Match Point - Chapter 1245

Chapter 1245

Match Point


Bob exclaimed, just after serving, his calf muscles exploded, and his body moved forward along the serving posture, quickly surfing the net.

However, the footsteps have barely left the ground, and the next moment you notice the kaleidoscopic changes in the field, everything is too fast, just three touches.

Bob has already seen the figure of Dimitrov diving and flying to complete a high-point volley, and his one-handed backhand is like a white-clothed swordsman completing a fatal blow.

Obviously, Dimitrov has been waiting for an opportunity, and his reaction is very quick, leaving no room for Mike and Bob at all.


Mike didn't have a controllable return arc, and was directly slapped down by Dimitrov, hitting the ground quickly and hard.


This is still not over.

The red earth devoured most of the volley's power, blasted a flower on the ground with a high-speed rotation, and then flew towards Bob's position.

Bob was surfing the Internet, and when he didn't want to, he was hit by a car crash. He couldn't stretch his body in a hurry, but Bob still blocked the shot reflexively.


The audience took a deep breath.

Caught it.

In a hurry, Bob only relied on instinct and touch to intercept a shot, and unexpectedly blocked Dimitrov's shot, and then the tennis ball rose again.

Everything, deja vu.

Because in the last point, Gao Wen completed such a shot, and successfully passed the ball and fell within the bottom line.

Now, Bob has also shown his doubles talent, and the development of conditioned reflex nerves once again pulled the Bryan brothers back from the edge of the cliff.

Tennis, into the sun.

Dimitrov is moving.

Gao Wen and Mike were also on the move.

On the court, the situation is everywhere.

Continuous small steps of movement control, the four players stared at the tennis ball with all four pairs of eyes, quickly adjusted, trying to regain the initiative.

found it!

Dimitrov took the lead in capturing the trajectory of the tennis ball, retreated in small steps, and found the hitting point on the falling track of the tennis ball.


Kick off.

take off.

With a standard backward jump, Dimitrov's body was completely stretched out, and he found the hitting point at a position 30 degrees behind his head.


This time, Bob's control of the arc of the bouncing ball is passive, which is different from the active control of Gao Wen's half-high ball in the past. The rotation and arc are different.

The final shot quality is naturally no longer one level.

Dimitrov, caught.


The core strength of the waist and abdomen exploded in an all-round way, and the roar was also released, and then Dimitrov's body could be seen folding quickly.

Comprehensive and powerful.

Although his body was vacant and unable to get support from the lower body, Dimitrov also showed his talent at this time, relying purely on the strength of his waist and abdomen and the feeling of his wrist, he pressed the tennis ball down hard.

Like a heavy hammer.


The tennis ball, over Mike, over Bob, landed in the joint between the Bryan brothers, a gap, and hit it accurately.

High pressure, score.


The audience burst into thunderous applause and cheers.

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Match Point

From the line of sight, you can see that the audience could no longer control their excitement and excitement, they left their seats one after another, raised their arms and shouted, and the sound burst out like this.



Match point, win.

The game is over.






The audience roared.

For the audience, they obviously don't want the match to end like this. They look forward to the continuation of the duel, and they look forward to continuing to enjoy the match, a little longer, a little longer. Such an intense and good-looking game is really rare, not many Well, no one wants the game to end early.


And who can be harsh? And who can complain?

At the end of the game, every point of the duel was so exciting and so intense. The close-to-hand combat and the bayonet battle really pushed the game to a new level

It is precisely because of this that the audience is reluctant to leave the game, and it is also precisely because of this that they have nothing to complain about.

This situation has surpassed the outcome itself, truly showing the charm of the doubles event; moreover, it also showed the charm of the clay court.

In the end, the combination of Gao Wen and Dimitrov, who had a richer and better understanding of clay, won the victory in straight sets.

"6:2", "6:4".

Perhaps, the game was over, and the final set that the audience was looking forward to did not appear, which made people feel unsatisfied and reluctant to part, but this 90-minute duel was already worth the ticket price.

It is conceivable that after going back today, people will continue to discuss and reminisce about this game, and the aftertaste will last for a while.

Cheers and shouts, applause and whistles resounded through the audience, burning mightily.

on the court

Dimitrov also clenched his fists and shouted. He jumped up high and turned to look at Gawain. His eyes were shining brightly under the sun.


Dimitrov growled.


Dimitrov really desperately needed such a win.

It doesn't matter even if it's a doubles match, they beat the Bryan brothers, no doubt the top players, no doubt the peak duel, such a victory always brings more confidence.

Competitive sports is something like this -

Winning will become a habit, and losing will also become a habit. Once the inertia of victory is interrupted, it will take a while to regain the continuous rhythm of victory. Get used to it and get back the rhythm of victory.

In fact, there is no need to give specific examples, as the Brian brothers in front of us are like this. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

No. 1 in the world in doubles, but this season has been unable to find the rhythm of victory. In the clay court season, it started with two consecutive losses and is in a bad situation.

The same is true for Dimitrov. He has been struggling for a long time. Although his mentality is getting back on track, he still needs such a game and such a victory to establish the feeling of key points.

Victory is indeed exciting.

Gao Wen was no exception.

This is the first time in his career that he has defeated the Bryan Brothers. Although doubles events are not his main business, any form of challenge is exciting; at the same time, this is his first victory against a top player on clay. Hard switch to clay, still a lot to learn

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Match Point

To be sure, victory can bring more positive effects.

Gao Wen didn't expect that his first victory against the Bryan brothers would come from clay. Is this a pleasant surprise?

A smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Gawain stood at the same place, and he could see Dimitrov rushing forward with a happy brow. He opened his arms and gave Gawain a big hug. Laughter and cheers surged in his chest. Words can clearly feel the happiness from the heart.


"Gao Wen, beautiful!"

Dimitrov yelled over and over again, every cell in his body was cheering, jumping and screaming, this feeling really hasn't been seen for a long time.

And who can refuse the taste of victory?

(end of this chapter)