Match Point - Chapter 1474

Chapter 1474

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With a straight backhand, attacking instead of defending, Gao Wen has already reversed the situation and regained some advantage with just one shot.

However, Wawrinka is still not to be underestimated. He has made early predictions and moved in advance, further pushing the tension of the confrontation to a new extreme.

really! Wawrinka's prediction was accurate. After Gao Wen gradually became familiar with Wawrinka's hitting line, Wawrinka also had an interpretation of Gao Wen's hitting habits.

Seeing Gao Wen stepping up to the bottom line to grab the rising point, Wawrinka realized that Gao Wen was going to change the line first to break the balance.

Tap, tap, tap.

Wawrinka is burning, his speed has been increased to the extreme, and he has rushed there in a flash, but his movement speed is still a little bit lacking, and his footsteps are about half a step shorter.

what to do?


No, Wawrinka is still Wawrinka, refusing to slide passively to defend at this time, but kicked his feet, took off with a run-up, and rose into the air.



He volleyed, his forehand was like whipping a whip, and hammered from top to bottom with the force of thunder. He bought time and created space through the take-off action abruptly, and beat towards the dead corner in a straight line. .five

Wait, straight line?


Gao Wen was startled, he had just started to move towards the right and made an emergency brake, stopped and turned sharply, turned around and swooped like a scorpion wagging its tail.


Facing Wawrinka's shot, Gawain's attention was completely concentrated. This time the shot was heavy and punchy, with great force, and it was a top-down underspin ball. After landing, it was almost towards Gawain. The knee position drilled over.

Bad, bad, bad.

Usually facing such an incoming ball, the best way is to retreat to allow enough space, wait for the tennis ball to bounce back to a suitable height, and then complete the hit.

But Gao Wen had no time to retreat now.

Gao Wen's brain was very clear, and he reacted immediately.

Bend your knees and squat down with your center of gravity completely lowered.

The two-handed backhand creates the effect of hitting the wall, bouncing the ball back to the tennis ball, and relying on the power of the wrist to complete a push.


The tennis ball already pulls a high arc and flies diagonally.


Across the audience.

The only pity was that Gao Wen had no control over the space, so the strength and speed of returning the ball was very ordinary, wobbling across the entire field.

Gao Wen clearly knew that Wawrinka still had the possibility of hitting the ball later, so he didn't hesitate in his steps


Damn it! The knee really has no strength, and it is difficult to push off the ground. It is difficult to grasp enough reaction force, and the connection of the whole reaction will naturally slow down.

A rush!

Both legs seem to be filled with lead, but the two calves are like noodles. The feeling of moving one deep and one shallow is not too sour.

Small steps, continuous small steps.

With all his attention, Gawain returned to the center of the court, kept his footsteps mobile, and stared at Wawrinka intently.

Wawrinka's footsteps were a little lacking again. Compared with Gao Wen's, his movement problems were about the same, and maybe even worse.

But Wawrinka's upper body strength is very good. Even if his feet can't help, he can use his upper body strength to complete unreasonable offenses.

As it is now.

The footsteps are not enough, and it depends on the extension of the body to reach it. However, even if it is enough to hit the ball, the one-handed backhand actually draws a straight line and flies along the sideline.

Artists are bold.

Not only choose a straight line, but also hit the ball directly to the corners and corners.

On the third match point, from the serve, Wawrinka showed unparalleled courage and firmness.

On the opposite side of the net, Gao Wen continued to run towards the right immediately, but

Insufficient kicking power causes the feet to walk as if on a trampoline.

No, Gawain immediately realized that his movement might be a little lacking

There should be no problem in rushing to complete the shot, but the transition ball has no threat, which basically means giving up the offensive opportunity to Wawrinka.

With one dash and one kick, Gao Wen sprinted and took off like a triple jump. His forehand extended along the inertia of the run-up, and a big windmill hit him in a circle.


Got it!

Gao Wen grabbed the correct hitting point, and controlled the line with a flick of his wrist, and hit the tennis ball back in a straight line again.


The whole audience, dumbfounded

The two players, Gao Wen and Wawrinka, not only launched an attack with full firepower, but also aimed at the corners and corners every time they scored a super-difficult attack.

Most importantly, all are within bounds!

limit! limit! The limit above the limit, the limit beyond the limit, both players are constantly challenging themselves.

Moreover, this is the final set! This is still the match point after five hours!

The wonderful strong duel calmed down all the turmoil in the audience. The collision between strong and strong caused the balance to never be broken. Either side has a slight advantage but can immediately feel the opponent's strong counterattack. You come and go, the bayonet sees red The contest stretched the rubber band to the extreme.

It is in danger and may break at any time. However, the confrontation intensity of the two players is still rising and rising, breaking free from layers of shackles.

The brain is completely shut down, not to mention the Philippe Chatrier stadium, even the audience in front of the TV has forgotten to breathe at this moment.

The back straight ball from Gao Wen's repeated landings broke Wawrinka's balance again.

Wawrinka, who had already returned to the forehand position, stopped abruptly at UU Reading and turned around. It was obvious that Wawrinka also lacked the strength to push the ground, so that his footsteps slipped a bit, which also caused The footsteps fell further behind.

Fallen. Fallen.

Wawrinka adjusted his body in small steps several times in a row, barely controlled his body, but still couldn't stand still, like a bull wearing roller skates.

However, Wawrinka could no longer take care of it, and stared at the tennis ball intently.

With his left leg, he stepped on the ground violently, and he could even clearly see the billowing air waves flying in the dust. It was like an angry elephant, and he forcibly controlled his body.

The counteraction of stepping on the ground spirals upwards from the soles of the feet in an electric posture, the body turns and thumps, and the one-handed backhand has already been thrown out.

But this is still not over. Wawrinka's entire chest is fully opened, and he continues to swing clockwise along the direction of rotation. His hands are stretched to the extreme like rocs spreading their wings. The hot sweat is pulled by the centrifugal force and flies all over the sky. The halo exploded and ignited the audience at the same time.



Wawrinka has completely roared, and the tennis ball is almost about to explode.


The epee strikes.


Slash, piercing the court.

His scalp was numb and his whole body was trembling. Under the extreme state, Wawrinka also made a breakthrough again. He completely gave up defense and launched a powerful counterattack with offense. His incredible shots and unparalleled execution flourished in this piece of red soil in Roland Garros The light shows the variability and tenacity of the red clay to the fullest.

Tennis, like a storm, sweeps across the court mighty and vigorously, pushing the limit of strength and speed to a new height again.

However, on the opposite side of the court, that blue figure like a gust of wind was still moving across the court.

Run, sprint... focus and burn.

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