Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 479

Chapter 479

Chapter 479 Mythical Treasure Chest of Ten Thousand Races! Supreme Royal!

It is the professional arm of the Lord of the Last Yan - the Last Yan Guard!

[Branch name: Final Guard]

[Arms quality: God-level]

[Creation method of troops: When the lord of the end Yan leads the lord force under his command to conquer a lord force of the kingdom level or above, he can automatically obtain the allegiance of a member of the end Yan guard. ]

[Introduction to arms: The exclusive arm of Lord Final Yan, a terrifying creature born in the end, is as prosperous as Lord Final Yan, and is harmed by every injury. Such laws, even gods, would be afraid of their weapons. ]

Zhou Zhou was shocked and pleasantly surprised when he saw the information about the arms of the Final Yan Guards.

It's actually a divine country-level unit! ?

A unit of the same level as Soul Reaper Maris exists!

You must know that the Divine Kingdom-level arms are almost exclusive to those Divine Kingdom-level forces.

A unit of this level, even the legendary main god, will attach great importance to it and rely heavily on it!

Zhou Zhou only has the lord talent of the king of spoils, so he has a soul reaper Maris at the current stage.

And now.

He, a lord who hasn't even established a kingdom, has actually obtained a stable channel to obtain God-level arms!

Even if the conditions to achieve it are difficult, you need to conquer the lord forces of the kingdom level and above to obtain it, that is also very difficult.

Zhou Zhou was really shocked.

It was only then that he realized the preciousness of the final lord profession.

Since it can produce divine-level arms, it can only prove its professional grade, at least not lower than the divine-level!


A flash of light flashed in his mind.

"The Kingdom of Tahan has suffered a great loss of national power, and it may even reach the point where there is no one in ten."

"The king of the Aurora Kingdom, Li Yuanqian, also promised to give me the Aurora Kingdom."

"If I send troops to take down the Tahan Kingdom, and then accept Li Yuanqian's Aurora Kingdom, will I directly get two copies of the power of the final law, two copies of the power of the final Nirvana, and two members of the final guard?!"

Zhou Zhou became more and more excited as he thought about it.

If his guess is true, then Tahan Kingdom and Aurora Kingdom are two great treasures for him!

After a long time.

His mood calmed down.

"Starting tomorrow, the next three days are the rest period."

"During the three-day rest period, I can definitely send troops to take the Kingdom of Tahan first!"

Zhou Zhou thought.

Based on the troops he currently possesses plus the troops possessed by the Alliance of Lords.

Let's not talk about a junior scarlet kingdom whose national power is ten to none.

Even if it comes to the Tahan Kingdom in the three peak periods, he is confident that he can easily win it.

Zhou Zhou had no reason not to eat the meat that was brought to his mouth.

Then he looked at another Mythical Treasure Chest of Ten Thousand Races.

This treasure chest is black and gold in color, two meters long and half a meter wide, with ancient pictures engraved on the surface, which seems to be the scene of living together of all races.

Zhou Zhou took a deep breath, and then opened it.

I saw an ancient black and gold circular city wall model lying quietly inside.

Zhou Zhou frowned.

He looked over, and a text prompt appeared.

[Building Name: Supreme Palace]

[Building Level: Superior True God]

[Building Function 1-Wall of Ten Thousand Cities: After using the Supreme City in the main city, the original main city wall will be replaced by the Supreme City Wall. At the same time, the city walls of the subordinate cities of the main city can also be replaced by the same supreme imperial city walls. ]

[Building function 2-growth: the level of the city wall of the supreme city will automatically increase with the level of the city, and the highest level can be automatically upgraded to the upper city wall of the true god; at the same time, the supreme city is automatically immune to any attribute attacks lower than the level of the city wall; when the supreme city is When an attack higher than the level of the city wall is broken, it can be repaired by replenishing building materials. ]

[Architectural blueprint effect 3-absolute defense: Supreme Defense can activate absolute defense for 1~10 seconds every day. During this period, it is immune to any attribute attack at any level. The duration of absolute defense depends on the level of the city wall. ]

[Description of the building: The supreme palace in mythology and legends was damaged because it participated in a battle of gods with countless deaths and injuries. It was later repaired by the supreme will and rewarded to the first lord of the lords of all races battlefield event! ]

[use or not? ]

Zhou Zhou slightly widened his eyes.

The abilities of the three city walls of the Supreme Commander are all top-notch!

The first one can save him a lot of materials and time to build the city wall!

When he asked Zhao Changshou to build the first city wall of the territory, he spent a lot of building materials and time, which left a deep impression on him.

Now that the supreme power can have this superb effect, it is naturally the best.

And there is no need to worry about the city wall of the new city in the future.

To get a new city, just let the Supreme King be the new city wall.

In the future, the walls of all his territories can use the Supreme King.

Save time, effort and money, but it's easy to use!

The effect of the second city wall is even more superb!

Not only can the level of the city wall increase with the level of the territory, but it can also be immune to attacks lower than the level of the city wall!

If the lords of all races see this attribute, they will definitely be extremely envious and jealous of him!

The third absolute defense, although it seems that the defense time is very little.

But if it can be used at a critical moment, it might save the lives of the entire city!

"As expected of a Mythical Treasure Chest of Ten Thousand Races!"

"This reward is a taiji grade!"

Zhou Zhou's eyes lit up.

Then he immediately took the supreme amulet and went outside the blessed land of the junior lord.

Then he asked the soldiers stationed on the city wall to go down the city wall immediately through the legion panel.

Although the soldiers did not understand Zhou Zhou's order, they ran down the city wall one by one.

The noise made by the soldiers was a bit loud.

Many residents and soldiers could not help but come out to watch.

Including Bai Yun, Wu Xin and others also came out.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhou asked them to evacuate the soldiers and citizens around the city wall, so as to avoid accidental injury in a while.

Bai Yun and others immediately took orders to do it.

After a while.

Wait until everything is arranged.

Facing the puzzled eyes of the crowd, Zhou Zhou smiled without explaining, and then his eyes fell on the model of the Supreme King in his hand.

His eyes were burning and he said: "Use it!"

The voice just fell.

Seeing that the model of the supreme emperor suddenly turned into streaks of off-white light, which fell from Zhou Zhou's hands one after another, and then merged into the ground.

Boom boom boom...

The earth suddenly trembled faintly.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then panic appeared in their eyes.

what's the situation?

Dilong turned over?

at this time.

There were bursts of exclamations suddenly, and then many people's eyes fell on the distant city wall.

I saw the silver-grade city wall made of Guangyuan stone in the distance, which was actually crumbling at this moment.

Just when everyone was worried that the city wall was about to collapse.


I saw a piece of the city wall peeling off, and what was revealed inside was not the dilapidated city wall bricks, but a brand new black and gold wall.

More and more walls of the city walls fell off, revealing more and more black and gold walls.

Bai Yun, Wu Xin, Feng Luo, Chief Architect of Scorching Sun Leader Zhao Changshou, Deputy Mayor Zheng Yuanqi, Martial Artist Luo Feng, Physician Bai Yuejing...

All the leaders of Scorching Sun who saw this scene were stunned.

(end of this chapter)