Lord Of The People: My Explosion Rate Is 100% - Chapter 478

Chapter 478

Chapter 478 New Lord Occupation-Final Lord!

Zhou Zhou looked at these two rewards with some expectation.

"Hopefully something good will come out."

He looked at the two of them, and decided to start with the final battlefield gift pack.

Save the good things for last!

After he opened the blood-red gift bag, a blood-red certificate appeared in front of Zhou Zhou.

Zhou Zhou was taken aback.

He picked it up and looked over.

[Name of the treasure: "Proof of Lord Final Yan's job transfer"]

[Treasure Level: Exclusive Unique]

[Treasure effect: Exclusive and unique lord job change props! After using it, you can become the exclusive and unique lord profession - the final lord! And will receive the blessing of the final battlefield, automatically have occupation-specific equipment, occupation law skills, and exclusive arms transfer capabilities. ]

[Introduction to the treasure: Exclusive and unique lord job transfer certificate! Originated from the legendary Final Battlefield, only lords who are invincible in the Final Battlefield are eligible to wear the crown of the Final Lord! ]

Zhou Zhou was a little surprised when he saw its information.

Is it actually a job transfer certificate for a special profession?

And it is also a proof of job change for the lord profession.

There are very few special occupations, not to mention the exclusive and unique lord occupations in special occupations.

Although it was the first time he saw this type of job transfer certificate, Zhou Zhou knew that it must be based on its job prefix and the exclusive equipment, law skills, and exclusive unit transfer powers that it automatically gave after job transfer. It is a proof of a top-level career change that can't be met!

"I have the bronze-level lord talent-Full-time Master II of the God of War, and I can have two additional professions."

"I didn't know what career to choose as my second and third career."

"it's good now!"

"This Lord of Final Yan is simply the best choice for my second career!"

Zhou Zhou looked surprised.

Then he chose to use it without hesitation.

I saw that this **** job transfer certificate suddenly dissipated into countless **** mist, and then poured into Zhou Zhou's eyebrows one after another.

He only felt a chill between his brows, and then a text prompt appeared in front of his eyes.

[You have successfully taken up the exclusive and unique lord occupation - the final lord! ]

[You have received the blessing of the final battlefield, and obtained professional equipment-the final crown! ]

[You have received the blessing of the final battlefield, and obtained the professional law skill-final Nirvana! ]

[You have received the blessing of the Final Battlefield, and you have obtained a professional unit - the Final Guard! ]

Zhou Zhou felt his body, and faintly found that his body seemed to have undergone some changes.

At the same time, he discovered that in his super perception, he could only perceive various energies evolved from the energy of chaos.

But now.

In addition to these energies, he discovered another breath.

This kind of breath is grayish white.

They float silently in the sky and the earth, seeming to be everywhere.

Seeing them, Zhou Zhou suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart.

This is the breath of the end!

A breath comparable to the air of chaos!

If the air of chaos represents the source of creation and destruction of all things!

Then the breath of finality represents the absolute power of finality!

For the final gas, the final lord profession gave him these reminders, and there are no other reminders.

Zhou Zhou thought about it for a while, and then stopped thinking about it.

The air of finality, which is comparable to the air of chaos, is not something that a small lord can study.

In the future, when the level is reached, everything will naturally be understood.

No matter how much you think about it now, it is just useless fantasy.

He looked at the three occupational benefits provided by Lord Final Yan.

First of all, after he took office as the Lord of Final Yan, the Crown of Final Yan condensed in front of him out of thin air.

This final crown is all gray and white, and there are three hill-like protrusions directly in front of the crown, which looks simple and mysterious.

A text prompt appears.

[Artifact Name: Final Yan Crown]

[Artifact Grade: Lower Golem (Growth)]

[Artifact ability 1-power of finality: As the lord of finality, you have the power of finality that can end everything in your body. When you attack any substance, you have a 10% chance of crushing it; When attacking any creature, you have a 1% chance to kill it directly. ]

[Artifact Ability 2-Final Legion: The soldiers of the Lord Flood have a wisp of aura when they attack. When they attack any material, they have a 1% chance of crushing it. ]

[Artifact Ability 3-Final Arrival: By destroying the power of the lord, the power of the final law can be collected. When enough power of the final law is collected, the grade of the final crown can be upgraded, and more abilities of the final crown can be unlocked! ]

[The current collection progress of the power of the final law: 0%]

[Introduction to the Artifact: The exclusive artifact of Lord Final Yan, which contains the power of the end of all things! ]

Zhou Zhou couldn't help holding his breath after seeing the information about the final crown.

It's actually an artifact! ?

Oh My God!

Is this the only level of lord occupation?

Give me a magic weapon when you come up? !

Moreover, this artifact can still grow, and I don't know how far it will grow in the future.

Zhou Zhou played with it for a while with a joyful expression, and then put it on his head tentatively.

When he put the crown on his head, he suddenly felt the power of the end of his body surging more active.

And he has a faint feeling now.

I seem to have mastered two special law powers by virtue of this ultimate power.

One is 'Crush'!

One is 'instant death'!

Although their trigger probability is very low.

But in the future, if I can continue to improve the grade of the final crown, the probability of triggering these two law abilities will also continue to increase.

"As expected of an artifact."

"Directly provide two methods that are close to law techniques."

Zhou Zhou was very satisfied with the artifact of the Final Yan Crown.

Then he looked at the professional blessing.

[Law Technique Name: Ultimate Nirvana]

[Law Skill Quality: Main God Advanced]

[Introduction to law skills: When the final lord destroys the power of the kingdom-level and above lords, according to the strength of the overthrowing lord's force, you can get a different amount of final Nirvana power, and consume the corresponding amount of final Nirvana power. After the death of the final lord, the final lord can be resurrected immediately, and the strength of the final lord can be greatly improved! ]

[Currently has the power of final nirvana: 0]

Zhou Zhou couldn't help holding his breath after reading it.

Resurrection? !

It turned out to be another means of resurrection.

In this case, apart from relying on the goddess of life's large and small resurrection technique, I have a new resurrection method.

A smile appeared on his face.

Regarding life-saving, there are never too many means!

"The promotion of the final crown requires the destruction of the lord's forces and the power of the final law."

"The release of Final Nirvana also needs to obtain the power of Final Nirvana by eliminating the kingdom-level and above lord forces."

"The profession of the final lord is really a profession that likes to make trouble."

Zhou Zhou muttered to himself.

But he didn't care.

As the lord of ten thousand races, he was going to attack other lords of ten thousand races and scarlet lords.

Finally, Lord Yan's request for trouble, in his own opinion, can be easily fulfilled.

Then he looked at the last professional blessing.

(end of this chapter)