Match Point - Chapter 1473

Chapter 1473

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The fingertips were slightly damp, with a layer of shallow but hot sweat seeping out, and one could feel the damp from the palm of the hand after clenching his fists a little.

But Pu Lan didn't have time to take care of this matter right now. He just clenched his fists and then clenched his fists, exhausting all his strength, praying silently for Gao Wen.

In fact, Pu Lan wanted to run away, every cell in his body was screaming "run away, run away", but his feet were firmly nailed in place and could not move.

Immediately afterwards, she wanted to close her eyes again, as if she no longer had the courage to continue watching, every second was a torment, but she forced herself to open her eyes

Gawain is still fighting, isn't he?

If Gawain's battle is still going on, she should continue to fight together. Gawain has gone through the match point test eight times before, and it is the same for the ninth time. Even if her heart bursts, she will stand unswervingly behind Gawain.

They, fight together.

Pooran forced himself to stare at the TV screen, staring intently and holding his breath.

She believes that Wawrinka should also be nervous. After all, there will only be one match point left after three consecutive match points.

Fans who are familiar with tennis should know that when faced with three consecutive break points or three consecutive game points, the first two points are relatively easy, but the difficulty of the third point is directly turned up ten times and a hundred times. Regardless of the situation, everything becomes subtle.

Now, it is even more so. For Wawrinka and Gao Wen, this third match point is the most important and most dangerous critical moment.

There is no room for error.

Just imagining it makes my heart tremble uncontrollably.

Wawrinka, serve

Second district, one shot.


With a speed of 193 kilometers per hour, Wawrinka speeded up and gave it a go on the first shot.

Obviously, Wawrinka is also aware of the weight of this point. At this moment, he showed his courage and courage, and boldly chose to flat serve, not only speeding up, but also hitting tricky points, launching an all-round attack

And, it's in the zone.


up close.

At the most critical moment, Wawrinka chose to press the serve with a relatively low frequency today, instead of relying on the serve to directly resolve the battle

After all, in the last serve to win the game, Wawrinka tried to rely on the serve to kill, but instead sent his serve with a double fault.

The same mistake, Wawrinka refused to repeat it, and showed great confidence in his attack. worked!

Serving the ball quickly and urgently, it slammed into Gao Wen's body vigorously. Although there was no spin, the powerful tail force was vented down.

Gao Wen couldn't completely let go of his footsteps, and barely relied on his backhand to push in front of his body. The upper body leaned back to help his arms complete a small-scale push, but everything happened too quickly.

After a short contact, the tennis ball was knocked out by the reaction force.


The tennis ball arcs high and flies towards the deep center of Wawrinka's left half, about one and a half steps away from the midpoint of the court's baseline. This is a bad landing point, and Wawrinka can attack directly. .

Gawain was highly concentrated, his muscles tensed, and he tiptoed lightly.

In fact, Gao Wen no longer has much physical strength, and his footsteps have long since lost their lightness and agility. It is also very, very difficult to maintain a flexible center of gravity. Mobility

straight line? slash?

Gao Wen's eyes were fixed on Wawrinka. This was not the first time in this game. Wawrinka relied on serving to establish an advantage, and then launched a stormy attack, scoring with an incredible offensive touch.

But Gao Wen is clear:

He is tired, and Wawrinka is also tired, especially Wawrinka who keeps taking the initiative to attack consumes more. The quality of the current offense must not be compared with the first two sets; and his defensive prediction has also adapted

The intensity of the rhythm has been reduced, so he still has a chance.

Sideways forehand slash!

Gao Wen, caught it.

His pupils shrank, and his footsteps moved quickly to his left.


Wawrinka moved sideways to clear the space, hit a lightning-like slash attack with his forehand, and rushed towards Gawain's backhand mightily.

Kick off! The knees were slightly weak, and the strength of the left leg to support and push the ground was a little insufficient, and it even slipped slightly on the clay.

Damn it!

Turn! Although he couldn't stand on his feet anymore, his movements of swinging and turning were still very firm, and he relied on his own strength to complete the blow.

Grit your teeth!

Swinging the racket, hitting the ball, attacking with force, the remaining energy is not reserved at all, burning, burning heartily and recklessly, just focus on the point in front of you, and play to the extreme.

ah! Ahhh!

With a backhand slash, force against force, violence against violence, Gao Wen threw his whole body straight out, backhanding the ball quickly with both hands.


The tennis ball, with the attitude of sparks hitting the earth, crossed the court and quickly fell towards Wawrinka's left sideline. The mighty tail is enough to illuminate the world.

Wawrinka's footsteps were obviously squeezed, but he still refused to retreat, and met Gawain's two-handed backhand head-on with a one-handed backhand.


Wawrinka also exerted his strength, stretched and smooth, chic but violent, his entire chest was fully opened, and he hit back with a one-handed backhand.

Sweat, dust, and energy exploded together with the shredded tennis **** under the seemed to detonate a mushroom cloud.



Wawrinka used fast to fast, compressing the rhythm and time of the round as much as possible, hitting back directly with a backhand slash, repeating the continuous pressure of the line.

Wawrinka's idea is undoubtedly correct, forming a suppression with rhythm; but it still does not take into account the overall situation. At this time, Gao Wen's mobility has declined, and his shots in the moving state are often easy to miss. Wawrinka's repeated hits Instead, the ball went into the tiger's mouth, gaining breathing space for Gao Wen.

On the surface, Wawrinka's backhand slash is violent and chic enough to launch a full-scale attack; however, such an attack is an opportunity for Gawain to counterattack.

Gao Wen, how could I miss it!

However, Gawain didn't back down, not only didn't he, but also stepped forward, his body was protesting, his brain was protesting, and even the exhaustion and pain deep in his soul were also protesting, but Gawain didn't waver at all, his eyes showed a murderous look Dodge, completely detonated the small universe, and shot decisively and directly.

Grab the rising point!

The whole audience exclaimed, and the silent exclamation stirred up a billowing air wave that swept the audience.

Including Wawrinka, "Oops!"

Immediately, Wawrinka started, and sprinted towards the empty space on the entire court on his right. His quick footsteps were like stepping on a hot wheel. It was almost invisible, except for a gust of wind across the court.

Wawrinka fought hard, burning the small universe, because he knew that if he didn't fight hard at this time, maybe this game would leave regrets that he would never be able to forgive himself

"Backhand Straight".

Gawain's famous stunt, unsheathing the long sword, cut through the dark clouds over the Philippe Chatier Stadium at this moment, and a ray of skylight fell down.

Surprised everyone.


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