Love Under Two Kendalls - Part 14

Part 14

But he saw the need in her, the almost desperate hunger, and he understood that she needed more from him. Most important, he understood why she needed it.

"You're driving me to the very edge of my control as it is, sweet baby. Nothing has ever felt this good. I'm trying to make it last."

"I do believe there's more b.l.o.w. in your future, darlin'. I want to drink your cream. Give it to me."

She didn't wait for an answer. She put her mouth on him again, and, G.o.d help him, she took him deeper than she had. One hand pumped his c.o.c.k, while the other crept out and cupped his b.a.l.l.s, squeezing gently.

And then she sucked on him hard, one long, strong draw that shattered his control and hurled him into o.r.g.a.s.m.

He thrust into her, once, twice, clamping his hands on her head as he groaned and stiffened and shot his load into her waiting mouth.

No time to pull back, no time to warn her, and yet she continued to suck, swallowing stream after stream while his body convulsed and his heart thudded.

Heaven. He wondered for one wild instant if he hadn't died and gone to heaven. Then the thought disintegrated as he simply let the rapture consume him completely.

Chapter 14.

Ginny gave Adam's c.o.c.k a few more licks, savoring the flavor of his essence within her. Her flesh tingled with the pleasure of having given him such a strong release. She never knew how deeply satisfying it felt to please a man this way.

She marveled at his virility. She knew how hard he'd come, and yet his c.o.c.k remained semi-hard. She looked at it as she gave him a few more long strokes. Pink flesh, impossibly silky to the touch, corded with blue veins, topped with a thick, hot head. His and Jake's were the first c.o.c.ks she'd ever seen that were beautiful.

She caressed her thumb over the tiny eye at the top of Adam's c.o.c.khead and smiled when his entire rod twitched.

Jake caressed her back, and then moved away at the same time Adam reached for her, lifted her, and laid her flat on the bed between them.

He kissed her, his lips reverent, his tongue languid.

"Thank you, sweetheart. Now, allow me to return the favor." He kissed her lips again, a light brush, and then moved down, kissing a trail down her body.

Jake turned her head toward him, and she opened her mouth and received his tongue, sucking on it, stroking it with her own, so he could have no doubt what she wanted to do next.

When he eased back and met her gaze, she said, "Your kisses taste different from Adam's. I wonder if your juices will, too?"

"Well, honey, why don't you just find out?"

"Mm, yes, why don't I?"

Jake's question continued to shiver along her nerve endings as Adam spread her legs wide, drawing her attention to him. He'd sprawled out, his face inches from her p.u.s.s.y, but his hot, hot gaze was locked on her face.

"I'm going to drive you out of your mind with pleasure."

Ginny couldn't hold back her grin. "Lord, I hope so."

"That sounded like a challenge, brother." Jake's words caressed the sensitive skin just under her ear, and she shivered in delight.

How had she lived all her life, had a child, and not understood how wonderfully fulfilling and how much fun intimacy could be?

"I'm up for the challenge." Adam puffed air against her very wet p.u.s.s.y. Ginny clenched her inner muscles in response, and didn't even mind that Adam chuckled.

"I'm up, too." Jake bent down and kissed her lightly. "Will you taste me now, honey?"

Ginny had no thought of denying him, because tasting him was exactly what she wanted to do. She reached down and fisted Jake's c.o.c.k, giving him the strong stroking that she instinctively knew he loved.

He groaned and surged into her hand.

Her mouth began to water, so when he lifted her hand from his c.o.c.k, and moved up the bed, she was ready for him.

She took a moment to nuzzle him, taking his man-scent into her as she breathed him in. His musk differed from Adam's slightly. In time, would she learn to tell them apart by their scent? She hoped so. Impossibly hard, his c.o.c.k felt like silk-covered iron. His shaft seemed slightly lighter in shade than his brother's, the hair nesting it a darker shade of auburn than the hair on his chest and head. Not as thick as Adam's, Jake's c.o.c.k stretched just a bit longer. It appealed to her just as much and made her mouth water just the same.

"Jesus, woman, you're driving me crazy, and you haven't even tasted me yet."

"Mm, good. I want to drive you crazy. But I definitely want to taste you."

"Take it, honey. Suck me." He moved his c.o.c.k just that much closer to her lips.

His hot, engorged flesh touched her tongue at the same moment Adam buried his face in her p.u.s.s.y.

The glide and slide of Adam's lips and tongue on her aroused her instantly, sending tiny shocks of pleasure over her entire body. The scent of Jake's c.o.c.k and s.c.r.o.t.u.m, the heat and girth of him between her lips just added to her arousal, and the two acts became connected for her in a way she'd never imagined they could. The more she moved her tongue up and down Jake's c.o.c.k, and gave him tiny sucking caresses, the more Adam's oral loving aroused her body and curled her toes.

"Mm." She couldn't hold back tiny sounds of appreciation. Jake's sharp inhalation told her he liked that. Then Adam made a similar sound against her p.u.s.s.y, and Ginny closed her eyes and undulated her hips. The vibrations increased her excitement and brought her oh, so very close to coming.

"Honey, you do have a f.u.c.king wonderful mouth." Jake cupped her head and began to thrust his hips, the motion rough and edged with desperation.

Needing to give everything, needing to pleasure him as much as she had Adam, she opened her mouth and formed a perfect O around his c.o.c.k, letting him take over control completely, letting him simply take what he needed from her.

"Oh, yeah, Ginny. Just like that." He cupped her head and moved in a steady rhythm, and the sensations of giving and taking wrapped together for her, became one, and made her soar impossibly high.

Adam inserted his fingers into her p.u.s.s.y. He stroked, his fingers finding the hidden b.u.t.ton of her G-spot inside her, and then he took her c.l.i.t into his mouth and sucked. Her o.r.g.a.s.m slammed into her, racing through her like a storm wind. She cried out, a joyous sound muted by the wonderful flesh in her mouth.

Jake cursed and went rigid, and the first stream of his e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n hit the back of her throat.

The pungent liquid, hot and savory, carried his essence, and she sucked it out of him and swallowed, taking his hot seed into her, needing more, needing every drop he could give her.

Her o.r.g.a.s.m spiked anew in what seemed like an explosion of fireworks inside her body, and Ginny groaned again as the ecstasy consumed her.

Drained of energy, she simply lay there as Jake gently withdrew from her. "Oh my G.o.d, I think I'm dead." She smiled because both of her men were chuckling, one going from his knees to stretch out on her left side, the other crawling up her body to stretch out on her right.

"Not even close," Adam said.

Sweat and s.e.x perfumed the air, and she thought it was the most compelling scent of all time. The sound of labored breathing became a symphony to her ears.

Ginny wanted to giggle because inside she felt happy and light and free.

"Brother, do you see the smug look our woman's wearing?" Jake asked.

"I figure she's ent.i.tled to look smug." Adam leaned over and kissed her, what she knew he intended as only a light kiss.

She snaked one arm around his neck and grabbed a fistful of his hair and turned the kiss into a hot, carnal, and totally satisfying declaration. She loved the taste of her juices on his lips.

Their lips parted, and Ginny laughed, because Adam just grinned at her.

"Do you want to indulge in some water sports, Miss Ginny?" he asked.

"What did you have in mind, Sheriff?"

"Well, I thought we'd start with a shower, and go from there."

"A shower? All three of us?" Ginny had heard rumors about "l.u.s.ty-sized" bathrooms, but she'd never actually seen one. She'd never spent time in any of the family's master suites, which was where these allegedly decadent bathrooms were installed.

"Honey, the shower here is big enough to have a party in."

"Well now, that sounds very appealing. As long as we don't run out of hot water."

"Trust us, sweet baby. The fixtures aren't the only things that are l.u.s.ty sized. This house happens to have three large hot water heaters."

In the next few minutes, Ginny discovered yet another kind of pleasure, and that was the extremely self-indulgent pleasure of being bathed by her two lovers. Their clever hands and fingers left no part of her untouched. With four shower heads raining down a fine mist of heated water, Ginny felt every muscle in her body turn to mush as she was soaped, caressed, and cared for.

"Close your eyes, baby. I don't want you to get shampoo in them." Adam ma.s.saged the fragrant liquid into her hair, his fingers on her scalp doing a better job than any hairdresser she'd ever visited. After he rinsed the bubbles out, he applied conditioner and ma.s.saged some more.

"Come here, baby," he said, his voice deep and coaxing. She had no qualms about doing whatever he asked. He'd turned her to face him and now pulled her close, his arms snug around her. The water rinsed her hair, and he helped it along by combing his fingers through, until she knew she was cleaner than she'd ever been.

"Jake's going to play with you, and all you have to do is give the word, and he'll stop."

"Play, how?" She didn't think she'd really mind whatever it was Jake was going to do, because they'd "played" with her at the Jersey Sh.o.r.e and she'd loved every minute of it.

"I'm going to play with your a.s.s." Jake said the words very close to her ear. "And then I'm going to put a b.u.t.t plug inside you."

Ginny tensed for one moment, and then she relaxed. This was now, not then, and she knew that if she gave the word, Jake would stop.

She licked lips that felt dry despite her body being drenched all over with warm water.

"All right."

He must have heard the slight trepidation in her tone. "Honey, I won't hurt you-at least, not much. We won't lie to you. When we f.u.c.k your a.s.s for the first time it will hurt some. But that pain can be a lot less with the proper preparation. In fact, you may discover that it's what you'll want to call erotic pain."

"You mean like that old song, 'hurts so good?'"

She guessed they heard the sarcasm in her voice, because they both laughed. "Just exactly like that," Adam said. Then he cupped her face. "Ginny? We promise you, that if you hate this, we won't do it."

Wasn't she the woman who'd demanded, this very evening, that Adam not hold back on her? And why had she done that? Because she didn't wanted to be treated as if she was fragile, or broken, any longer.

Ginny Rose wanted, needed to be treated like a whole woman. Maybe she would hate a.n.a.l play. She simply couldn't banish the memory of the time Deke had raped her that way. But her men obviously wanted to take her this way, and she understood that if she wanted them both inside her at the same time, this would be the best way to accomplish that. Bottom line, they wanted to f.u.c.k her a.s.s, so she wanted to try.

Everything else they'd done together had been totally different from anything she'd ever known. It was time to really trust her men, take them at their word, and act like the whole woman she yearned to be.

Only the sound of water falling on ceramic tile filled the s.p.a.cious gla.s.s-enclosed stall. The brothers Kendall stood silent, awaiting her response.

She stretched up on her toes so she could place a gentle kiss on Adam's lips, and then she dropped back down. She kept her hands braced on Adam's shoulders as she looked over her shoulder.

"Okay, Jake, give it your best shot."

Maggie Morrison stretched, sore muscles from a hard day's work making themselves known, even after the hot shower she'd just enjoyed.

There'd been a few more check-ins that day, so the weekend ahead appeared to be shaping up into something halfway decent. She should be grateful that she was able to make a life for herself, and for the most part, she was.

But she had a love-hate relationship going with this d.a.m.n inn, and lately, the hate had been winning.

Wearing a robe over her fleece nightgown and sporting fuzzy slippers on her feet, Maggie poured herself a gla.s.s of merlot and took it out onto her tiny private deck that overlooked the back parking area, the motor hotel next door, and a chunk of Ocean Avenue.

Spring hadn't completely sprung quite yet. The air still cooled after sunset, with tonight being particularly chilly.

Maggie shivered. "I wonder if it's the chill, or..." She let the sentence drop, even if her mind kept the thought. She'd been more than a little surprised when she'd finally gotten a look at one of her check-ins that morning. Carmelita-call-me-Melly Hill, an Atlantic City "security consultant," had apparently been hired by the Kendalls, "as a precaution" to keep an eye on her until that p.r.i.c.k, Deke Walters, was back in custody.

Maggie shook her head. She couldn't bring herself to believe that she could be in any kind of danger from that b.a.s.t.a.r.d who'd terrorized her niece. He was a fugitive, for G.o.d's sake. Could he just get on a plane and fly out to the coast? That said, she knew that sometimes fugitives roamed free for years. If the Kendalls insisted on taking precautions, she guessed she'd let them as long as those precautions didn't interfere with her day-to-day schedule.

Melly Hill couldn't have weighed one twenty soaking wet. Her dark hair and eyes and latte complexion hinted at her Mexican heritage, but she spoke English with the precision of a college professor. She'd never known a bodyguard could be so tiny, or so pretty. Maggie grinned even as she acknowledged the silly thought.

Certainly, Adam and Jake's act of concern made her feel better about the company Ginny was keeping.

Company she was keeping? My, my Maggie, that sounded like Mother. Her niece was in love with two men, and if the way they'd looked at her and hovered over her was any indication, they loved her right back. She really wasn't convinced that a menage relationship could work for the long haul. She couldn't wrap her head around it. Wouldn't the men get jealous of each other? Who was going to look out for Ginny when that happened, when Adam and Jake started pounding on each other and the whole thing went to h.e.l.l?

Maggie shook her head. She could argue with herself all she wanted that she had no right to feel proprietary feelings where Ginny Rose and her son were concerned. But Ginny and Benny were family-the only family she had left-and she couldn't help but feel protective toward them.

Maggie sipped her wine and let her gaze wander over familiar sights. Off season, The Crest was quiet, a nice town populated by good people who lived with the capricious Atlantic Ocean on one side, and Sunset Lake on the other. Tolerant people, for the most part-they had to be, considering the influx of tourists every year, and the many, sometimes angry moods of the sea.

Maggie's mother hadn't been a tolerant woman, at all. Not only had she been completely intolerant of her oldest daughter. She knew her mother had always perceived Earline's reaching out for love and following her heart to have been a personal betrayal.

Virginia Morrison had been intolerant, period. She'd also been a profoundly unhappy woman for all of the time Maggie had known her.

You only get one mother in life, Margaret Mary, and yours was better than some, and worse than some.

She'd been doing okay, mostly, working at forgiving her mother for being the unloving woman she'd been. But there were still moments when resentment reared its ugly head.

The past was past, and Maggie was d.a.m.n tired of being influenced by it. What she needed was to start all over again.

You're thirty-five years old, Margaret Mary. New starts are for younger women.

f.u.c.k, there was her mother's voice again, nagging in her ear! Why couldn't she start over again, if she wanted to? She wasn't without means. She owned this sorry inn, lock stock and freaking barrel. And while it needed a ton of repairs, she knew the market value of the land-sitting on the edge of one of the most beautiful and desirable beaches in the whole country, she could sell it and be set for life.

Of course, she couldn't just sit around doing nothing. Maggie had to be busy. It was the way she was made.