Medical Master - Chapter 1939 Vegetarian Hands!

Chapter 1939 Vegetarian Hands!

Chapter 1939 Vegetarian Hands!

Six oclock in the morning.

Fang Qiu got up and worked out for a while, after was.h.i.+ng up, he went to the door of Xu Miaolins room and listened to the commotion, and found that Xu Miaolin had not yet gotten up, and at that moment, it was not a good idea to disturb him, and he directly went downstairs to eat breakfast.

After eating breakfast, he returned to his room to practice.

Two hours later.

Eight oclock in the morning.


Fang Qiu looked at the time, recalling that yesterday, Sage Doctor Zhuge Yan also woke up at this point, and he went over from the hotel just at the time when Sage Doctor Zhuge was having breakfast, so it was just the right time to go over now.


Fang Qiu stood up and prepared to dare to go to the quadrangle where Zhuge Yan was.

But just then.


Suddenly, the cell phone in Fang Qius pants pocket rang.

Pull it out and take a look.

Heck, it was an unfamiliar number.

After a slight hesitation, Fang Qiu picked up the phone.


On the other end of the phone, a slightly familiar voice came and asked, Excuse me, is this Fang Qiu?

You are?

Fang Qiu asked rhetorically.

h.e.l.lo, Im Old Mr. Zhuges housekeeper.

The person on the other end of the phone opened his mouth and said, Old Mr. Zhuge asked me to give you a call, telling you not to come over for the time being and to wait for a while, he has a very urgent matter to go out now.

Im just about to go over here, did something happen on Old Mr. Zhuges side?

Fang Qiu asked in a confused manner.

And I dont know what the h.e.l.l is going on.

Cant you see that something has gone wrong again?

I dont know exactly what it is, but its quite urgent anyway, just wait for now, Ill call you when Old Mr. Zhuge comes back.

After saying that, Zhuge Yans housekeeper directly hung up the phone.

Hear the disconnect.

Fang Qiu was also helpless.

People have taken the initiative to call and inform, its useless to go over there yourself now.

It seems that it will have to wait as well.


This is a particularly quiet area.

The road was fast and clean, there was little trash to be seen, and the whole area was exceptionally clear inside, with very few people in sight.


A black sedan started up in front of Zhuge Saint Doctors quadrangle.

Zhuge Yan, who originally had a kind face, quickly walked out of the door and got into the car.

The car, quickly heading in one direction.


The sedan then stopped in a particularly heavily guarded area.

This is a very serious and modern construction area, the surrounding environment is particularly clean, a glance sweeping there are some military personnel standing in the various entrances and exits guard.

Get out of the car.

Zhuge Yan hurriedly headed towards the building in front of him and quickly walked in.

Just walked in.

A man then hurried out of it.

Whats the matter that called me here in such a hurry?

Seeing the visitor, Zhuge Yan immediately opened his mouth to inquire.

Walk and talk.

This man in military uniform, a hold Zhuge Yans arm, while walking towards the inside of that luxurious building, while opening his mouth to say, The situation is like this, a foreign VIP visit arrived last night, this morning suddenly fell ill, the situation is very tricky, this VIP is currently in a coma, his men asked to send him back to the country to receive treatment. the country to receive treatment, but this incident happened in our country, its not appropriate to send the person back just like that.

More importantly, one and a half hours later, there is still a press conference waiting to be held, our side is at the end of our rope, so we can only ask you to come over, I hope that you can make a move to make sure that this VIP wakes up within an hour, and that we cant let those journalists who will come to the press conference in an hour and a half to see that there is something wrong with them.


Zhuge Yans face instantly became incomparably grave.

Normally, only when the leaders of other countries arrive, they will specially hold a press conference to discuss some dealings, sign trade contracts, and so on.

If it was just ordinary people, this kind of press conference would not normally be held, and only a very few people with a lot of power would have this treatment.

Having worked in the National Medical Hall for decades, and having ensured the safety of many leaders over the decades, Zhuge Yan naturally knew that the person who came this time was definitely the leader of its country.

Otherwise, the top bra.s.s wouldnt be in such a hurry.


If its really a foreign leader, this is a big problem, and if its not handled correctly, its very likely that the relations.h.i.+p between the two countries will break down.

Zhuge Yan was very clear about the seriousness of this matter, and immediately followed the middle-aged man in military uniform beside him, all the way into the building, and quickly came to the door of a room.

The people are in there, along with some western medicine specialists we brought in.

Also, the people from the other country, they are guarding the other side.

The middle-aged man in uniform reminded.


Zhuge Yan nodded in understanding, then pushed the door open.

At this point.

Inside the room were several Western medical experts, packing up various instruments.

It was clear that their treatment wasnt working, and now it was time to prepare to leave.

It didnt take long for all the Western medical experts to leave.

Zhuge Yan also did not bother to observe the surrounding situation, he knew that this room must be transparent from the outside, there must be someone staring at the situation inside, after all, the one lying on the bed was the leader of a country ah.

Twenty minutes later.

Zhuge Yan walked out from inside the room.


Just as he came out, the middle-aged man in military uniform immediately greeted him, asking anxiously.

Behind it were a number of other countries.

Sweeping the crowd.

Zhuge Yancai shook his head and opened his mouth to say, No, all kinds of methods have been used, its almost impossible to recover within an hour, even if I put my full strength into it, it will take at least three days to do so.

Three days?

When the middle-aged man heard this, he immediately became anxious and opened his mouth to say, You think of another way, three days is too long, an hour and a half, the most you can give is an hour and a half.

Tell you what, Ill find someone to ask.

Zhuge Yan said, then immediately turned his head, reentering inside the room, directly pulling out his cell phone and pulling up a video call group.

Take a closer look.

Including himself, there were four people involved in the video call.

Four holy doctors.

Outside of Sage Doctor Chu and Xu Miaolin, there was also an old man with sunken cheeks and a three-inch goatee.

This is the fourth holy doctor.

All stop talking and listen to me.

After the three people connected to the video one after another, Zhuge Yan did not give them half a chance to ask questions, directly opened his mouth and said, I have a patient on my side, a particularly important foreign VIP, what rank you should be clear, because of a sudden attack of illness into a coma, it is necessary to let him recover within an hour, I have tried all kinds of methods, but I have not found a suitable and effective method.

Heres what hes got

Zhuge Yan spoke one after another, and quickly told the other three holy doctors about the entire situation, all of it.

After understanding the situation.

The four holy doctors began to consult remotely.

However, including Zhuge Yan, all four of them were frowning this tightly in the face of the patients condition.


Zap the needle Parkway!

Saint Doctor Chu opened his mouth to speak.


Zhuge Yan immediately shook his head and said, Ive already done that.

To simplify, why dont you try a pinch?

Xu Miaolin suggested.

As a result, only just after these words were uttered, they were immediately met with the unanimous disdain of the other three Sacred Doctors.

You could try the gutter points.

The holy doctor, who had a three-inch goatee, opened his mouth and said.

Isnt that the center of the man?

Xu Miaolin immediately interjected.


The holy doctor with a three-inch goatee once again despised Xu Miaolin before he said to Zhuge Yan, Combine it with the Hegu point, Neiguan point, and Zhongchong point.

Ive tried that method too.

Zhuge Yan shook his head once again and said, It doesnt do anything either.

The words came out.

Everyone was suddenly sad.

Its not really a difficult disease, its just that the time given is too short, its only an hour, if we could be given a day to play well, it wouldnt even be a problem to be completely cured.

The goatee bearded holy doctor said.


Zhuge Yan sighed and said, If it could be that long, I would still have to be so temporary to find you guys for a consultation ah, its better to hurry up and think of a way, as long as theres still time, theres definitely still a chance.

With that said, the four of them continued to think of ideas.

But most of the methods had already been tried, and it was impossible to think of anything new, and the time was ticking away, and there was only half an hour left.

It seems that there is really no way out.

Zhuge Yan had a bitter look on his face.

Not really.

Sage Doctor Chu paused and said, The four of us cant do anything, why dont we let that kid Fang Qiu try, it just so happens that hes on your side, and even the four of us cant do anything, hes the only one who might have a solution.


Xu Miaolin suddenly shuddered and said, My student is capable of a lot, why didnt I think of that?

The words came out.

Immediately, he was once again despised by the three holy doctors.

This kid can cure vitiligo in just half an hour, and with that magical ability of his, he might be able to have unexpected results.

Sage Doctor Chu continued.

Okay, Ill have someone go get him.

Upon hearing this, Zhuge Yan immediately answered and hung up the phone.

He believed that Sage Doctor Chu would never cheat him, and it was the only way now, after all, time waits for no one.

Hang up.

Zhuge Yan walked out from inside the room.


The group gathered around again.

Theres no way around it, itll take at least a day.

Zhuge Yan shook his head and said, However, there is one person who may have a way.


The uniformed middle-aged man asked.


Zhuge Yan opened his mouth and replied, Hes in Kyoto right now, living inside a hotel not far from here, it should not be too late to go and invite him, although I dont know if hell be able to do it or not, but hes the only hope.

Ill send for him at once.

The uniformed middle-aged man didnt hesitate, and after saying that, he immediately turned around and went to make arrangements.

I hope its in time.

Zhuge Yan sighed lightly.

In his opinion, for Fang Qiu to come to this place, he would have to go through strict procedures such as inspection and body search, and the whole process would be very troublesome and would waste a lot of time.

But as a result, just as he was thinking about whether or not to find the higher-ups to discuss and exempt Fang Qiu from the various examinations, a sound of footsteps had reached his ears.

Turning his eyes.

Fang Qiu surprisingly arrived!