Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 649

Chapter 649

Chapter 649 New Blue Star Terran Ancestor Statue

Zhou Zhou's expression was a little serious.

The hidden mission of the high-ranking god...

It was the first time he had seen such a high-grade hidden mission.

The difficulty behind this task may not be small.

There should be at least mid-god-level enemies.

"Where is the Shuofeng Kingdom?"

Zhou Zhou asked.

"My father knows that the fall of the Shuofeng Kingdom is an irreversible fact."

"That's why before I fell completely, I activated a mid-god upper-level formation, the Wind King Barrier, and completely sealed the entire Shuofeng Kingdom."

"The current Shuofeng Demon Kingdom has been completely hidden on the Supreme Continent because of the Wind King's enchantment. Even the upper gods may not be able to find the location of the Shuofeng Kingdom."

"However, this Wind King enchantment can be opened with the blood of the Shuofeng royal family."

"I know the location of the Shuofeng Demon Kingdom. As long as I go to that location again and use the blood as a key, I can open the Wind King Barrier and enter the Shuofeng Kingdom again."

"This is a map of the location of the Shuofeng Kingdom."

"Please accept, Your Majesty."

Li Huiyue said.

Then he took out a gold wire map from his space ring and handed it to Zhou Zhou.

Zhou Zhou took it and looked at it.


He breathed a sigh of relief.


Not very far.

At the current speed of Xingye, it should take about a day to fly at full speed, and it should be able to arrive.

He put away the map, and then said to Li Huiyue:

"I have something to do right now."

"I'll take a look when I have time in two days."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Huiyue was about to kneel down, but Zhou Zhou quickly helped her up.

Tears welled up in her eyes, evidently this matter had been on her mind for too long.

"You suffered such a serious injury before? Could it be?"

Zhou Zhou suddenly thought of this and asked curiously.

Li Huiyue nodded when she heard the words, and sighed in a low voice:

"I was really missing my family, so I went to the Shuofeng Demon Kingdom alone. I originally wanted to use the secret way to meet my parents. Who would have imagined that before I could see my parents, I would be severely injured by the outermost Shuofeng Demon soldiers?" .

"I dragged my seriously injured body to Yuquan Town to rest, and then met my disciples and His Majesty by chance. It was a blessing in disguise."

Speaking of which.

She looked at Zhou Zhou and Bai Yuejing beside her.

If it wasn't for that injury.

He might never meet his apprentice, lord, and loved one in this life.

It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

Everyone nodded upon hearing this.

"According to His Majesty's hometown dialect, this is called surviving a catastrophe, and there must be future blessings!"

Bao Xiuer quickly recovered from the fact that her master was the princess of the subjugated country, and said with a smile.

She accepted it quickly.

If it was another world, the Princess of Subjugation might be a very cherished 'species'.

But on the highest continent.

New kingdoms are established and destroyed every day.

Don't talk about the princess of subjugation.

It is not uncommon for descendants of fallen gods.

Among those present, only Bai Yuejing sighed softly.

He and Li Huiyue knew about this before during treatment.

Originally, he didn't want the person he loved to go into danger after he survived a near death.

But looking at the scene in front of him.

He knew it was useless to talk too much.

That's all.

is also good.

With His Majesty's current power, maybe he can really save the Shuofeng Demon Kingdom.

This can also relieve Li Huiyue's knot.

Bai Yuejing thought about it silently.

After Zhou Zhou cared about the recent affairs of several people, he bid farewell to everyone, and then returned to his blessed land of senior lords.

In the study.

Zhou Zhou sat on a throne made of golden nanmu, recalling what happened tonight.

The more I think about it.

The more he felt the potential of this super task master was astonishing.

Just one night's work allowed him to obtain a lot of fog hearts and valuable items, and also harvested the hidden mission of the middle **** superior, and the reward of this mission is even a lost treasure of an entire high-level kingdom.

Although there is a coincidence part.

But it can also be seen that the talent potential of this lord is huge.

"My previous guess was indeed correct."

"The strength, influence and status represented by my own identity also determine what kind of tasks I can receive."

"Like when I was wearing a mask before, I could only receive some ordinary and low-level tasks."

"Although the rewards I get are of some value, to me today, they are considered ordinary, at most they are a little novel."

"And when I put down my mask and go to the mission with my own identity, I will directly receive a hidden mission from the middle god!"

"If I went to see Teacher Li Huiyue wearing a mask, Teacher Li Huiyue would not have given me her identity and the entrustment of Shuofeng Demon Kingdom without knowing my identity and abilities."

"Even if I can know that she has a hidden mission through the task reminder given by my talent, I might not be able to trigger it."

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly when he thought of this.

That being the case.

If you want to do tasks in the future, try to do it with your true identity.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of my qualifications and titles!

As the strongest lord of novices, the strongest lord of all races, the owner of racial artifacts, the owner of chaotic human blood, and the lord favored by the supreme will!

This lord talent is perfect for me!

Come back to God.

Zhou Zhou took out three gray humanoid statues.

This gray willful statue depicts a middle-aged man with a tall crown, a thin face, and a neat long black beard.

He looked over.

A text prompt appears.

[Name of Treasure: Statue of the Ancestor of the Blue Star Human Race - Zhang Heng]

[Treasure Level: Extraordinary]

[Treasure effect: Place it in the shrine of the Taimiao to activate the effect of the ancestor statue on the territory, people or lord! ]

[Introduction to the treasure: Zhang Heng, courtesy name Pingzi, Han nationality, from Nanyang Xi'e, one of the five sages of Nanyang. The great astronomer, mathematician, inventor, geographer, and writer in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China was hailed as the "Sage of Wood" (Sage of Science) by later generations. ]

"It's Zhang Heng's ancestor..."

Zhou Zhou suddenly realized.

He still has a deep impression of this ancestor.

I remember watching a children's animation when I was a child, which told the story of this ancestor making a guide car.

At that time, he was very curious, why the direction of the guide car changed, but the direction of the finger of the wooden man on the car kept facing south?

When I grow up, it doesn't matter.

I didn't expect to get the ancestor statue of this ancestor today.

As for the other two statues of the ancestors of the Blue Star Human Race, they were naturally two additional statues of Zhang Heng's ancestors that popped up with the help of his title of lord.

Zhou Zhou picked up two of them first, and then fused them into an epic statue of Zhang Heng's ancestor.

Then he took this ancestor statue to the Taimiao.

(end of this chapter)