"How 'bout the pond? Where you found him."
"We found some things there," Sachs said. "He blinded us with more of that flash cotton and then set off some squibs. We thought he was shooting at first."
Cooper looked over the burned residue. "Just like the others. Can't source it."
"All right," Rhyme sighed. "What else is there?"
"Chains. Two lengths."
He'd wrapped these around Cheryl Marston's chest, arms and ankles and secured them with snap clasps, like on the end of dog leashes. Cooper and Rhyme examined all of these items carefully. There were no manufacturers' markings on any of them. The story was the same with the rope and the duct tape he'd gagged her with.
The gym bag that the killer had collected from the car, presumably containing the chains and rope, was unbranded and had been made in China. Given enough manpower, it was sometimes possible to find a source for common items like this by canvassing discount stores and street vendors. But for a cheap, mass-produced bag a search of that magnitude was impossible.
Cooper inverted the bag above a porcelain examining tray and repeatedly tapped the bottom to dislodge whatever might be inside. A bit of white powder drifted out. The tech did a drug analysis and the substance turned out to be flunitrazepam.
"Date-rape drug of choice," Sachs told Kara.
There were also tiny pellets of a sticky translucent material inside. It looked like a similar substance was lodged in the zipper and smeared on the handle. "I don't recognize it," Cooper said.
But Kara looked it over, smelled the substance and said, "Magician's adhesive wax. We use it to stick things together temporarily onstage. Maybe he had an open capsule of the drug stuck to the palm of his hand. When he reached over her drink or coffee he tipped it in."
"Sources for the wax are?" Rhyme asked cynically. "Let me guess-any magic supply store in the free world?"
Kara nodded. "Sorry."
Within the bag Cooper also found some tiny metallic shavings and a circular black mark-as if from some residue on the bottom of a small bottle of paint.
An examination through the microscope revealed the metal was probably brass and there were unique machining patterns on the metal. But any deductions were beyond Lincoln Rhyme. "Send some pictures down to our friends in the bureau." Cooper took the images, compressed them and sent them off via encrypted email to Washington.
The black stains turned out not to be paint but permanent ink. But the database couldn't identify what kind specifically; there were no markers to individuate it.
"What's that?" Rhyme asked, looking toward a plastic bag containing some navy-blue cloth.
"We were lucky there," Sachs said. "That's the windbreaker he was wearing when he picked up the Marston woman. He didn't get a chance to take it with him when he bolted."
"Individuate?" Rhyme asked, hoping that there might be some initials or laundry marks inside.
After a lengthy examination of the garment Cooper said, "Nope. And all the tags've been removed."
"But," Sachs said, "we found some things in the pockets."
The first item they examined was a press pass issued by one of the big cable-TV networks. The CTN reporter's name was Stanley Saferstein and the photo on the pass revealed a thin, brown-haired man with a beard. Sellitto called the network and spoke to the head of security. It turned out that Saferstein was one of their senior reporters and had worked the metro desk for years. His pass had been stolen last week-lifted during or after a press conference downtown. The reporter had never felt a thing as the thief had apparently cut the lanyard and pocketed the ID.
The Conjurer had snatched Saferstein's card, Rhyme assumed, because the reporter bore a slight resemblance: in his fifties, narrow-faced and dark-haired.
The stolen pass had been canceled, the security chief had explained, "but the guy could still flash it and get past a checkpoint. Guards and police don't check too close if they see our logo."
After they hung up, Rhyme said to Cooper, "Run 'Saferstein' through VICAP and NCIC."
"Sure. But why?"
"Just because," Rhyme answered.
He wasn't surprised when the results came back negative. He hadn't actually thought that the reporter had any connection with the Conjurer but with this particular perp Rhyme was taking no chances.
The jacket also contained a gray plastic hotel key card. Rhyme was delighted at this find. Even though there was no hotel name on it-just a picture of a key and an arrow to show the guest which end to insert in the lock-he assumed it would have codes in the magnetic strip to tell them which hotel and room it belonged to.
Cooper found the manufacturer's name in small type on the back of the card: APC INC., AKRON, OHIO. This, he found out from a search of a trademark database, stood for American Plastic Cards, a company that made hundreds of different identification and key cards.
In a few minutes the team was on the speakerphone with the president of APC himself-a shirtsleeve CEO, Rhyme imagined, who had no problem working on Saturday or picking up his own phone. Rhyme explained the situation to him, described the key and asked how many hotels in the New York City metro area it was sold to.
"Ah, that's the APC-42. Its our most popular model. We make them for all the big locking systems. Ilco, Saflok, Tesa, Ving, Sargent, all the others."
"Any suggestions on narrowing down which hotel it belongs to?"
"I'm afraid you'll just have to start calling hotels and see who uses gray APC-42s. We have that information here someplace but I wouldn't know how to dig it up myself. I'll try and track down my sales manager or his assistant. But it could be a day or two."
"Ouch," Sellitto said.
Yeah, ouch.
After they hung up, Rhyme decided he wasn't content to wait for APC so he had Sellitto send the key to Bedding and Saul with instructions to start canvassing hotels in Manhattan to find out who used the very fucking popular APC-42. He also ordered both the press pass and the key card fingerprinted-but the results were negative on this too. They revealed just smudges and two more of the finger-cup prints.
Roland Bell returned from the scenes on the West Side and Cooper briefed him on what the team had learned so far. They then returned to the evidence and found that the Conjurer's running jacket contained something else: A restaurant check from a place called the Riverside Inn in Bedford Junction, New York. The bill revealed that four people had eaten lunch at table 12 on Saturday, April 6-two weeks ago. The meal consisted of turkey, meatloaf, a steak and one daily special.
No one drank alcohol. It was soft drinks all around.
Sachs shook her head. "Where the hell's Bedford Junction?"
"Way upstate, I do believe," Mel Cooper said.
"There's a phone number on the receipt," Bell drawled. "Call 'em up. Ask Debby or Tanya, or whoever's the charmin' waitress if any regular foursome sits at"-he squinted at the receipt-"table twelve. Or at least if she remembers who ordered those things. Long shot, but who knows?"
"What's the number?" Sellitto asked.
Bell called it out.
It was a long shot-too long, as Rhyme had expected. The manager and the waitresses there had no idea who might've been in on that Saturday.
"It's a 'bustlin' spot,'" Sellitto reported, rolling his eyes. "That's a quote."
"I don't like it," Sachs said.
"What's he doing having lunch with three other people?"
"Good point," Bell said. "You think he's working with somebody?"
Sellitto replied, "Naw, I doubt it. Pattern doers're almost always loners."
Kara disagreed. "I'm not sure. Close-in artists, parlor magicians-they work alone. But he's an illusionist, remember? They always work with other people. You've got volunteers from the audience. Then assistants onstage that the audience knows're working with the performer. And then there're confederates too. Those're people who're working for the illusionist but the audience doesn't know it. They might be disguised as stagehands, members of the audience, volunteers. In a good show you're never quite sure who's who."
Christ, Rhyme thought, this one perp was bad enough, with his skills at quick change, escape and illusionism. Working with assistants would make him a hundred times more dangerous.
"Mark it down, Thom," he barked. Then: "Let's look at what you found in the alley-where Burke collared him."
The first item was the officer's handcuffs.
"He got out of them in seconds. Had to've had a key," Sachs said. To the dismay of cops around the country most handcuffs can be opened with generic keys, available from law-enforcement supply houses for a few dollars. Rhyme wheeled over to the examination table and studied them carefully. "Turn them over. . . . Hold them up. . . . He might've used a key, true, but I see fresh scratches in the hole. I'd say it was picked. . . ."
"But Burke would've frisked him," Sachs pointed out. "Where'd he get a pick?"
Kara offered, "Could've been hidden anywhere. His hair, his mouth."
Rhyme mused. "Hit the cuffs with the ALS, Mel."
Cooper donned goggles and shone an alternative light source on the cuffs. "Yep, we've got some tiny smears and dots around the keyhole." This meant, Rhyme explained to Kara, the presence of bodily fluid, saliva most likely.
"Houdini did that all the time. Sometimes he'd let somebody from the audience check his mouth out. Then just before he did the escape his wife'd kiss him-he said it was for luck but she was really passing a key from her mouth to his."
"But he'd be cuffed behind his back," Sellitto said. "How could he even reach his mouth?"
"Oh," Kara said with a laugh. "Any escapist can get cuffed hands in front of his body in three or four seconds."
Cooper tested the saliva traces. Some individuals secrete antibodies into all bodily fluids, which lets investigators determine blood type. The Conjurer, though, turned out not to be a secretor.
Sachs had also found a very tiny piece of serrated-edge metal.
"Yeah, it's his too," Kara said. "Another escapist tool. A razor saw. It's probably what he used to cut through those plastic bands on his ankles."
"Would that've been in his mouth too? Wouldn't it be too dangerous?"
"Oh, a lot of us hide needles and razor blades in our mouths as part of the acts. With practice it's pretty safe."
Examining the last of the trace from the alley scene, they found more bits of latex and traces of the makeup, identical to what they'd seen earlier. More Tack-Pure oil as well.
"At the riverside, Sachs, when he went into the river? You find anything?"
"Just skid marks in the mud." She pinned up the digital photos that Cooper had printed out from his computer. "Some helpful citizen managed to screw up the scene," she explained. "But I spent a half hour going through the muck. I'm pretty sure he didn't drop any evidence or bail out."
Sellitto asked Bell, "What about the vic, the Marston woman? She have anything to say?"
The Tarheel detective gave a summary of his interview with her.
An attorney, Rhyme considered. Why pick her? What the hell was the Conjurer's pattern with the victims? Musician, makeup artist and attorney.
Bell added, "She's divorced. Husband's out in California. Wasn't the friendliest divorce in the world but I don't reckon he's involved. I had LAPD make some calls and he was accounted for today. And there's no NCIC or VICAP sheet on him."
Cheryl Marston had described the Conjurer as slim, strong, bearded, scars on neck and chest. "Oh, and she confirmed his fingers were deformed, like we'd thought. Fused together, she said. He was hush about the neighborhood he lives in and he picked the alias 'John.' Now there's a clever boy for you."
Useless, Rhyme assessed.
Bell then explained how he'd picked her up and what had happened afterward.
Rhyme asked Kara, "Anything sound familiar?"
"He could've hypnotized a pigeon or gull, pitched it at the horse then used some kind of gimmick to keep the horse agitated."
"What kind of gimmick?" Rhyme asked. "You know any manufacturers?"
"No, that's probably homemade too. Magicians used to use electrodes or prods to get lions to roar on cue, things like that. But animal-rights activists'd never let you get away with that now."
Bell continued, describing what had happened when Marston and the Conjurer had gone to have coffee.
"One thing she said that was odd: it was like he could read her mind." Bell described what Marston had told him about the Conjurer's knowing so much about her.
"Body reading," Kara said. "He'd say something and then watch her close, check out her reactions. That'd tell him a lot about her. Coming on to somebody like that's called 'selling them the medicine.' A really good mentalist can find out all kinds of things just by having an innocent conversation with you."
"Then when she was gettin' comfortable with him he drugged her and took her to the pond. Dunked her upside down."
"It was a variation of the Water Torture Cell routine," Kara explained. "Houdini. One of his most famous."
"And his escape from the pond?" Rhyme asked Sachs.
"At first I wasn't sure it was him-he'd done a quick change," she said. "His clothes were different and"-a glance at Kara-"his eyebrows too. I couldn't get a look at his hand, to see the fingers. But he distracted me, used ventriloquism. I was looking right at his face-I never saw his lips move."
Kara said, "I'll bet he picked words that didn't have any b's or m's or p's. Probably no f's or v's either."
"You're right. I think it was something like, 'Yo, look out, on your right, that guy in the jogging suit's got a gun.' Perfect black dialect." She grimaced. "I looked away-the same direction he looked, like everybody else. Then he set off that flash cotton and I got blinded. He fired the squibs and I thought he was shooting. He got me cold."
Rhyme saw the disgust in her face. Amelia Sachs reserved her worst anger for herself.
Kara, though, said, "Don't take it too hard. Hearing's the easiest sensation to fool. We don't use sound illusions much in shows. They're cheap shots."
Sachs shrugged this reassurance off and continued, "While Roland and I were still blinded from the flash he took off and disappeared, slipped into the crafts fair." Another grimace. "And then I saw him fifteen minutes later-this biker, wearing a Harley shirt. I mean, for God's sake, he was right there in front of me."
"Man," Kara said, shaking her head, "his coins definitely don't talk."
"What's that?" Rhyme asked. "Coins?"
"Oh, an expression magicians use. Literally it means you can't hear any clinking when you do coin tricks but we use it in general when somebody's really good. We'd also say he's got 'tight tricks.'"
Walking to the whiteboard reserved for the magician profile, she picked up the marker and added to it, commenting, "So, he does close-in and mentalism and even ventriloquism. And animal tricks. We knew he does lock-picking-from the second murder-but now we know he's an escapist too. What kind of magic doesn't he do?"
As Rhyme leaned his head back, watching her write, Thom brought a large envelope into the room.