Love Under Two Kendalls - Part 15

Part 15

She took another sip from her wine, then shivered as a slight breeze found its way between the lapels of her robe.

It was past time to go in and get to bed. The morning came early, and maybe in the light of the new day she'd take a moment to sit and consider what she'd do next, instead of just letting life happen to her day after day.

She shut the patio door behind her, but stopped just before locking it. Something seemed off. It took her a moment to realize what it was. The front door, the one that opened to the stairs leading down to the office, was slightly ajar.

She could have sworn she locked it when she'd come up for the night.

A flash of movement to her left pulled a squeak from her as she turned-and moved right into the sailing back hand.

So fast, Maggie hit the floor, her body crashing against one of her end tables, sending everything on it smashing to the floor. Her face stung, and stars exploded behind her eyes. No time to think, no time to react, her hair was gripped hard, her head lifted, and a face loomed before her.

She'd seen his picture just that morning, so she had no doubt as to who her a.s.sailant was.

"Well now, you're not an old maid aunt at all, are you? You look like a tasty little piece, even if you are older than I like."

Maggie felt revulsion as he reached out his other hand and squeezed her breast, hard. Even with two layers of clothing separating his hand from her skin, her flesh crawled.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"I want what's mine. Once I get Ginny trussed up good and tight, maybe I'll let her watch as I f.u.c.k you. Be a good lesson for her to see what happens when a woman doesn't respect her man."

Maggie decided she didn't want to play stupid. She was more frightened than she'd ever been in her life. More angry, too.

"Ginny's not here."

Walters seemed not to hear her as he ripped open her robe and studied the b.u.t.tons of her white gown.

"Don't you look all nice and virginal? But you're a wh.o.r.e, too, aren't you? I bet it just runs in your family. How long's it been since you had c.o.c.k?"

Oh, G.o.d. She didn't like the look in his eyes, didn't like it one bit. She reached out, her hand searching for something, anything that she could use as a weapon. She would not let him hurt her, and she sure as h.e.l.l would not let him rape her-at least not without fighting back.

Her hand encountered something small and smooth, and she grasped it, even as her mind recognized it as the small snow globe she kept on the end table.

"f.u.c.k you, a.s.shole!" She swung her arm up, fast and hard, smashing the globe against his head.

Walters staggered back, his eyes glittering hate as he reached up and touched the area she'd a.s.saulted. His fingers came away covered in blood.

"b.i.t.c.h! I'll f.u.c.king kill you for that!"

Maggie braced, ready to fight for her life.

An alarm bell shrieked, the same alarm that should have gone off when the b.a.s.t.a.r.d broke into the office downstairs.

"Maggie! The cops are coming!" Melly's voice, and then the sound of her running up the stairs made Maggie blink, but Walters wasted no time. He stepped back, looked around, and then headed toward the balcony.

"Ginny's not here anymore, you p.r.i.c.k. And now you're going back to jail where you belong."

"You tell that b.i.t.c.h I'll find her." He swung the patio door open, and disappeared into the night.

They were only one floor up, and it didn't surprise her at all when she heard a sound that told her Walters had jumped down to street level.

"Maggie!" Melly burst into the room, gun drawn, a look of fierce determination on her face.

"I'm okay. He went out there, onto the balcony. Get him."

Maggie collapsed against the floor, one hand going up to rub her sore cheek. Close. That had been f.u.c.king close, and thank G.o.d the Kendalls had sent Melly.

The sound of steps running away and the siren of an approaching police car that veered off told her the chase was on.

She hoped to h.e.l.l they caught the man. Because she'd seen the look in his eyes when he'd talked about Ginny, and she'd realized something in that moment, something that Ginny-and the Kendalls-needed to know.

Deke Walters wasn't quite sane.

Chapter 15.

Ginny trusted her lovers, she did-but that didn't mean her body was completely convinced. She knew the trembles wracking her came from nervousness.

And so what if they did? She would do this, try this, and to h.e.l.l if it made her nervous or frightened her just a little bit.

A life lived without risk wasn't worth much, was it?


She heard the hesitation in Adam's tone, the concern, and she loved him for it. She certainly couldn't blame him for it, because he'd seen her at her worst, at her lowest point.

Ginny replayed that thought and added to it. He'd seen her at her worst and fallen in love with her, anyway. It was past time she rewarded him by showing him what she could be as she neared her best.

"I love you. I love you both, and more than anything, I want to give and take everything. No half measures." To punctuate her determination, she kissed him.

G.o.d, his flavor filled her and fulfilled her at the same time. Delicious arousal swirled within her, with just a kiss. His mouth opened wide over hers, warm and wet and so d.a.m.n wanton. His tongue possessed her, owned her, and as she felt his c.o.c.k begin to harden against her belly, she reveled in the reality that she could arouse such a virile man.

"Something cold." Jake's whisper and then lick against her neck, just at the base of her ear, teased her. She loved being licked there. It absolutely thrilled her.

A soft, silky coldness glided between the cheeks of her a.s.s, back and forth over her rosette, and Ginny couldn't hold back a gasp that broke her kiss with Adam.

"Oh, G.o.d. Do that again!"

"Oh, absolutely, honey. You just hang on to Adam and let me play."

She didn't mind the hint of laughter in Jake's voice, even as Adam sought her mouth and kissed her again.

He moved his tongue in and out in nearly the same rhythm that Jake caressed her a.n.u.s, back and forth. She felt her nipples bead into tiny, almost painful points, and she shivered anew, not with nerves, but with pleasure.

Adam weaned his lips from hers, and then eased her head onto his shoulder while one hand caressed her back and the other her left hip.

A wave of excitement swept through her when she realized he was watching his brother, watching the way Jake played with her rosette.

Adam moved his hand from her hip to her slit, and began to pet her p.u.s.s.y, a light touch. He stroked her, up and down, and Ginny groaned in pleasure, as Adam's touch echoed his brother's.

"Here, now." Jake's words didn't make sense, until she felt his finger stop and press against her opening.

Ginny inhaled, and Adam crooned, a comforting sound as he continued to stroke her slit, trailing one finger at the opening of her p.u.s.s.y, and gently, gently, entering her.

Jake increased the pressure, and she moaned when she felt her muscles begin to stretch, and stretch, until his finger slipped inside her.

"Oh G.o.d, oh G.o.d."

"Do you want me to stop, honey?"

"No! No, I need...I need..." Ginny didn't know what she needed, but that was all right. Her men apparently did.

Adam combed his fingers in her hair and tilted her face up. She kissed him, eager for his taste, for the thrill of his tongue in her mouth, and for the stimulation of his finger as it was joined by a second and he f.u.c.ked her c.u.n.t with them.

Jake's finger moved in her, in and out as he f.u.c.ked her a.s.s with it, and Ginny began to shiver as arousal caught fire inside her.

Different than anything she'd ever felt, this arousal swirled inside her, connecting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and her c.l.i.t and her a.s.s in an all-consuming fire of need.

"More lube, honey." Jake's words caressed her ear, and then she felt his finger come out of her, only to return a moment later. Then the cool slickness of lube, and the pressure, and his finger inside her, f.u.c.king in and out, going deep, making her jerk, making her moan.

Adam broke their kiss and leaned his forehead against hers. "Are you okay, sweet baby?"

"I want to come. Oh, G.o.d, it's so much, so hot. I want to come."

"Not yet, honey." Jake kissed her shoulder. "Let's see if you can take another finger."

She felt the burning, the stretching, the almost-pain, and discovered she liked it. No time to think about that, all she wanted was more. She undulated her hips, a slow, sensuous dance that let her brush against Adam's fingers, and Jake's, in turn.

"Still doing all right, honey?" Jake reached around and cupped her left breast, and used his fingers to pull her nipple.

Another ripple of arousal washed through her, and she groaned.

"I'm close. I need to come."

"Just one moment more, Ginny."

When Jake eased his fingers out of her she cried out, the edge retreating, the arousal waning just a little. But before she could demand he put them back, she felt something larger caress her a.n.u.s, something larger that wasn't flesh, and she knew he was about to insert the b.u.t.t plug into her.


Adam found her c.l.i.t and rubbed it, then pinched it between his fingers as Jake began to press the plug into her.

Racing at the speed of light, her arousal exploded into o.r.g.a.s.m, sharp, sweet, making her cry out, making her hips swing back and forth between her two lovers.

The plug slid into her as she came and came, an o.r.g.a.s.m fuller, more vibrant, and more shocking than any she'd known before.

"Oh, oh..." She collapsed against Adam and continued to shiver as the aftershocks stayed with her.

She didn't even realize they'd turned off the water, but they must have because Jake wrapped her in a towel, and carried her toward the bed.

"I need to f.u.c.k you now, honey." He laid her down, on her back, and spread her legs. "Can you come one more time for us?"

"I can't. Oh, G.o.d, it's too much. I want to, I do, but I can't." She tossed her head from side to side, because the tingles of o.r.g.a.s.m didn't completely end. They kept sizzling within her, tiny live wires of sensation that snapped and hissed and kept her high, kept her on the precipice.

Jake moved away for a moment, and she heard the tear of foil and the slide of latex.

Adam laid down beside her and stroked her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, his hand moving back and forth, tweaking her nipples, then dipping down to brush across her c.l.i.t.

Ginny jerked and moaned, as the pleasure climbed again.

"This is a little of what it'll feel like for you, sweet baby, when we're both inside you. Look. Look how much Jake wants you."

Unable to resist, she turned her head and encountered Jake's heated stare. He fisted his latex-covered c.o.c.k, stroking it roughly as he placed on knee on the bed, and moved forward.

"Take me. Take me and I'll pleasure us both."

Ginny reached for him, her arms going around his neck as his c.o.c.k brushed against her slit. Then he sank into her in one, long thrust, sank in until it felt as if he hit the plug he'd put inside her.

"Take me." His mouth came down, his kiss as demanding and commanding as the c.o.c.k he f.u.c.ked her with.

Hard, fast, deep, she felt him lose himself in her, felt his power and his need even as her body rejoiced at the fullness, the stretching, and the wholeness of pa.s.sion.

This was real, this was honest, and Ginny wrapped herself around her lover, giving herself over to him, and to his needs, with an abandon she'd never known herself capable of.

"Oh, baby, yes, you're so beautiful, so giving." Adam's words caressed her, heart and soul, and she understood that she truly belonged to both of these men, absolutely and completely.

When rapture came, it seared her, inside and out, making her scream and clutch and cry. Ginny left the past behind and soared beyond the horizon, burning bright and pure and brand new again.

The soft brr sound pulled Jake from the depths of sleep to wide-eyed wakefulness on the first vibration.

He reached toward the nightstand, and his cell phone. As soon as he picked it up, he knew that it was shy of five thirty in the morning, and that Melvin Richardson was calling.

Ginny moaned in her sleep, and stirred, then turned over and snuggled against Adam. The scent of his woman and hot s.e.x nailed him, and his c.o.c.k stirred.

"Stay down, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d. She needs her sleep."

A soft huff of muted laughter told him Adam was awake and had heard him. His brother's gaze met his, and he knew Adam had heard the phone, too.

"It's Melvin. I'll take it in the bathroom." He slid easily from the bed and padded, barefoot and bare-a.s.sed, to the en suite. As soon as he stepped inside the room, he picked up the call.
