with a smile on his face.

How did you get here so fast?

Waiting for Fang Qiu to walk up, Zhuge Yan then asked with a surprised face, On the way, didnt anyone frisk you or anything like that?


Fang Qiu shook his head doubtfully and said, I came straight in.


Zhuge Yan froze.

The doubt in his mind increased.

What is this place?

This is a national level place, even foreign leaders who come to visit live here, and the streets outside are all guarded by soldiers, not to mention a person, the guards are so tight that even a fly cant fly in.

In this case.

Fang Qiu hadnt received the slightest obstruction and came straight in?

Whats going on here?

The more Zhuge Yan thought about it, the more puzzled he became, he had thought that the reason Fang Qiu was able to enter so smoothly must have something to do with the severity of the foreign leaders condition, but after thinking about it more carefully, it still didnt look right either.

By the book.

Seriously ill but the leader of a foreign country ah, is not allowed to have the slightest lapse, their own perennial diagnosis and treatment to the first head, only gradually gained an exemption from the privileges of the examination.

Fang Qiu, on the other hand, was someone who had never entered this place before this.

To the guards here and the countrys top bra.s.s, Fang Qiu was a complete stranger.

How could the top bra.s.s let a stranger, so easily, walk into this area, how could a stranger, so easily, reach out to the sick and comatose foreign leader?


Theres something wrong with this thing!

The other side.

After that middle-aged man in military uniform heard the conversation between Zhuge Yan and Fang Qiu, he was also puzzled and surprised, he had never seen anyone who could directly enter here, even if they were inside the army and were loyal to the country, it was simply not possible for them to come in directly without checking at all.

He had also heard of this person called Fang Qiu, and knew that he was the newest person in the Chinese medicine industry, an existence that was called a divine doctor, but even so it was impossible to just walk in, right?

Could it be that this Fang Qiu has some special ident.i.ty besides being a Chinese medicine pract.i.tioner?

The uniformed middle-aged man was puzzled in his mind.


He did not utter a question.

After all, in such an environment, they were also very clear that some things were not for them to know, since it happened then there were reasons to support its occurrence, and it was useless to ask more questions.

Ive heard the situation, Ill check on the patient first.

After greeting, Fang Qiu opened his mouth and immediately went into the room to observe the patient.

He also knew that time was running out, so he didnt dare to waste even a second.

Enter the room.

Seeing the person unconscious on the hospital bed, Fang Qiu walked forward and immediately reached out and gently stroked on the other persons head, and then immediately urged his spiritual power to penetrate into the other persons body and began to check the other persons physical condition.

Outside, everyone watched Fang Qius movements through a layer of gla.s.s.

When they saw Fang Qius movements, those foreigners standing next to the uniformed middle-aged man immediately started to get nervous.


Just before their nerves could get high.

Fang Qiu had then given his hand back and walked out of the room.


As soon as Fang Qiu came out, Zhuge Yan immediately opened his mouth to inquire.

If I were to use only pure Chinese medicine to treat him, I wouldnt be able to bring him to his senses within an hour unless I used internal qi.

Fang Qiu said.

Are you sure?

The Zhuge Yan Sacred Doctor asked.

Ten percent!

Fang Qiu nodded his head with certainty.


Zhuge Yan immediately nodded his head and said, Then use internal qi!


However, just as Fang Qiu was about to turn around and go back to his room to treat the patient with his internal qi, the middle-aged man in military uniform suddenly just shouted, frowning as he walked up and said, I dont have any other intention, but if I want to do hands-on treatment on this VIP, I still need to ask for instructions from the upper level, after all, Mr. Zhuge is an old acquaintance, and this is supposed to be his job, so dont need to ask for instructions, but you cant

Call for instructions now, theres no time to lose.

Without waiting for the other party to finish, Fang Qiu directly nodded his head to show that he understood and urged.


Hearing Fang Qius urging voice, this middle-aged man in military uniform gave Fang Qiu a strange look, then immediately walked over again and called for instructions.

Soon, the call was over.


Zhuge Yan stepped forward to inquire.

Just a moment, Ive explained the situation to the top, which is asking for instructions from the top.

The uniformed middle-aged man said with a nod.

How much time is that going to take to get this layer upon layer of requests up there?

Zhuge Yan was a bit anxious.

But just then.


The cell phone that the uniformed middle-aged man clutched tightly in his hand suddenly vibrated and then rang.


Without any hesitation, the uniformed middle-aged man immediately picked up the phone.

Do I have to ask for permission for this?

A somewhat agitated voice on the other end of the line said, Let him do it!

The words came out.

This middle-aged man in military uniform was instantly shocked.

Let him do it?

Four short words, but they sound very shocking.

In other scenarios, these four words wouldnt be enough to shock people, but in this current situation, they are overwhelming.

Who the h.e.l.l is Fang Qiu?

What the h.e.l.l is he?

What is his hidden ident.i.ty?

How can they be so sure of him?

One time.

The eyes of this middle-aged man in military uniform changed when he looked at Fang Qiu.

Hows it going?

Zhuge Yan inquired again.

Im going in, then.

Without waiting for the other party to reply, Fang Qiu opened his mouth and then turned to himself and walked inside the room where the foreign leader was unconscious.

This way.


The uniformed middle-aged man nodded his head somewhat reactively.

Whats the situation?

Zhuge Yan tapped the other partys shoulder with a puzzled face, snapping the other party out of the shock that filled his eyes.

On, its promised from above.

Returning to his senses, hearing Zhuge Yans questioning voice, and seeing the puzzled look on Zhuge Yans face, this middle-aged man in a military uniform opened his mouth and immediately added, Theres nothing to it.

Zhuge Yan frowned suspiciously and skimmed the uniformed middle-aged man, not saying much.

He saw it.

There must be something going on here.

However, since the other party didnt say anything, he couldnt ask, after all, there were some things that he couldnt easily know.

Back to the room.

Fang Qiu said nothing.

Directly using the inner Qi Wei as a needle, he began to treat the foreign leader in the hospital bed.

It looks like no tools are working.

The first time he saw that Fang Qiu did not use tools to directly treat his hands, the uniformed middle-aged man, directly had the gla.s.s wall that could be penetrated in from the outside closed, making it impossible for people to see the situation inside from the outside.

Himself, at the first opportunity, immediately began to pacify those anxious foreign friends, telling them that a way had been found, and that they could certainly be cured within an hour or less.

This way.

Zhuge Yan, who had been watching well, suddenly couldnt see it, and was helpless in his heart, he knew that it was the state that didnt allow him to see it, so he didnt force himself, but stood on the side and waited.


Fang Qiu used his inner qi to unblock the unconscious persons body all over again, ensuring that there was no problem in any place, then using his divine sense, he directly invaded the other partys spiritual consciousness, directly forcing the other partys spiritual consciousness, pulling it into his spiritual world.

This is a quaint Chinese medicine hall.

The other partys mental consciousness pulled in, surprisingly, in a comatose state as well.

Fang Qiu examined it carefully.

It was found that the reason why the other party was unconscious was most likely related to the nervous system, and this was where the difficulty of treatment lay, and the only way now was to directly pa.s.s through the other partys spiritual consciousness to open up his nervous system.

So to speak.

The nervous system is a real thing that exists, and spiritual consciousness is a subst.i.tute for the illusory wah of the nervous system; spiritual consciousness is one with the nervous system.

Its because of the neurological problems that this foreign leader is in a coma.

The only way to awaken the other party from their coma was to use the power of divine sense to directly forcefully shock the other partys spiritual consciousness awake, and while the other partys spiritual consciousness was being recycled, to let the power of ones own divine sense follow, into the flood, and to directly pa.s.s open the other partys nervous system.

Wake up!

Think it and do it.

Fang Qiu opened his mouth and suddenly bellowed.

In the spiritual world, a loud shocking cry spread out, directly awakening the other partys spiritual consciousness from its deep coma.

The moment the other partys spiritual consciousness awoke, the entire spiritual world collapsed.

Next moment.

All that is gone.


Fang Qiu slowly opened his tightly closed eyes.

At the same time, the foreign leader, who had been unconscious in his hospital bed and had never opened his eyes, slowly opened his eyes at this moment.

Seeing the other partys eyes open, Fang Qiu immediately went out.


While wiping the sweat from his forehead, Fang Qiu said.

Hear that.

The crowd, who had been waiting anxiously, immediately rushed inside the room.

The foreign leaders who had just woken up, even before they could fully react, were served by a group of people who quickly changed their clothes and busied themselves with a press conference.


Zhuge Yan walked over towards Fang Qiu, and just as he opened his mouth and was about to inquire about how exactly he was treated, he was interrupted by two men in military uniforms.

Fang Qiu, h.e.l.lo.

Two men in military uniforms quickly walked to Fang Qius side and opened their mouths to say, Receiving orders, I hope that you can go with Nameless to the upcoming press conference to avoid any other unforeseen circ.u.mstances for this VIP.


Fang Qiu immediately nodded in agreement.


Led by two soldiers, he followed to the press conference, but all the time he just sat in the background and didnt show up at the press conference.

The good thing is, a press conference went by without any problems.

Wait for the press conference to finish.

After making sure it was all okay, Fang Qiu received the most sincere thanks from the foreign leader.

Only after the thanks were over was Fang Qiu let go.

This way.

Saint Doctor Zhuge Yan, who had returned to the courtyard early, had been standing guard at the entrance, waiting for Fang Qiu to return.