Love System: Changing Destinies - 8 First Love: Mo Xue 6

8 First Love: Mo Xue 6

He kissed me, and I kissed him back?

This is my first time. And... it feels good.

"Host, Concubine Ning and her entourage is coming."


"The one who trip you into the icy lake."

"Oh... let's have some fun shall we?"

Even after knowing that someone is coming, I let myself be kissed by him. I mean, why not... it's too good.



Here it goes.

I push the Prince back, pretending to be scared as I turn my back, tidying my clothes. I was this close to laugh, thinking about how the concubine might have look when she saw our intimate moments.

Ahhhhh... I can't stop myself from smiling when remembering it. Wait... Zero Three said that they are the one that was responsible in sending me... I mean the original Jae Hee into the lake? Ugh... I can sense my body s.h.i.+vering thinking that this body had been submerged into the cold icy lake.

Concubine Ning, huh? It's payback time.

[Side mission, task two:

Eat the poisoned porridge by Concubine Ning. 50 points.

Bonus task:

Eat it in front of the Prince. Extra 10 points.]

"What??? Why do I have to eat it? Do you want me to die?"

"All the task given is to help you with the side mission, host. You can refuse, if you want. But let me remind you, host, the more points you have, the better."


Jae Hee keep hiding behind the Prince and unconsciously hold on to his robe when Concubine Ning's maid put the bowl of porridge on the table. Knowing that the bowl contain poison and he have to eat it to gain points for his mission, he trembled slightly, keeping a wary eye towards the maid.

This was what happen at the moment the Prince turn his gaze back. The Prince have notice his Consort's fear and understandingly send them away. He tries to comfort his bride, by offering him a hug, before lighten up the atmosphere, by whispering his desire.

The Prince keep thinking how cute and bunny-like his newly wedded bride is, when the latter s.h.i.+vers in antic.i.p.ation. Dropping a light bite on his Consort's lobe, he make his way to the latter's pale neck, filling it with more pinkish spots.


Light moans escape from the Consort's lips, making him forgot his task. Clutching tightly onto his Prince, he move his head further, giving his husband more s.p.a.ce to work with.

Tok tok.

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince has summoned you."

The Consort turn stiff within the Prince embrace, as he heard that. The Prince on the other hand, let out a low growl, unsatisfied. Lowering his head on his Consort's shoulder, the Prince tries to steady himself, before dropping a peck on the latter's cheek.

"I'll be back later, my dear. Then, we will continue. I would expect that you'll be ready for me."

Leaving the Consort's chamber, the Prince unknowingly grin all the way to the Crown Prince's abode, thinking about how delicious his bride's pinkish cheeks looks like. He can't wait to taste it tonight.


He want to continue tonight?

And he expects me to be ready?

s.h.i.+t... is he... going to...

"Argh!!! Zero Three, what should I do? He wants to... to..."

"He want to consummate your marriage, host."

"He... He... But... I... I don't... I..."

"Calm down, host. Let just take it as a part of your mission."

Just a part of my mission? I'm a freaking virgin! I never... I don't even have any experience with... this. That kiss just now was my first kiss too. Now, I will have to sacrifice my virginity to a stranger?

But... He is not a stranger, right? He's... my husband. No... he's Jae Hee's husband. Not mine. But... I'm Jae Hee now. So... Argh.... I'm confused!

"Consort? Consort Jae Hee? Are you okay? What are you doing down here?"

Awaken from my stupor, I look up at Xiao Er, which was doing her best to pull me up from the floor. Eh, when did I fall down? Getting dizzy with what have already happen, I let her sit me on the table.

"Consort, you haven't eaten much? Would you like something else?"

I blink over her concern. How can I eat when your master is having a feast, on me!

Then I remember, I still need to eat that poisonous porridge. Even if the Prince is not here, the main task is to eat it. Well...

"I will eat a bit more. Xiao Er, can you pa.s.s me that porridge? I want to taste the bird nest porridge. I never had one in my life."

Which is true, both me and the original Jae Hee have not eaten any bird nest porridge in our life. At least, that is what I get from his memories.

I can sense my maid stiffen with my request. She seems hesitant to serve me the porridge that Concubine Ning brings to me, does she know something?

"No, host. She doesn't know. But her experience as a shadow guard tells her that something might be wrong."

"Ah... Eh, I thought you can't hear what I'm thinking? Didn't I turn that mind reading function off?"

"... you are too easy to read, host. At least for me."


Hmm... so what can I do to eat that porridge? If this maid is as good as my system says, she would surely prevent me from eating it.

"How about I cook you another bowl, Consort? This bowl have turn a bit cold. It's not nice eating cold porridge, especially since your body is not well, Consort."


"Zero Three, where is the other shadow guard?"

"He is outside, host."

"Can he see what is happening inside here?"

"No, host. The Prince specifically said not to gaze on you when you're inside and alone."

Hmm, is he jealous much with his own guard? Well, this will do. Thanks, my Prince.

I turn my gaze back at my awaiting maid.

"Ah, it's okay then. I'll just eat this yutiao. Can you fetch me my hanky from the drawer?"

The moment she turn, I instantly scoop a spoonful of that porridge, and directly pull it to my own bowl, mixing it with my congee. I pretend to eat it, making sure Xiao Er get to me first, before scooping the mixture into my mouth.

I'm sorry, Xiao Er, but I need a witness.


The poison acts a bit slower than our soul-changed Consort thought, even after finis.h.i.+ng his own breakfast, he feel nothing.

It wasn't until he drink his medicine that the poison starts to react. He vomited a mouthful of blood, before collapse on the table, alerting both the maid and the other shadow guard in hiding.

s.h.i.+, the hidden guard, directly fly to the Crown Prince's abode, cras.h.i.+ng the meeting between the fourth prince and his brother. Both princes were shock at his act, but he swiftly approach his master and tell him what have happen.

A visible trace of anger flash through the Prince's eyes as he listen to what happen. The Prince quickly stand up, giving his elder brother a salutation of farewell before using his own air kungfu to flew back towards his home.

s.h.i.+ vaguely explain to the Crown Prince that something have happen back at home and send notice towards the steward that follow the fourth prince, that their master has gone home.


Aghh... it hurts. My whole body feels like it's burning.

"Congratulations, host. The second task have been completed."

"Shut up! I'm dying here and all you can think of is the task?!"

[Side mission, task two: Completed.

Total points gained: 50 points.

Total points needed to unlock new world: 1000 points.

Points collection: 80/1000 points.]