Match Point - Chapter 1244

Chapter 1244

match point.

Second district, one shot.

Bob chose the most classic and common "outside corner press backhand" routine, whether it is singles or doubles, this tactic can give full play to its effect.

Moreover, on the edge of the cliff, Bob also showed his ability to press the bottom of the box and hit the serve vigorously. The quality is very, very good, forming a powerful impact.

The speed is 205 kilometers per hour.

Some people may say that the speed of 200 kilometers per hour is just over 200 kilometers per hour, which is nothing compared to those serving cannons like Isner and Raonic. Their service speed is only 220 kilometers per hour, which is fast Heavy, that's where it gets really tricky, and Bob's serve really doesn't rank well.

This is obviously sarcastic.

Those who said these words did not realize that the speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour is a major threat in the first place. There are not as many players with a serve speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour in the singles arena. Far from being as many as imagined, only Federer's average serving speed of the Big Four can reach Such a level, and it's not often that Federer maintains such a strong serve posture.

At the same time, this is a doubles arena. In addition to Bob's serve pressure, there is also Mike's front-of-net pressure, which puts further pressure on the receiving side. Especially Mike is good at layout, change, and front-of-net. From the technical and tactical levels Actually, he's the brains of Brother Bryan.

It is precisely because of this that Bob's serve can often create a greater threat.

Just like this time.

Gao Wen was under tremendous pressure.

He is already mentally prepared, Bob will definitely give it a go on the match point, but the actual situation is still higher than expected, Bob has indeed burned the small universe.

At the same time, from the corner of the eye, you can also see Mike taking small steps and keeping his center of gravity flexible. He is ready to grab the net at any time.

Pressure, layer upon layer.

but see-

Gao Wen, take your time.

In fact, if you observe carefully, you can notice that Gao Wen's position for receiving the serve is half a step back than usual.

Half a step, it's not obvious, if you don't observe carefully, you won't find it.

However, this half-step gave Gao Wen more leisurely and generous time to receive the serve, especially on clay

This is not all.

Kick off.



The moment Bob served, Gawain retreated half a step again. Although Gao Wen was not sure whether Bob could enter the zone with the first serve, or where Bob's serve would land, Gawain had already made sufficient mental preparations. , By postponing the footsteps, simulating Nadal's way to gain more space for hitting the ball.

half a step.

Another half step.

Cumulatively, Gao Wen's receiving position was a whole step back from the initial start. Obviously, this was a long-planned receiving tactic.

As a result, Gao Wen's position from the bottom line was extended to about three meters

Compared with Nadal, it is nothing at all.

When Nadal played on the Roland-Garros Center Court, he often opened the distance to four meters or even five meters to receive the serve; later Tim imitated Nadal, and the receiving position on the clay was also extended to about four meters.

On television, when they appear below the screen, they may be barely visible.

Distance, which is space, is also time.

Gawain's retreat won enough space for himself.

Move laterally.

step. two steps.

And then... three steps.

Bob's serve accurately landed in the small triangle area, and served from a large outside corner, which directly pulled Gao Wen's footsteps near the doubles line, making full use of the court space.

But Gao Wen was still in place smoothly, and he set up his backhand with both hands early, ready to meet the challenge.

The problem is that stepping back wins the space and time for hitting the ball, but it also means that it is more difficult to exert force and more difficult to control the parabola.

Gao Wen glanced at the positions of Mike and Bob out of the corner of his eye, and quickly shot backhands with both hands.

flat hit?



Gao Wen clearly knew that his stance would make it more difficult to exert force, so he simply gave up exerting force, and backhanded with both hands to pull out a strong topspin.

The swing speed is not fast, but the contact between the racket line and the tennis ball is very sufficient. The strong friction mobilizes the tennis ball, and the rotation is mobilized at a high speed.


Go around.

at the same time-

straight line.

It turned out to be a straight line.

At this time, Gao Wen's return and serve tactics finally unveiled the mystery. Just like Gao Wen's habit, he once again showed his big heart to break the deadlock at the critical moment.


It can be seen that Bob's flat serve from the outside corner did not go beyond Gao Wen's judgment. Even though Gao Wen was not prepared to predict, he was not surprised at all, so he relied on retreating to open up space to win the swing space. There is no blind force, but to make full use of space friction and topspin.

And, take advantage of the trend to complete the line change.

After opening up the space, Gao Wen was still very busy, and there were many details hidden in the hitting action, and then, the super topspin shot flew out along a straight line.



Use softness to overcome rigidity.

No one expected that Gao Wen, facing Bob's strong serve, finally fought back in such a way.

In front of the net, Mike panicked.

In fact, when restoring the entire tactic, Mike also faintly anticipated the possibility of Gao Wen challenging the straight line

Throughout the game, both sides' return and serve were mainly based on oblique lines, but at critical moments, Gao Wen did occasionally challenge the straight line. Sometimes he succeeded and sometimes he made a mistake, and the success rate was average.

Therefore, Mike is also wary of this beat.

Standing in front of the net, Mike made a fake move to grab the net and volley, trying to draw the attention of Gawain and Dimitrov, but the center of gravity remained flexible, and there was no problem with moving left and right.

So the moment Gao Wen hit the ball, Mike moved to his right.

straight line.

Mike, even though he was a little bit embarrassed, his footsteps still appeared in the straight line gap smoothly. In the tactical game of you come and go, Mike did not lose the wind.

It's a pity that Mike has calculated thousands of times and missed a little bit:


Gawain's strong topspin brought out turbulent friction. Mike's body had been fully extended, and he stopped with his forehand, and then he felt the impact of the violent rotation.

Shot control is noticeably affected.

Mike tried his best to press down, but still couldn't fully digest Gawain's rotation


Damn red clay.

Obviously, Gao Wen made full use of the bounce of the clay, even counting Bob's serve, and then evolved the friction characteristics of the clay into spin.

When Mike hits the ball, the spin has not been fully released, but after the ball is off the bat, the spin continues to be released, and the parabola rises high.


Mike watched the upward arc of the tennis ball, and his heart contracted suddenly.

Alarm bells were ringing.

But before he had time to exclaim, Mike saw Dimitrov moving in small steps continuously, and immediately appeared on the flight track of the tennis ball.

chain meter.

For this ball, Gao Wen actually used a chain trick, Brother Bryan was plotting against them, and why weren't they plotting against Brother Bryan?

Kick off.

take off.


Dimitrov, dressed in fluttering white, was unrestrained and unrestrained. With every step and burst, his body was already flying into the air, and he directly intercepted it with a one-handed backhand.


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