Match Point - Chapter 1020

Chapter 1020



Outside the library, the breeze blew the treetops, and there were bursts of noise. It was not noisy, but it set off the quietness of the library more and more, and the whole world slowed down.

Usually, Pu Lan always likes such an environment. The library is like a paradise, where he escapes the turbulence of the city for a short time and finds a piece of peace.

But today, this kind of silence made the sound of chaotic beating of the heart more and more obvious, so that Pu Lan frequently lost his mind, and it was difficult for him to concentrate.

His eyes stayed on the book in front of him, but after ten minutes passed, he still stayed on the first line, and he didn't even have a concept of what the first line said.

Think about it.

Pullan picked up the phone again

Her personality is always bold, straightforward, straightforward and even adventurous. Restrained and timid has never been her style of conduct.

She shouldn't hold back because of those wild thoughts and worries about gains and losses. She is still upright and upright, and she should speak out loudly if she cares.

This time, Pulan didn't hesitate any longer, one message after another.

"If you want someone to talk to, I'm right here."

"I don't know competitive sports, but I know that even as a spectator, watching the game is almost suffocating. It is hard for me to imagine the pressure you need to face."

"Also, I can be 100% sure and certain that I don't like losing, and losing is not good at any time."

"Of course, I'm not saying 'win is the only', 'the winner is king', 'lose is lost' and the like, but to say that losing is bitter and difficult, even if we understand that competitive sports have more than winning. There are many, many things that are worth cherishing and paying attention to, but..."

"I have to admit that every loss breaks my heart."

"I can't be sure about your current state and thoughts, but I just want to say that if you need someone to talk to, I am here."

"However, you don't need to pay too much attention to it. If you don't want to, it doesn't matter. There is no need to force it."

"I think."

"What I really want to say is that I'm your friend and I'm by your side no matter what happens."


After a gust of wind and rain, Pu Lan finally poured out all the disturbing thoughts in his mind, sincere and frank, without concealment or reservation.

Looking at his eloquent information, Pu Lan thought he would be annoyed and regretted, but in fact

not at all.

Not only did she not, but Pulan was glad that she did so, because she cared, so she had to express her concern, otherwise she might explode.

Literally speaking, when the time comes, the library will be covered with plasma, which will increase the daily workload of the cleaners.


In the dialog box, the familiar prompt appeared again, and this time, before Pulan had time to feel uneasy, the message had already been sent directly.

"So, you watched the game live today? Sorry to break your heart."

In just a short sentence, Pu Lan seemed to be able to see the face behind the words, with a slight smile, and a sly light in his eyes, as if the air was filled with joy.

The smile on the corner of Pu Lan's mouth rose lightly, and he quickly replied, "You can still joke now, it seems that you are really fine."

In the dialog box, Gawain's reply appeared very quickly. This time, the speed was obviously much faster. Pulan became quiet and did not interrupt Gawain.

"To be precise, I don't know how to describe my current mood."

"Actually, at the end of the game, I was not sad, a little bit bitter and a little bit lost, but not disappointed."

"In this game, I really did my best, and I have no regrets. Roger performed even better. He deserves this victory."

"At that time, there was only one thought in my mind, 'Okay, there is a new challenge next, if I try my best and I still can't win the game, on the one hand, it proves that Roger performed better, on the other hand, it also proves that I am still there. There's room for improvement' and that's a good thing."

"Oh yeah!"

"I was really close to cheering."

Seeing this, Pulan couldn't hold back for a moment, and chuckled lightly.

But immediately after, Pu Lan noticed that all the bustling people in the library were projecting their eyes, and they were condemning with their eyes, which made Pu Lan quickly lower his head.

Pullan, "Oh yeah!"

She quickly posted an emoji of Scissorhands, joining Gao Wen's cheering ranks, and then, a smile overflowed from the corners of her mouth and eyes.

In the past, what Pu Lan hated the most were people who texted and played with mobile phones in the library, because playing with mobile phones can be done anytime and anywhere, so why come to the library specially?

Pulan also didn't expect that one day, she was becoming the type of person she hated the most, and realizing this

She thought for a while, then quickly packed her things, stuffed everything into her schoolbag, and left the library on tiptoe.

Perhaps, the library can wait, there are more important things now.

The footsteps did not go far.

Pu Lan was at the shaded corner of the library entrance, found a place to avoid disturbing others, sat down, took out his cell phone, and looked down.


Gao Wen's news continued.

"However, in the post-match press conference, the reporters emphasized over and over again what the loss represented."

"Once again! Again! And again and again from different angles."

"Believe me, I know the tactics of the reporters, and I know the intentions of the reporters. I know everything, and I will never step into the trap easily."

"However, the problem is that even lies, after being told a hundred times, become true. They repeat themselves like flies so many times that I also feel that this is the end of the world."

"Of course, I know it's not. If this is the end of the world, they won't be able to survive anyway. We are lucky enough to witness the end of the world together and then destroy it together. That would be interesting, so no one has lost."


Looking at Gao Wen's words, Pu Lan couldn't help but smile on the corner of her mouth. She could feel the lightness and playfulness of Gao Wen's joy in suffering, and also feel the melancholy and loss of Gao Wen's carelessness. When she smiled, the corners of her mouth drooped Down, his eyes gradually calmed down, revealing a little sadness

She could feel Gao Wen's loneliness.

In Melbourne Park, all the host audience stood on the opposite side of Gao However, he withstood the pressure.

After Melbourne, all reporters around the world are watching Gao Wen, looking forward to his failure, his fall, and his collapse, not because they hate Gao Wen, but because of the explosive point, because of the gimmick, because of the entertainment, to death, a little Distorting Gao Wen in their eyes a little, the pressure is everywhere.

It is a fact that it will be the top of the mountain and look at the small mountains.

But at the same time, it is also true that the heights are extremely cold.

Pu Lan's eyes fell on the phone screen, and then he saw Gao Wen's last message.

"However, the truth is the truth, but the reality is another matter. It is also difficult for me to describe how I feel now. So, sorry, I didn't reply to your message just now."

Light words, as always.

However, Pulan can savor the loss and confusion hidden in it.
