Match Point - Chapter 420

Chapter 420

Watching Kei Nishikori's game, he seems to be in a depressed, depressed, and discouraged state all the time. The messages sent by body language and facial expressions are not positive. The audience watching Kei Nishikori's game for the first time may even feel Doubt, is he likely to retire at any time?

But audiences who are familiar with Kei Nishikori know that this is a smoke bomb, just like a cuttlefish launching ink to deceive the opponent. Those dejected are all superficial phenomena. If you believe Kei Nishikori's performance, you will probably lose your attention in the game. A decline in concentration is the beginning of failure.

Such a situation often occurs in competitive sports. A player is accidentally injured, but he just barely persists. However, many players will lose their attention due to the opponent's injury, and the decline in the confrontation intensity of the entire game will cause both sides to fluctuate.

In the worst case, you may even lose your focus on the ball, and your batting will start to go sloppy.

Especially young players, who lack the ability to deal with complex and unexpected situations, are more prone to this.

In the third round of the 2021 Australian Open, Djokovic played against the young American teenager Tyler-Fritz (Tyler-Fritz).

When Djokovic was leading in two sets, he accidentally strained his abdominal muscles. He was almost in a bad situation where he could not exert force on his forehand and backhand, and he did not even have any threat to serve; then Fritz did not take advantage of the victory After chasing and winning the game in one fell swoop, he couldn't bear it, restrained his hands and played cautiously all the way.

Although Fritz tied the majority in two sets and two sets, the progress of the game has not dared to exert force. Instead, it gave Djokovic more time to recover and adapt. As a result, in the final set, Djoko finally adapted to the pain. Vichy regained his strength and swept Fritz with a disparity of "6:2" to advance.

The same goes for Kei Nishikori.

His personality is not the type of flamboyant celebration and wanton venting, so he always shows weakness to the enemy, and is often on the verge of "collapse", but in fact these are all smoke bombs. The tenacity and perseverance in his bones have always been These are all important qualities of Kei Nishikori.

Even players who are familiar with Kei Nishikori are often deceived by Kei Nishikori's dejected and hopeless expression.

After the break, the "Negative Kei Nishikori" reappeared, and Gao Wen kept telling himself not to be distracted by the illusion in front of him, and to serve to win the game, he had to be down-to-earth.

Soon, Gao Wen proved his early warning.

In the serving game, Kei Nishikori suddenly increased his speed. He started to grab the ball from the first serve of Gao Wen. No matter what the speed of the ball, the whole shot was very aggressive; and the attack was very risky and risked a high risk of mistakes. , the entire offensive rhythm increased, and tennis suddenly became table tennis.

Layers upon layers, mountains and seas, huge pressure rushed towards Gao Wen, which was different from the rhythm of any previous game.

Obviously, Kei Nishikori can also improve his state at critical moments, and his touch is still excellent. Occasionally, there will be a fairy ball that surprises everyone, and Gao Wen really has nothing to do.

However, Gao Wen also showed a tenacious psychological quality. In the face of Kei Nishikori's continuous forceful fights and intensive attacks, he still insisted on his own tactics, and continued to use variations to control the game. This is the first time that Gao Wen can gain the upper hand at the US Open this year

In terms of strength, spin and speed, Gao Wen's ball quality is indeed slightly better than that of Nishikori.


Kei Nishikori saved two set points, Gao Wen saved three break points, the two players started a long tug-of-war in Gao Wen's serve victory game, which was also the most intense and closest match in today's game In the first game, Kei Nishikori showed his serve breaking ability to the fullest.

Fifth deuce.

The air is burning, the two players are playing their best form, the hand-to-hand game makes the cheers and applause of Arthur Ashe Stadium one after another, it is extremely lively, and the neutral fans are enjoying this wonderful game Dueling, almost every round is a classic.

Obviously, Kei Nishikori was not prepared to passively give up resistance, but also showed his indomitable and tenacious will to launch a strong impact in Gao Wen's serve. At present, the two sides are still in balance, and both sides got the opportunity. Now it's up to who can seize the opportunity.

Kick off! Bend your knees! Turn! hit the ball!


The audience's eyes are concentrated.

In the inner corner of the first area, Gao Wen's serve landed firmly on the center line of the service area. In the perfect inner corner, Kei Nishikori's backhand failed to touch the tennis ball.


The first ACE of the two players in the first set gave Gao Wen the third set point.


Gao Wen clenched his fists and shouted. He could feel the powerful impact brought by Kei Nishikori. The confrontation in this round had reached a fever pitch. Therefore, he needed this ACE, such a simple direct score, and this A strong score boosts morale.



Gu Xiao jumped up directly, raised his arms and shouted, and from the corner of his vision, he could see large areas of five-star red flags waving uncontrollably and excitedly, dyeing the entire stadium red, complementing the golden afternoon sun, and the roiling heat wave spread like this .

The third inventory.

Second district, inner corner.

Because of his height and long arms, Kei Nishikori tends to be a little passive when faced with an open-angle serve, but his ability to deal with a close-up serve is much better. Therefore, at the critical moment, Gao Wen still chose to tear the angle. This time It is the inside corner that suppresses Nishikori's forehand.


Kei Nishikori threw himself out and barely hit a forehand, but because the hand felt hot, even a light hit showed a wonderful package. The position of a ball or so within the baseline is very deep.

Gao Wen's position was already squeezed, he hit a rebound ball with his forehand, and compressed the flight time of the tennis ball with the fastest reaction.

He's also changing the pace of the batting transition.

The arc control of tennis is also good. It also falls one step away from the forehand in the middle and also presses on the bottom line, showing Gao Wen's unbeatable touch and ball feel. Lack of rotation prevents further extrusion through the spheroid.

Kei Nishikori quickly adjusted a few small Not only did he not retreat, but he also took the initiative to take a small half step forward, bumping into it with his best way of grabbing the ascending point, and then gently flipped his forehand outward , drew a backslash, and quickly rushed towards Gao Wen's backhand position near the sideline.


The tennis ball is fast and flat, and although it lacks the penetrating power of power, it is fast and light, passing through like a bolt of lightning.

Gao Wen completed the pre-judgment ahead of time, and was quickly sprinting towards his backhand to make up the defense. Immediately afterwards, Kei Nishikori could be seen pressing on the net, and the physical pressure was like a stormy sea.



The sun all over the sky began to burn, and the heat wave was overwhelming.

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