Meant To Be - Meant to Be Part 10

Meant to Be Part 10

A chunk of scone bounces off my chest and onto the floor, leaving a spray of clotted cream from my shirt down. I look up and Jason has his arms raised above his head. Before I can protest (or protect my clothes), he flicks another chunk toward me; this one misses me and instead splatters on the dinosaur diorama directly behind my left shoulder.

The barista with the blue hair and the metal in her face is unamused, to say the least. She wads up the rag in her hand and chucks it at the floor with quite a lot of force, looking like she's about to head around the counter and toward us. To kick us out, probably. But I'm not in the mood to be chastised today (or any day, really), so I grab Jason by the hand and jerk him toward the door.

"What are you-" he asks, but I shush him and nod toward the angry barista.

"Julia, I was trying to win the World Cup," Jason whines, trying to stall. "I just need one more shot!"

"Come on." I pull Jason hard by the hand, and together we stumble into the rainy street.

hey P, what is your fave line from Shakespeare? (I forget) -J "Ouch!" I yank my finger back from the brass knob on my dresser. I stick it in my mouth, trying to soothe the pain of a truly shocking electric shock. I've got all my shirts in a pile on the floor, and I'm refolding them and placing them back in the drawer one by one, long sleeves on the left, short sleeves on the right. As I hold each one up to fold, I give it a quick once-over for stray lint, picking off tiny bits of fuzz whenever I spot it. With all the quick dressing I've done in the last couple of days, my bureau is looking really disorganized, and it's time to clean it up.

It's five p.m., the hour on our itinerary marked "rest period." Clearly, Mrs. Tennison intended this to be her rest period. Did she think the rest of us would need a juice box and a nap? Not even halfway through our trip, and already the woman needs to escape. I don't know how she's going to get through the next seven days.

I really should be working on my reflection paper (or papers, plural, I guess), but my brain can pretty much only tolerate searching for lint right now. I wonder what my classmates will be writing about, since, as Jason already pointed out, most of them have spent the time trolling pubs and shopping. I might as well have gone with them, because even though I've taken in some actual culture, I'm having a really hard time focusing.

The rain outside my hotel window is tapping lightly on the sill, lulling me into a little bit of a post-dinner coma, and the blinking cursor on my laptop seems to be taunting me for my inability to crank out a simple one-page paper. At least reorganizing my dresser seemed like a good way to take control of something in my world. "Reorganize the room, reorganize the mind," my mom always says. But all I can think about is my conversation with Jason a couple of hours ago at the cafe. His words keep playing on endless loop: You've gotta know that it's all a big fairy tale.

I guess it's hard to believe in love when the people who are supposed to be your role models call each other playboys and gold diggers in public.

I reach for the picture of Mom and Dad. I know, it's very Brady Bunch to idolize your parents, but mine really did have a perfect marriage. I think that's why Mom's been single since Dad died. Can you imagine trying to find perfection a second time?

I try to conjure up an image of Mark, but it keeps coming up all blurry. I try focusing on his perfectly imperfect smile when my thoughts are interrupted by a persistent buzz. I reach for my phone to find another text message.

@ cue-2-cue, know it? -C Chris! And I was just thinking about my MTB. I mean, sure, I was thinking about Mark, but maybe this is supposed to be a sign. Like maybe Chris could be my MTB. And he's given me an actual location where he might be right now.

A quick trip to Google pulls up only one hit for a Cue-2-Cue location in London (because I'm guessing Mystery Chris is not chilling in Turkmenistan), and it turns out to be an indie music shop right here in Soho, only a few blocks from the hotel. Probably only about five minutes away. I could go there right now and ... and what?

Definitely not meet him. Jason was right about one thing: Chris will be disappointed that uber-Julia has morphed back into ... well, Julia-Julia. But I could go and scope him out from afar. Maybe I'll finally recognize him from the party.

I click reply and start typing a message about being busy, but I realize that if I tell him I'm not coming, he might leave. No. I want him to stay right there. Instead, I ignore his text. I'll pretend I never got it, then scoot over to the record shop and do a little detective work.

Forgetting all about my vow not to break any more rules, I quickly jot down the directions from Google, tuck them into the pocket of my coat, and get ready to head out. I'm about to grab my mini umbrella when there's a knock at the door. I peer through the peephole to see a fish-eyed Jason leaning against the entryway. Dammit.

The door swings open and Jason hops inside before I can slam it in his face.

"What do you want?"

"Now that's no way to greet your buddy. Hello to you, too, sunshine."

"Sorry. I was working on my paper and you interrupted me." Homework: that's sure to scare Jason off.

"Oh, great. That's what I'm here about," Jason says, his grin practically taking over his lightly freckled face.


"Just checking to see if you got my paper done," he says. He dodges me neatly and steps all the way into my room. "I may have to do a little editing, you know, so it's in my own words."

"Not done yet," I reply. I need to keep things short and sweet if I hope to be rid of him. I'm not a very good liar. "Soon."

"What, you're having a little trouble reflecting? Your inner mirror a little foggy?"

"No," I say. "It turns out that twice the work takes twice as long." I shoot a glance at my phone. It's still open on my bed, the text message visible. "I'll text you when I'm done, okay?"

"You'll text me? Gee, you're getting awfully liberal with those texts," he says, raising an eyebrow.

"The longer you stand here bothering me, the longer it takes me to write," I say. I fling the door open and gesture him through it. "Now go."

"Fine, then. Back to work! Chop-chop!" he says. Then his face turns suspicious. His eyes flick to my packed messenger bag, which is sitting on the bed. "Wait a second. Were you going somewhere, Book Licker?"

"No," I say, a little too quickly.

"Then why are you wearing your coat?" he asks, leaning in to pick some lint off my shoulder. "Feeling a draft? Catching a chill? Trying to put out your pants, which seem to be catching on fire, you liar liar?"

"Fine!" I explode, just to get him to shut up. "Yes, okay. I was maybe thinking of possibly going somewhere. Are you satisfied?"

He crosses his arms and raises his eyebrows. "Without me? My, my, you really are turning into a regular rule breaker. Let me guess. You got another text from Loverboy."

I ignore the "Loverboy" part and extend my phone to him. He rubs his chin as he reads the text. I notice he has a tiny bit of stubble coming in along his jawline. It makes him look more grown-up, which only makes the mischievous look in his eyes more noticeable.

"Cue-2-Cue is a music shop," I mumble through my embarrassment. "I was thinking of heading over there."

He squints his bright blue eyes at me. "Well, then it's a good thing I showed up," he says as he turns toward the door. "I'll get my coat. Be back in a flash."

I think about making a run for it but instead pull my door shut, tug on it twice to make sure it locked, and wait in the hallway. In seconds he's trotting down the hall, his rusty, messy hair bouncing across his face.

"I thought you didn't believe in love," I say as he leads the way to the elevator.

"I don't," he replies over his shoulder.

"Then why are you coming along?"

"Because I think this guy could be a fun adventure for you, Book Licker. You need to loosen up, and having a little foreign fling might just be the ticket. Maybe it'll cure you of your ridiculous fairy tale."

I sigh, but let it slide. I like my fairy tale, thankyouverymuch.

Cue-2-Cue looks like it came right out of the last century. Every inch of wall space is taken up with dust-laden CDs. Long tables dip under the weight of milk crates stuffed full of records. These tables make up the narrow aisles of the shop, and there's a row of wooden windowed listening booths, like a row of old phone booths, along the far wall. It smells like dust and must and that special cocktail of vintage-BO.

There are a few customers in the shop. Three of them are girls. One of the two guys in the shop is the middle-aged clerk, bearded and clad in an old moth-eaten blazer. The other is a boy of about thirteen, who's glued to a display of Rush's entire catalog.

"I don't think he's here," I whisper to Jason.

"Why are you whispering?" he whispers back. "This isn't a library."

"Whatever," I say a little louder, clearing my throat. "I don't think he's here."

"Are you sure? He looks like a likely candidate," Jason says, and he gestures to the kid flipping through Rush albums. "And he looks like your speed, too! Beginner level."

"Hey, I have been on plenty dates before, you know," I retort. Okay, three dates-but Jason doesn't need to know that. I'm not a total loser.

"Oh really? And who are these lucky bachelors? Members of the robotics club? Mathletes?" Jason crosses his arms and leans against a rack of concert T-shirts, like he's daring me to prove him wrong.

"Kevin Heineman. And some other people you probably wouldn't know." Because they don't exist, I mentally add.

Jason feigns nearly falling over. "Kevin Heineman? Are you kidding? I totally saw that guy eat his own boogers."

"Oh, when was that, first grade?"

"Last year," he replies, laughing. "C'mon, Lady Marmalade, let's go check the listening booths in the back."

I follow him down the aisle and off to the left, toward the row of four narrow wooden booths, which are plastered with torn and fading posters. A handwritten sign stuck to the front of each booth reads Only one guest per booth! The first two are empty. The third contains a girl clutching a Tori Amos album and scowling.

"Nasty breakup," Jason says, winking at me, before moving on to the last booth. His eyes grow wide. "Well, I think we might have something here."

My heart leaps into my throat, and I move slowly into the view of the window. Chris? I don't see anyone at first, but when I glance at Jason, he's pointing toward the floor. I look down to see a pair of teenagers in school uniforms sharing a pair of headphones and furiously making out. The girl catches me staring and gives me a dirty look before giving me the finger and returning to her business.

"Nice, Jason," I say. I try to arrange my face into the same dirty look Miss Makeout gave me.

"What?" he asks, giving me that innocent look he seems to have perfected.

"Let's get out of here," I say, turning to head toward the door, feeling deflated. Yet another blown opportunity to see Chris.

"What, we walk all the way over here, and now you want to ditch out after a few minutes just because your mystery lover isn't here?" Jason pulls open the door to the first booth in the row, gesturing for me to go in.

"I am not going in there with you," I say. The booth is barely big enough for two people, and I can't help flashing back to what Sarah Finder said about Jason's desire to join the mile-high club.

Jason rolls his eyes. "I promise to play nice. Come on. We're here. We might as well enjoy it." He spins around toward the nearest bin of records. Dramatically wiggling his fingers, he closes his eyes, drops his hand into the records, flips for a moment, then pulls out a colorful album cover at random. He glances at the cover, then hugs it tightly to his chest, his arms crossed over the back so I can't see.

"This is perfect," he says, his eyes sparkling. "It's time for a love lesson, Book Licker. There's no time like the present."

He opens the door to the booth and practically shoves me into it. Jason steps in behind me and pulls the door shut before I can protest-or make an escape. A table in the corner holds a teetering stack of lumpy stereo equipment. There're a tape deck, a CD player, two big speakers, and resting on top of the stack, a turntable. Jason nudges me with his shoulder a few times to get me out of the way, then executes a little hula maneuver that turns out to be a hip check. We do a little circular shuffle, practically nose to nose, until he's the one by the stereo and I'm pressed up against the door. He keeps bumping into me as he works to keep the album cover hidden from view.

"Uh, Julia, you saw the sign," he says, tilting his head toward the window of the booth. "Only one person per booth. Soooooo you better duck, okay?"

"Are you kidding?" I glare at him.

"Do you want to get in trouble for breaking the rules?" he asks, arching an eyebrow. Darn it. He knows me too well.

I lower myself to the floor and pull my knees into my chest. Jason turns his back to me and places the record on the turntable. He presses a couple of buttons on the stereo, then lifts the needle.

"Okay." He holds the needle dramatically over the spinning record. "This song is the essence-the quintessence!-of music about love."


He ignores me. "It's pretty much guaranteed to get you kissed, and I have it on good authority that Ryan made it to third base with Evie while listening to this song."

I stifle a gasp. Ew. So ew. I didn't know Evie and Ryan hooked up. It's amazing that either one of them could be pried away from a mirror long enough to fool around.

Jason drops the needle, then joins me on the floor. He leans against the back wall, his knees against my knees, facing me.

A full band starts up, led by what sounds like six electric guitars and a synthesizer. It's loud, but it's also slow and dramatic. I look at Jason, who's staring back at me so hard that I have to drop my gaze to my knees. The song is soft, the tension building. I hear some crowd noise, so I can tell it's a live version. I glance back up and Jason's eyes are still trained on me. My heart starts thudding in time to the rhythm. I hug my knees closer, my hands starting to sweat. This is a good song....

Then the singer comes in; it's a man's voice. "Love on the rocks, ain't no surprise. Just pour me a drink, and I'll tell you some lies...."


I look at Jason for explanation, but he's starting to crack up. "Your face!" he says between chuckles. "You were so into it!"

"What is this?"

"C'mon. Don't tell me you don't recognize the Diamond!" He pulls the album cover out from under his butt. He shows me a picture of Neil Diamond, decked out in the tightest pair of jeans I've ever seen on a man and an American flag-printed silk shirt, unbuttoned low enough to show way too much Diamond for my taste.

I don't even know what to say. I stare at him openmouthed. "You're sick," I finally manage to say. "This is your epic love song?"

Jason laughs. "Jeez, Julia, didn't we already have this conversation? Love is a fantasy. And not in a good way!"

I feel of flash of anger, but just as quickly it passes, and I'm sad for him again. Maybe Jason can tell that I feel sorry for him. He jumps up so fast the record skips. There's a little scratching, and then there's applause as a horn section kicks up. Jason's face immediately lights up, his grin so wide that all his freckles look like they're running together.

Neil's voice comes in, in that sing-talking, soaring way it does when he's performing live.

" 'Sweet Caroline'!" Jason says between lyrics. "C'mon. It's just like home! Sing with me!"

"You are not serious," I reply, still crouched on the ground. He reaches down, grabs my elbow, and in one swift move hauls me right to my feet.

"Hey, lady, you're from Boston," he says as we're practically nose to nose again. "You can't dis Neil, or half of Fenway is gonna jump you." He picks up the needle, moves it over a bit, and drops it in just the right spot for the opening notes of "Sweet Caroline." He spins the Sox cap around, pulling it down low over his eyes so I can see the logo, and air-guitars along with the chorus. He looks ridiculous, and I can't help laughing.

"You know the words!" he says. "Sing!"

After another moment's hesitation, I do. I burst out the lyrics just like my dad taught me, adding the "So good! So good! So good!" as if I were at Fenway Park. When the chorus ends, there's a light tap at the window, and I turn to see the shop clerk motioning us frantically out of the booth. My hand flies to my mouth.

"Oh my God, he can hear us! And we're not supposed to be in here together." I point to the little sign.

Jason raises an eyebrow. "Of course he can hear us. Why do you think they have the headphones? The booths aren't soundproof."

"So embarrassing!" I cry, leaning back against the side of the booth. "Come on, we're going to get in trouble."

"Don't stress it. You were showing some hometown love." He bumps the door of the booth open with his hip, then gestures for me to shimmy out first. When I get back into the aisle, I lean against a crate of soul records and Jason squeezes next to me. "Besides, now I know we can be friends," he adds.

I look away so Jason won't see how much the idea pleases me. It feels nice to think I might have a friend on this trip after all, and it beats pretending to be friends with Sarah or Evie. "Why's that?"

"Because you're clearly a Sox fan." He swivels his Sox hat to the side and grins.

"Hate to disappoint, but I haven't been to a game in years." I shrug.

"What?" Jason explodes, staring at me like I've confessed to having a tail.

"I used to go with my dad," I reply. The words fly out of my mouth before I can think about what I'm saying. "He was a huge fan. But after he died, I didn't want to make my mom take me. I thought it would make her too sad."

Instantly, I wish I could take the words back. I never talk about my dad. There's a moment of awkward silence, the kind that makes you realize you've unintentionally sucked the wind out of a conversation. I stare at the ground, pretending to be fascinated by an old hair elastic that has found its way into the corner. I try to think of something to say to lighten the mood again, but my brain feels like it's covered in chalk.