Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard - Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Marvel's Hogwarts Wizards Chapter 474 Worker Jerry (one more)

At this time, Natsu was burying his head in the task of picking a high bounty with Hubby on the bulletin board. He wanted to relieve the now empty wallet, and completely forgot why he brought Jerry to the guild in the first place.

No way, the memory of single-celled organisms is like this, and the group fight just now has exhausted all the brain cells.


A puzzled look appeared on Jerry's face.

How did you join the guild, you are about to become an employee, and is there any difference between a guild employee and a guild wizard?

Mirajan next to him seemed to see Jerry's doubts and took the initiative to explain:

"The wizards of the guild generally need to get rewards through the tasks issued by the guild, and some of these rewards need to be handed over to the guild.

The employees of the guild do not need to take tasks and can also get rewards, and the source of these rewards is to serve the guild, just like me. "

A normal Sorcerer's Guild is like an intermediary company. Most of the profit sources of the intermediary company are intermediary fees. Therefore, the source of income of the Sorcerer's Guild is the commission from the remuneration of the wizards for completing tasks.

Of course, there are also some additional income, such as drinks and food sold in the guild hall, which can also make a lot of money.

It's just that the Fairy Tail Guild is different from other guilds. Compared with the relationship of interests, there is a layer of friendship between partners and the same relationship as relatives.

The president even treated the wizards of the guild as his own children.

Therefore, in order for the wizards of the guild to continuously improve their strength and complete the task, it is similar to the huge indemnity caused by the destruction of public property, and the guild keeps silent.

Therefore, compared to the wealth of other guilds, although Fairy Tail is the largest and strongest guild, the guild that receives the most tasks, completes the most tasks, and gets the most rewards, in fact, it is basically in a deficit every month.

And Jerry's appearance was like a ray of dawn, shining into the guild.

His repairing spell can completely repair the damage caused by the Fairy Tail Wizards, thus saving the guild from a huge fine.

This is why Makarov wanted to recruit Jerry as a guild employee.

It's better to pay Jerry, a guild employee, than to hand over the money to the Magic Council, and every time the Magic Council gets a fine from him, it's actually far more than the money needed to repair those public buildings.

In this way, the guild will not have to worry about financial problems every month.

Hearing Makarov briefly explain the work he needs to do in the future as an employee and the corresponding salary situation, Jerry nodded and agreed without hesitation.

He was not for the generous salary offered by Makarov, but felt that becoming an employee of the guild would be of great help for him to learn the magic of various mages later on.

First of all, after he became a wizard of the guild, he would definitely not take any guild tasks. He was not short of money, and there was no need to waste time to complete many meaningless tasks.

At that time, he would prefer to stay in this magical business capital and study the magic of this world.

But if you don't take the quest all the time, you will definitely be suspicious, and you can't justify it on the bright side. There is no magician who will not take the quest or make money.

Become a Fairy Tail employee, and this problem will be solved naturally.

Fairy Tail employees don't need to take tasks to make money, they only need to take the guild's salary to live.

Secondly, as Makarov said, his job is mainly to repair the damage to some public properties caused by the guild mages during the mission.

So that the guild will not be condemned by the Magic Council and huge fines.

In fact, for him, this might be a way to deal with the guild mages.

Although it is the work of the guild, Jerry appeared to help these wizards solve the problem of damaging public finances, so that the big family of the guild is no longer bullied by the council.

Everyone is absolutely grateful to him, and his favorability will definitely rise.

Over time, he will definitely become an indispensable presence in the guild and become the pillar of the guild.

In this way, it is naturally much easier for him to ask the wizards of the guild for some magic questions.

The magic of this world, although most of the time it is passed down from master to apprentice, does not have a particularly strong perspective.

Because most wizards' magic is not unique, many wizards can, but everyone has their own unique combat skills.

He doesn't need to ask about their combat skills, he just needs to learn the principles of those magics.

Really rare magic, similar to lost magic, is not rare because it is not rumored, but mainly because there are too few talented people who can learn it, which makes it very rare.

There is also dragon slaying magic like Natsu. You go to him and he will teach you 100% without charging any fees, but the key magic is basically impossible to practice without the help of dragons.

The last point is that this work does not need to waste any time for him at all.

If there is a situation, the president will definitely notify him, and then he will directly open a portal to the destination, and then fix it with a repair spell, which may be solved in two minutes.

He knows space magic, but he doesn't need to take a train or carriage to rush over slowly and then come back.

After comprehensive consideration, Jerry feels that becoming a Fairy Tail employee seems to be a good Jerry, don't worry, I know that you came to the guild to take on tasks and hone yourself like everyone else. The magic way, so although as an employee, you don't need to stay in the guild every day like Mira Jane.

As long as you don't have a job, I allow you to take the quests on the bulletin board like other mages.

However, you have to pay attention to safety. After all, the arc of time magic can make it useless by changing the past and future of the material, but it does not have a strong attack power in essence. If you have time, you should learn other attack magic. Better! "

Seeing that Jerry agreed to become a guild employee, Makarov was in a good mood, and gave Jerry some privileges that normal employees did not have, as well as a kind reminder.

"I see, President, when I have time, I will ask other wizards in the guild for some magic knowledge. I am very interested in a lot of magic!"

Hearing this, Jerry also had a bright smile on his face.

"If you have any questions about magic that you don't understand, you can also ask the old man. Although the old man is older, he still learned a lot of magic when he was young."

Makarov drank another large glass of malt liquor, and he was in a pretty good mood.

And Jerry's eyes lit up when he heard Makarov's words, and his mood was equally beautiful.

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