Match Point - Chapter 421

Chapter 421

One grab and one skim, forehand skateboard backslash.

As soon as he stepped on, his footsteps immediately entered the court, while observing Gao Wen's movement while looking for his position in the court, he finally went online to press.

It can be seen that Kei Nishikori started his layout, created an opportunity with a backslash in his forehand, and immediately followed-

In fact, Kei Nishikori's front-net skills are also a shortcoming of Kei Nishikori, mainly due to his height. Both volleys and high-pressure techniques in front of the net lack a little competitiveness; Very good.

Therefore, in Kei Nishikori's games, he can often be seen tactically surfing the Internet, not because he believes in his pre-net skills, but because he forms physical pressure through the actions of surfing the Internet, and then superimposes the pressure through his own touch. Creates a very good pressure effect.

In this year's US Open journey, Kei Nishikori's sudden access to the Internet is indeed a very important scoring weapon. When facing Raonic, he scored a lot of points

After all, the ability to break the net is a link that needs to undergo both psychological and technical tests. In the entire men's tennis world, there are definitely only a handful of players who can break the net as tough and powerful as Nadal.

In today's game, Kei Nishikori took the initiative to go online for the first time, breaking the balance in an instant.

Gao Wen was caught off guard by being killed.


When he was moving quickly horizontally, Kei Nishikori's surfing action was captured out of the corner of his eye. Moreover, Kei Nishikori was very smart and deliberately slowed down the speed of surfing the Internet, without revealing his intention early. This also interfered with Gao Wen's judgment and choice. Wait When Kei Nishikori moved forward and came to the net, Gao Wen also had to hit the ball.

Breaking the net requires decisiveness, and any hesitation may lead to failure in breaking the net.

what to do?

If he hits the ball according to the routine, it is basically equivalent to going straight into the tiger's mouth. He has to change the hitting line and landing point, such as hitting a small diagonal line, or landing at the foot of Kei Nishikori. Through this line changes to disrupt Kei Nishikori's surfing rhythm

This is Federer's best shot.

But Gao Wen's batting is still too routine. With Kei Nishikori's hot touch, he may be able to handle it. He needs to break the frame of fixed thinking.

He has two choices, either change the line, but now there is not enough room to hit the ball, I am afraid the success rate is not high; or...


Gao Wen is clearly bullying Nishikori's height, the difficulty of getting over the top is obviously lower than that of Kyrgios and Isner, and he can reverse the passive situation.

The premise is that he needs to be more careful, otherwise, if he fails to reach the top, he will also fall into the mouth of a tiger.

Pedal, brake.

Gao Wen used his left foot to control his body, forcibly controlled the inertia of forward rushing, his muscles tensed to the extreme, and then his body center of gravity was completely lowered, his feet stood solidly, while his hands did not fully lead the racket, It is pushing and sending forward from the side, but the control of the wrist and forearm is very delicate and serious.

Flip and pick, super topspin big arc.

Pushing and sending, the muscles are not fully exerted, but the height of the tennis ball is fully brought up by straightening the knees, and the arc landing point is controlled with the wrist.

Just a push like that, and the tennis ball draws a stunning rainbow into the sky.



Accompanied by low exclamations, all the audience raised their jaws high, and their eyes followed the tennis ball to draw a full and light parabola.

Kei Nishikori realized that the situation was not good at the first time, braked suddenly and retreated quickly.

Because the footsteps of the forward rush are very firm, when it is necessary to retreat now, the center of gravity is obviously unstable. During the retreat process, Nishikori simply took off on the spot and tried to intercept halfway. However, the racket raised high went down waved, but directly waved away

Gawain's arc control is perfect!

Kei Nishikori didn't have time to sigh, turned around and rushed forward, trying to catch up with Gao Wen's lob, and then found that Gao Wen's lob was controlled too precisely, it not only landed on the sideline, but also a backhand bottom line big triangle The dead corner and perfect control ruined all the advantages of Kei Nishikori.


Kei Nishikori's excellent condition is definitely not just talk, in such a passive situation, he actually! Chase! superior! up!

Kei Nishikori didn't have time to turn around to see Gao Wen's position, so he could only turn his back to the court, relying on the feel of his hand, before the tennis ball was about to hit the ground, he hit the tennis ball in a straight line with a light arc and an arc. The line is not high, and it creates the effect of a submarine with a flicking posture, shuttling along the straight line silently.


Arthur-Ashe stadium was full of exclamations, looking at Kei Nishikori in disbelief, how did he complete such a miraculous shot?

After hitting the ball, Kei Nishikori had time to turn around and look at Gao Wen.

At a glance, one can see that Gao Wen followed step by step, his attention was completely concentrated, and he immediately followed after hitting the lob. The whole shot was very closely linked, and his footsteps appeared on the net early. Front.

At this time, his entire center of gravity was completely squatted down, almost in a half-squat position, he hit forward with his forehand, and made a machete movement with his wrist, removing all the power of the tennis ball.


The tennis ball flew across the net like this, and just as it landed, there was almost no rebound, and it immediately jumped twice, three times, and then rolled all the way out.

The audience was completely silent, holding their breath involuntarily.

"Disc (set), high."

The sound of the referee broadcasting the score came, and then woke up the audience


Cheers and roars were intertwined, and more than half of the audience at the Arthur Ashe Stadium stood up, applauding the wonderful duel between the two players. This serving game lasted 12 minutes and 33 seconds. , but in the end it was Gao Wen who won the first set.

In this history-making Asian duel, the first set of UU Reading was so exciting that it made people want to scream!

Suppression and counter-suppression, calculation and counter-calculation, the active transition between the two players almost occurs in every shot, even if you concentrate on the game, you still need to deal with intricate situations. Every shot must deal with huge Information, unbelievable rounds one after another, unbelievable!

But the problem is that Kei Nishikori played so well, and there are quite a few amazing shots, so how did Gao Wen win the first set?

The audience was happily whispering and sharing their opinions, and the two players also needed to calm down to sum up their gains and losses and prepare for the second set.

The only thing that is certain is that both Gao Wen and Kei Nishikori have faced very difficult situations at this year's US Open, and both have experienced the test of a five-set battle, and have proved their ability to win tough battles

In a five-set best-of-three Grand Slam tournament, one set victory is not enough to determine the trend of the whole game, and no one will easily let the victory slip away from their fingertips.

However, now Gao Wen has the upper hand!