Lincoln Rhyme Series - The Vanished Man - Lincoln Rhyme Series - The Vanished Man Part 25

Lincoln Rhyme Series - The Vanished Man Part 25

He handed it to Bell. "For you."

"Whatsis?" the Tarheel detective asked, pulling the contents out and reading them. He nodded slowly as he read. "This's the report on the follow-up search at Grady's office. The one you asked Peretti to run. You mind taking a gander, Lincoln?"

The curt note on top read: LR-As requested. -VP.

Rhyme read through the details of the report, Thom flipping the page for him with every stern nod. The CS techs had completed a thorough inventory of the secretary's office and had identified and mapped out all the footprints in the room, exactly as Rhyme had asked. He read this carefully several times, closing his eyes and picturing the scene.

Then he turned to the complete analysis of the fibers that'd been found.

Most of the white ones were a polyester/rayon blend. Some were attached to a thick cotton fiber-also white. Most were dull and dirty. The black fibers were wool.

"Mel, what do we think about the black ones there?"

The tech scooted off his stool and examined the images. "Photo work isn't the best," he said. After a moment he concluded, "From some tight weave, twilled fabric."

"Gabardine?" Rhyme asked.

"Can't tell without a bigger sample to see the diagonal. But I'll go with gabardine."

Rhyme read down the page and learned that the single red fiber found in the office was satin. "Okay, okay," he mused, closing his eyes and digesting everything he'd read.

The criminalist asked Cooper, "What do you know about fabric and clothing, Mel?"

"Not a lot. But if I can quote you, Lincoln, the important question isn't 'What do you know about something?' It's 'Do you know where to find out about it?' And the answer to that is yes, I do."


Music School Crime Scene Perp's description: Brown hair, fake beard, no distinguishings, medium build, medium height, age: fifties. Ring and little fingers of left hand fused together. Changed costume quickly to resemble old, bald janitor.

No apparent motive.

* Victim: Svetlana Rasnikov.

* Full-time music student.

* Checking family, friends, students, coworkers for possible leads.

* No boyfriends, no known enemies. Performed at children's birthday parties.

* Circuit board with speaker attached.

* Sent to FBI lab, NYC.

* Digital recorder, probably containing perp's voice. All data destroyed.

* Voice recorder is a "gimmick." Homemade.

* Used antique iron handcuffs to restrain victim.

* Handcuffs are Darby irons. Scotland Yard. Checking with Houdini Museum in New Orleans for leads.

* Destroyed victim's watch at exactly 8:00 A. M.

* Cotton string holding chairs. Generic. Too many sources to trace.

* Squib for gunshot effect. Destroyed.

* Too many sources to trace.

* Fuse. Generic.

* Too many sources to trace.

* Responding officers reported flash in air. No trace material recovered.

* Was from flash cotton or flash paper.

* Too many sources to trace.

* Perp's shoes: size 10 Ecco.

* Silk fibers, dyed gray, processed to a matte finish.

* From quick-change janitor's outfit.

* Unsub is possibly wearing brown wig.

* Red pignut hickory and Parmelia conspersa lichen, both found primarily in Central Park.

* Dirt impregnated with unusual mineral oil. Sent to FBI for analysis.

* Tack-Pure oil for saddles and leather.

* Black silk, 72 x 48". Used as camouflage. Not traceable.

* Illusionists use this frequently.

* Wears caps to cover up prints.

* Magician's finger cups.

* Traces of latex, castor oil, makeup.

* Theatrical makeup.

* Traces of alginate.

* Used in molding latex "appliances."

* Murder weapon: white silk-knit rope with black silk core.

* Rope is a magic trick. Color-changing. Not traceable.

* Unusual knot.

* Sent to FBI and Maritime Museum-no information.

* Knots are from Houdini routines, virtually impossible to untie.

* Used disappearing ink on sign-in register.

East Village Crime Scene * Victim Two: Tony Calvert.

* Makeup artist, theater company.

* No known enemies.

* No apparent connection with first victim.

* No apparent motive.

Cause of death: * Blunt-object trauma to head followed by postmortem dismemberment with crosscut saw.

* Perp escaped portraying woman in her 70s. Checking vicinity for discarded costume and other evidence.

* Nothing recovered.

* Watch smashed at 12:00 exactly.

* Pattern? Next victim presumably at 4:00 P. M.

* Perp hid behind mirror. Not traceable. Fingerprints sent to FBI.

* No matches.

* Used cat toy ("feke") to lure victim into alley. Toy is untraceable.

* Additional mineral oil found, same as at first scene. Awaiting FBI report.

* Tack-Pure oil for saddles and leather.

* Additional latex and makeup from finger cups.

* Additional alginate.

* Ecco shoes left behind.

* Dog hairs found in shoes, from three different breeds of dog. Manure too.

* Manure from horses, not dogs.

Hudson River and Related Crime Scenes * Victim: Cheryl Marston.

* Attorney.

* Divorced but husband not a suspect.

* No motive.

* Perp gave name as "John." Had scars on neck and chest. Deformed hand confirmed.

* Perp did quick change to unbearded businessman in chinos and dress shirt, then biker in denim Harley shirt.

* Car is in Harlem River. Perp presumably escaped.

* Duct-tape gag. Can't be traced.

* Squibs, same as before. Can't be traced.

* Chains and snap fixtures, generic, not traceable.

* Rope, generic, not traceable.

* Additional makeup, latex and Tack-Pure.

* Gym bag, made in China, not traceable.

Containing: * Traces of date-rape drug flunitrazepam.

* Adhesive magician's wax, not traceable.

* Brass (?) shavings. Sent to FBI.

* Permanent ink, black.

* Navy-blue windbreaker found, no initials or laundry marks.

Containing: * Press pass for CTN cable network, issued to Stanley Saferstein. (He's not suspect-NCIC, VICAP search negative.) * Plastic hotel key card, American Plastic Cards, Akron, Ohio. Model APC-42, negative on prints.

* CEO is searching for sales records.

* Dets. Bedding and Saul canvassing hotels.