Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard - Chapter 475

Chapter 475

Marvel's Hogwarts Wizards Chapter 475 Jerry Buys a House (two more)

"Why do you feel like both of them are laughing with some malicious intent!"

Lucy on the side watched Makarov laughing so happily, and whispered to Mirajan on the side.

She didn't envy Jerry's becoming a guild employee as soon as he came. After all, her dream was to become a wizard of the Fairy Tail guild, to take on missions and start adventures.

If she becomes a guild employee, what is the difference between her being locked at home by her father.

On the other side, the mages in the hall found that the tables and chairs had been restored to their original state under Jerry's magic, and they all gathered around curiously.

When they learned that Jerry's magic was the lost magic arc of time, they all let out a burst of exclamation.

However, when he knew that Jerry became an employee of the guild and would help them solve the troubles that always damage the public finances in the future, he was happy to celebrate again.

In this way, in the joyous atmosphere of the entire guild, both Jerry and Lucy were covered by Mirajane, the exclusive coat of arms of the Fairy Tail guild.

After becoming an official Fairy Tail wizard, Jerry did not stay in the guild for a long time like Lucy, but left the guild first on the grounds of familiarity with the environment.

Since you want to stay in this guild for a long time, you must have a fixed residence. Mirajan said just now that most of the mages in the guild rent houses in Magnolia City, and some with good income have already bought houses. .

Therefore, he also plans to buy a house near the guild by the way.

Of course, buying a house is second, and the most important thing is to go to the magic shops in the city to see if you can buy magic books and some good magic items.

Magnolia City, as the largest magical business capital in the Kingdom of Fiore, has the most magical shops and the most comprehensive magical items.

At that time, the original plan was to choose this city as the first stop, and the most important thing was really not the Fairy Tail Guild, but the reputation of the city's magical business capital.

"Is there still such a small wizard in the guild?"

Just after leaving the gate of the guild, Jerry called to see a child push the door into the guild, but he didn't care too much, just sighed and continued his shopping plan.

tomato novel

According to Mirajane's words, he first found the real estate agency hall in the east, and then reported the identity of the Fairy Tail rookie wizard.

Soon, there was a sweet-looking staff member who came forward to receive him.

As the strongest wizard guild in the kingdom, and the only wizard guild in this magical business capital, the Fairy Tail wizard identity is still somewhat useful in this city.

"Mr. Sorcerer, do you have any requirements for the housing you need to buy?"

The female staff asked with a smile.

Jerry thought for a moment and said:

"There are no special requirements, just be closer to the guild!"

It doesn't matter what the house looks like, anyway, after he gets it, he needs to make magic changes, as long as he is close to the guild, so that he can go to the guild to ask the church master to do magic. The president promised to guide him in magic, of course he wants to do his best. use.

In fact, with his spatial magic, it doesn't matter if the house is far away, but if someone from the guild wants to find him, it's not good if it's too far away.

"Uh... ok!"

Although the female staff was a little surprised that Jerry's request was so simple, after all, buying a house in the magic business capital is not a trivial matter for a magician, especially since the other party is a newbie magician, but she still clapped both hands, cast his own magic.

I saw that a magic circle quickly appeared in the hands of the female staff, and then houses that met Jerry's requirements appeared in front of him.

"It's not a magic business capital. A real estate agent's staff actually knows one or two hands of magic!"

Seeing this, Jerry secretly sighed.

You know, in the port city of Harrugion, he turned around and didn't see an ordinary person who knew magic.

In fact, this is not too uncommon. In such a city, it is not too difficult to buy magic books and learn some simple magic.

Therefore, in most cities, there are many ordinary people who can use magic, but there are not many people who can really use magic to fight and become guild wizards.

Although the profession of magician is quick to pay, it is also very dangerous. If it is not good, it may die in the mission. Not everyone is willing to do it.

Many ordinary people learn magic just to make life easier and to make it easier for them to work.

Just like the female staff member of the real estate agency in front of her, the illusion magic she has learned is just for the convenience of customers to see the details of the house in the lobby, and there is no need to visit the houses one by one, which not only saves time , and greatly increased the transaction rate.

"Just this one!"

After a brief glance, Jerry picked a small two-story house.

There are no high-rise buildings in this world, all the houses are the kind of houses that are similar to small houses.

"So sloppy!"

The female staff member secretly complained, and then continued to ask with a smile:

"Are you paying in installments, or paying in full?"

"One-time payment, how much?"

Jerry's answer didn't hesitate at all.

"One and a half million in total!"

The female staff's eyes lit up.


Jerry took out 1.5 million in cash from the ring space and put it on the table next to him. It made the female staff feel like he didn't take out 1.5 million at all, but took it out. I bought a piece of This made the female staff couldn't help but raise their hearts. Do mages make so much money? She wants to quit her job and go to Fairy Tail for an interview.

But soon, she shook her head and threw out this unrealistic idea. She still knew how much she weighed and how many taels she had, and the wizard was the profession with the largest number of deaths every year in the kingdom, so he couldn't take such a risk.

"Okay, Mr. Jerry, let's contact the current owner of the house here, and then go through some handover procedures and walk through the process. You can get the keys and move in in about two hours!"

"I still have something to do. You can solve the following things. These are extra rewards for you. I'll pick up the keys in two hours, no problem?"

Jerry took out another hundred thousand and put it on the table.

Instead of wasting two hours walking through the process, all he wanted was to go to the magic shop.

Sometimes, when money can do things, why waste time.

"Of course there is no problem, you are busy, I will handle the follow-up questions!"

Seeing the extra 100,000 yuan, the female staff hurriedly responded, fearing that Jerry would not regret taking the money back.

She can earn more than three months' salary in two hours. It's a heck of a lot. How could she refuse!

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