Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 650

Chapter 650

Chapter 650 Treasure - Houfeng Seismograph


Zhou Zhou looked at the scene in front of him.

I saw six ten-meter-high red shrines neatly placed on the altar.

In three of the shrines, the statues of the ancestors of Sun Simiao, Gongshu Pan and Liu Bei are respectively enshrined.

The other three shrines were empty.

See this scene.

Zhou Zhou couldn't help complaining in his heart.

I have killed more than 100 million fog monsters under my command so far.

But these are the only statues of the ancestors of the Blue Star Human Race that fell out.

This is not a question of burst rate.

His burst rate is already full.

Mist mobs that are really dropable ancestral statues are too random and rare.

When he was on the Water World Channel before, he saw other lords popping up statues of the ancestors of the Blue Star Human Race.

But they don't sell them at all.

Zhou Zhou, the king of spoils, can only be greedy in the face of this situation.

He didn't think much about it.

He directly took out Zhang Heng's ancestor statue, used the object control technique, and carefully placed it in an empty shrine.

Next second.

The whole hall shook slightly.

A deep and solemn middle-aged male voice sounded.

[Pro-Yuan Xian fish, as retreat webs. ]

"This is what Zhang Heng's ancestor said?"

Zhou Zhou mourned for a second in his heart for his language and history level.

at this time.

A text prompt appears.

The new text prompt appears.

[You placed an epic-level blue star human ancestor statue - Zhang Heng in the shrine of the Taimiao Temple, and activated the exclusive ancestor gain effect: Houfeng Seismograph! ]

['Currently enshrining ancestor statues' has been updated! ]

['Current Ancestor Buff Effect' has been updated! ]

Next second.

A huge golden seismograph with a height of two to three feet gradually emerged on the ground directly in front of the statue of Zhang Heng's ancestor.

Zhou Zhou looked at the Houfeng Seismograph.

It is golden in color all over.

The shape looks like a wine bottle.

There are eight dragon heads on the outside of the bottle, each dragon head holds a small copper ball in its mouth, and a toad opens its mouth upwards under each dragon head.

"Houfeng Seismograph..."

"The world's first instrument for observing earthquakes."

"It's incredible."

"As expected of Ke Sheng."

Zhou Zhou looked at the seismograph, feeling very emotional.

If it is in modern times.

It is not surprising that people observe earthquakes with various high-tech.

But in ancient times when technology was backward.

Without the assistance of various scientific instruments, Zhang Heng created such a black technology abruptly, which is outrageous when you think about it.

He looked at the information of this instrument.

A text prompt appears.

[Treasure Name: Houfeng Seismograph]

[Treasure level: Epic level]

[Treasure effect 1: All manufacturing-related professionals in the territory will increase the manufacturing efficiency by 800% when performing manufacturing-related professional behaviors. At the same time, during the manufacturing process, there is a very small probability of sudden inspiration and creating new items Create blueprints! ]

[Treasure effect 2:: For all manufacturing-related occupations in the territory, the potential of manufacturing-related occupations will increase by one level, and the highest level cannot exceed the epic level (if you leave the territory, the potential blessing will be invalid). ]

[Treasure effect 3: When an earthquake occurs within a radius of 10,000 kilometers of the Houfeng Seismograph, the earthquake can be calmed down for 3 days. Cooldown: 10 days. ]

[Introduction to Treasure: Life is hard work, nothing can be obtained. ]

[Reminder: This treasure is exclusive to the Taimiao, and cannot be worn, lost, or destroyed. ]

Zhou Zhou looked at the treasure effect of the Houfeng Seismograph, and took a breath of cool air.

Although the Hou Feng Seismograph is not as effective as Sun Simiao's ancestor's "Thousand Gold Prescriptions", it is still a bit worse.

But also very strong.


Just 800% manufacturing efficiency is an exaggeration!

Other territory manufacturing professionals can only do one day's work a day.

I am a manufacturing professional in the Kingdom of the Scorching Sun, capable of eight days of work a day!

And during the manufacturing process, there is actually a chance to comprehend new item manufacturing blueprints?

Good guy!

The king of introversion + inventor is talking about you?

As for its treasure effect 2, it directly increases the professional potential of manufacturing professionals in his territory to a large level.

Though the cap is epic superior.

But there are also many creatures, and the height is beyond reach.

The function of the third treasure to suppress earthquakes is a bit duplicated with his lord talent - Peace and Prosperity.

His lord talent is peaceful and prosperous, so that there will be no natural disasters in his territory.


If you can take this treasure out of the territory and suppress earthquakes outside the territory, then you can use this ability.

"Extreme treasure!"

Zhou Zhou had a smile on his face.

It is indeed an epic statue of the ancestors of the blue star human race.

The effect did not disappoint him.

Then he left the Taimiao and returned to the blessed land of the senior lord.

The blessed land of the senior lord.

In a loot warehouse.

This is a special place for processing, sorting, and storing loot in the blessed land.

covers a fairly large area.

Enough to hold a lot of loot.

After Zhou Zhou came here, he took out the corpses of 21 legendary-level mist monsters and 3 corpses of lower-level gods and lower-level scarlet gods obtained during the execution of camp tasks today.

Looking at the corpses of so many high-ranking powerhouses who had been preserved for an extended period of time, a smile appeared on Zhou Zhou's face.

He wasted no time and immediately began to extract the body.

After a while.

All corpses have been extracted.

The corpses of 21 legendary fog monsters provided Zhou Zhou with a total of 1,150 **** crystals of the lower **** level! 18 "Secrets of Inheritance of Heroes" at the lower **** level! 189 low god-level artifacts! 260 low god-level rule skills! 21 lower god-level "Book of Gods"! 252 Bronze-level lord talent crystal fragments! And 56 other kinds of treasures of the lower **** level! For example, lower god-level potions, scrolls, and materials!

As for the three scarlet gods of the lower-level gods, Zhou Zhou was provided with 220 **** crystals of the lower-level gods and 3 "Secrets of Heroes' Inheritance" for the lower-level gods! 3 pieces of lower-level artifacts of the middle **** "blazing fists"! 18 low-level law skills of middle gods! 3 "Book of Gods" of the middle god's lower level! 18 "Secrets of Inheritance of Heroes" at the lower **** level! 18 low god-level artifacts! 18 low god-level rule skills! 3 lower god-level "Book of Gods"! 26 Bronze-level lord talent crystal fragments! 12 god-level items such as middle **** and lower **** level potions, scroll materials, etc.!

"This lower god-level scarlet **** is too poor."

"Of the three gods, only one has a lower **** artifact."

Zhou Zhou was speechless.

It seems that the lack of artifacts is the same whether it is the gods under the command of the Supreme Will or the gods under the command of the Scarlet Lord.


He looked at the artifacts in the King's Treasure Box, which were about to pile up into a hill, and always felt that there was something wrong with the painting style of the artifacts on his side...

"It's all brought about by my lord talent."

"By the way, I, the king of spoils, the talent of the lord is really abnormal."

"I feel that the mythical level and the only level are not enough to describe."

Zhou Zhou couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Afterwards, he didn't think too much, but called the sisters Atre and Anya over, and asked them to call Bai Yun, Wu Xin and other main domain generals, as well as the main lords of the Star Alliance, to discuss matters in the conference hall later.

The two sisters took orders to leave.

(end of this chapter)