Love System: Changing Destinies - 7 First Love: Mo Xue 5

7 First Love: Mo Xue 5

"Pl-please, have some, Your Highness."

Chuckling inwardly over his bride shy act, the Prince grasp his wrist, stabilizing his shaking arm before eating the congee. The Consort, feeling shy and embarra.s.sed, was watching from behind his eyelashes, as he bow down, chin touching chest. He gasp silently as his hand was captured by the Prince.

"Can I have some more?"

The Prince's voice sounded low in his ears, bringing an unknown s.h.i.+ver to the Consort's spine. The latter give out a small nod, before scooping another spoon of congee, blowing it a bit to cool it down. Focusing too hard on his task, he failed to notice that the Prince has scoot closer to him, rounding his arm on his waist, not touching, but almost.


Startled, after realizing that the Prince is so close, the Consort accidentally spill the content of his spoon on the Prince's robe. Fearing for his life, the bride panic and fall from his seat, bringing pain on his behind as the floor come in contact with his tail bone.


"Oy... it hurts."

"Congratulation, host. You have completed your given task."

All of the sudden, I can sense something is flas.h.i.+ng in my mind.

[Side mission, task one: Completed.

Total points gained: 30 points.

Total points needed to unlock new world: 1000 points.

Points collection: 30/1000 points]

"What does is mean by..."

"Please focus, host. The Prince is till here."

Ah... I forgot. Turning my gaze up at him, I found him staring at me. s.h.i.+t... did I just make him angry? There's is a slightly visible stain on his robe. Oh my G.o.d! What should I do?

Ignoring my pained behind, I scramble to kneel in front of him. This is what they do when they want to apologize in the ancient world, right? Argh... He is the Prince. Would I be beheaded for this?

"I'm... I'm so-.. I beg your pardon, Your Highness. It's my mistake for staining your robe. It wasn't my intention. Please... forgive me."

"Host, what are you doing?"

"Shh... Can't you tell, I'm begging for my life."



Keeping my head down and hus.h.i.+ng Zero Three in my mind, I wait for the Prince to respond. The silent was eerie, deafening me. Why didn't he say anything? Did I really anger him that much? It's just a small stain right? Surely, it can be clean easily. But... it's... The royal robe... I mean... a royal's wearing it.

Argh... I wouldn't dare to look up, so all I can do is wait. And wait... Until, a pair of black boots show up in front of me.


He look so afraid.

Does he wary about me that much?

Such thoughts come running through a certain Prince's mind. He slowly stand and approach his bride, that is by now bowing low and s.h.i.+vering in fright.

He lower his body and captured his bride's chin, lifting his face up. Upon kneeling in front of his Consort, he impulsively drop a chaste kiss on the latter's lips.

The Prince watch in amus.e.m.e.nt as his bride widen his eyes, shocked with the sudden kiss. Seeing the latter's parted lips, he dive in again, this time giving his bride a full fledged kiss.

He holds his bride's nape, making sure he have no where to go, as he gently swipe his tongue inside his bride's warm cavity. His tongue explore further, finding and ma.s.saging the other's, making his Consort unconsciously moans, while his eyelids flutter and closed.

The Consort was too stunned with this act and have no time to respond. All this time his mind are blank, as if, he was drowning in bliss. He didn't even realized that his husband, the Prince, has lay him on his back, on the floor, all while kissing him senseless.

Small mumbled moans keep escaping from the Consort's lips, making the Prince excited and aroused. Slowly, he diverted his attention to his bride's pale neck, kissing and sucking it, leaving ample of pinkish marks.

Cloudy with desires, the Consort grab the lapel of his husband's robe, trying to contain his pleasure while enjoying it. It was, his first time feeling this, both for the Consort and the host.


A shout from a certain maid, that belongs to a certain concubine wakes them both. The Consort, embarra.s.sed and in fright, unknowingly push the Prince away and tries to hide his disheveled conditions.

"What are you doing here?"

The cold tone of the Prince brings s.h.i.+ver to those whose presents in the chamber. The Prince is already standing up, and swiftly step in front of his Consort, hiding him from the newcomers.

"I beg your pardon, Your Highness. I've tried to stop Concubine Ning but she... insist."

The Prince throw a look at his hidden guard that he had sent to be his newly wedded Consort maid. He understands what may have happen, as Xiao Er signal to him about the other guards that trail behind a certain concubine.

"I ask a question, Concubine Ning. What are you doing in my Consort's chamber?"

While the concubine in question is still afraid with the Prince sudden anger, she is showing her anger as well. Tightly crunching on her shawl, she eyed in disgust towards the pale ger that was now hiding behind the Prince, making her missed the man's question.

"My Lady want to visit Consort Jae Hee, Your Highness."

The witty maid by the Concubine Ning side step in, seeing that her master is close in jealousy.

"Look, Your Highness, My Lady have prepared a bowl of bird nest porridge for the Consort. Here, let me serve it, Your Highness. The porridge is best eaten while it's still hot."

The babbling maid nudge her master as she said her piece, making the concubine divert her focus back towards the Prince. Acting like a green tea b*tch, the concubine tries to flirt with His Highness. She was, after all, having a rare time in her life, seeing the Prince up close.

The Prince felt a small dainty hand, clutching his robe behind him. With a quick glance, he saw his bride is s.h.i.+vering, with his gaze that keep staring on the newcomers, especially on the maid, flas.h.i.+ng his fears.

"Put it on the table and leave. This Prince is having a morning meal and do not wish to be disturb."

"But, Your Highness..." The maid begin, "My Lady has..."

"Xiao Er," the Prince cuts the maid, "spread the word."

"Yes, Your Highness."

With that, the concubine and her maid was thrown out of the chamber and after the door was closed, the Prince turns toward his bride, slowly engulfing him in his embrace. He runs his hands on the small of his bride's back, calming the s.h.i.+vering ger.

After knowing that his bride are no longer in the state of fear, he drop a sentence to the latter's ear, making his lovely Consort s.h.i.+vers again.

"Now, can we continue?"