Match Point - Chapter 1021

Chapter 1021

"Real life, always."

"Some people are always trying to criticize, whether they win or lose, they always have a lot of excuses to condemn and attack, but do you believe it?"

"Those voices of attack always seem to come from the losers, because they desperately need such an opportunity to prove their poor sense of existence, and they are afraid that if they slow down a little bit, they will expose their weakness and failure. The louder and fiercer they are, the more It's a guilty conscience."

"They never know how to cherish happiness and respect others. They demand that everyone be perfect, trying to cover up their embarrassment and ugliness in such a way, as if as long as others are not perfect, their shortcomings will become okay Bear."

"The nihility and impetuosity of the Internet has exacerbated this."

"I think you should be very aware of this, so your social network accounts are all run by a professional team, and you never cared about it yourself, right?"

Gao Wen quietly stared at the screen of the mobile phone. The messages from Pu Lan jumped out one after another, and the eloquent content was continuously transmitted.

Somewhat miraculously, those words were all a bunch of cold data without any vitality, but he could feel the warmth behind the words.

And power.

Involuntarily, the heavy weight on his chest lightened, and along with that, the arc of the corner of his mouth also rose.

"Ha, got caught."

Gao Wen replied, but was pushed to the top of the screen by Pu Lan's news in a blink of an eye, kept swiping the screen, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Not surprising."

"If someone still believes you're a social networker, it means he doesn't know anything about you."

Pause for a moment.

Pu Lan also seemed to be aware of the possibility of ambiguity in this sentence that blurted out without thinking, revealing some of his true inner thoughts.

So, the "input" dialog box lasted for a while.




disappeared again.

Gawain just looked at the screen like this, and seemed to be able to feel Pu Lan who was struggling and sighing in front of the screen of another mobile phone across thousands of mountains and rivers.

Gao Wen wasn't nervous or anxious, on the contrary, he was in a happy mood, and laughter gently surged in his chest.

Then, the message finally came.

"In short!"

"I mean, I want to be able to tell you that no matter what happens, I stand behind you."

"Compared to those who attack those who slander those pressures, you should know that there are still people who hold beliefs, believe in you, and support you."

one second. two seconds. There was a pause.

"Because we are friends."

He obviously only had the words in front of him, and obviously couldn't see the other person's expression, but Gao Wen could feel Pu Lan's struggle from a pause and a sentence.

There may even be annoyance and regret at this moment, the last sentence, are you sure there is no silver three hundred taels here?

These words really just come from... "friends"?

Meanwhile, Paris.

Pulan, dumbfounded.

Looking at the last sentence at the bottom of the phone screen, I opened my mouth wide, and there was no response for a long, long time. My brain seemed to be malfunctioning and unable to function.


Finally, with a howl, Pulan buried his head deeply between his hands:

Superfluous! This is definitely superfluous! It was as if he was afraid that Gao Wen would not realize his true inner thoughts!


How could she be so stupid!



Pulan raised his head suddenly, clicked on the message quickly, trying to withdraw, because he was too eager, he was in a hurry, and then the message was refreshed.

"Hey, hey, what's going on?"


Gao Wen was typing, and he had obviously seen Pu Lan's last sentence.

Pulan felt that he urgently needed the amnestic device in "The Man in Black", and wondered if he could borrow it, so he just borrowed it!

"Have you seen the movie 'Walk With Me'?"


Pulan was taken aback for a moment, this was not the same as his expected reply, why did the topic change track? I can't relate to this context.

But Pulan didn't hesitate, and replied, "No."

"The movie tells the story of four 12-year-old troubled teenagers who go to the forest together to find the body of a 12-year-old boy of the same age."

"It said in the movie that although I haven't seen him for ten years, I know that I will miss him forever. I never made friends as good as those when I was twelve years old."

"The friendship when we were young is always simple and pure. Although we were not twelve years old when we met, I am still glad to know you."

"So, thanks."

"Thank you for your willingness to walk with me, and thank you for your willingness to believe in me. Today, I need such words more than ever. Because I know how difficult and precious those friendships and bonds are."

"Wait, I need to confirm, you should be more than twelve years old, right?"

"Otherwise, I think our conversation might be inappropriate, er, I delete the chat history now, is there still time?"


Pulan didn't hold back, and laughed out loud with a flutter. That guy is like this, even if he is having fun in bitterness, he can still find a positive and optimistic spirit.

"Yes, I am very sure and sure, I am not twelve years old. By the way, let me tell you a secret, I am actually an adult."

Unknowingly, the words typed on the keyboard also become playful. Even if you can't hear the sound, you can still feel the lightness behind the words.

The same is true for the reply sent from the other end of the phone.

"Phew. Then I'm relieved."

"So, what I want to say is that even though we were not twelve years old when we met, I am very glad that I can become friends with you."

"Ten years ago, I didn't know you, you didn't belong to me, and we were still the same, walking by the side of a stranger and walking the familiar streets."

"Ten years later, maybe we are still friends, maybe not, but I will always miss that day, after I lost an important game, there was someone who was with me to be sad, lost and bewildered."

"I will miss this afternoon forever."


Simple words, but Pu Lan read it again, again, and again.

ten years.

Involuntarily she followed the text on the phone screen to start imagining, where were they ten years ago? Where will they be ten years from now?

"Accompanying a stranger", Pu Lan read this sentence over and over again, and seemed to be able to deeply feel the lightness and complexity behind the words. I couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.



The heart beat violently, it was too strong and strong, as if it was about to jump out of his chest, and Pu Lan could hardly breathe.

Up and down, fast and slow, an uncontrollable emotion, mixed with restlessness, excitement, apprehension, throbbing and jumping, rampaging in the chest cavity, but the corners of the mouth raised uncontrollably, just like this The ground rose up, and there was an urge to scream and cheer.

So, is this the feeling of heartbeat?
