*Swos.h.!.+Swos.h.!.+* The sound their fist colliding a million times over and over was heard throughout the skies. Nearby forest trees exploded and the sky was turning darker from how much power was emitting out of their bodies. A thunderstorm forms! A perfect boost for Zen!
"Maybe I should kick this up a notch! AAAAAAH!" Goku turns Super Saiyan and kicks Zen in the stomach. Zen swiftly grabs Goku's leg mid-air and shoots a gold laser beam of his eyes!
[Heat-Ray G.o.d Vision] Skill.
Goku was. .h.i.t right in the face and was sent flying across two large mountains. His body slammed against one mountain and shattered it into chunks of rocks.
"Alright playtime is over," Zen floats in the skies and then unleashes his Superman Prime powers and Super Saiyan Blue powers, "AAAAAAAAAH!!!" He roars out as his muscles grew and veins popped out his neck.
"Woah! You're a Saiyan!? And what form is that!? It looks awesome!-" Goku gets off from the mountain and then charges up a Kamehameha, "KMEH-HAME-HAAAAAAAA!!!" He blasts out a huge beam of compressed Ki out from his palms.
"Yeah beat him Goku!" Chants Bulam as she cutely jumps up and down. "Yeah kill the b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Goku!" Master Ros.h.i.+ adds in.
"Now we're talking. Try this!!!" Zen lifts up his palms and combines three of his most powerful attacks into one ball of energy. Reality-Warping[Beyhonder], Saiyan G.o.d KI Blast[Super Saiyan Blue] , and G.o.d Thunder[Thor] all fused together and formed a blast that could kill a G.o.d! On top of that, he was in Superman Prime and Super Saiyan Blue form!
[Ender Blast!] Zen thunder out.
A surge of bluish and reddish electricity surrounded Zen's body and hands as shot out the blast. The blast itself was a red and G.o.d color and resembled a Kamehameha, but in a much larger and powerful scale. The skies above him actually shattered and nearby mountains were vaporized to dust!
"AAAAAAAAH!!!" Goku's Kamehameha collided with Zen's Ender Blast, both powerful blasts fought off each other until there was one victor. It was clear which blast was more powerful.
Zen's Ender Blast sliced right through Goku's Kamehameha beam and collided right into Goku's chest.
"GAAAAAAAAH!!!" Scream out Goku as his whole body exploded, b.l.o.o.d.y meat chunks showered Zen as he flies towards the exploded Goku and took his Senzu beans. Goku was killed so quickly. About 10seconds total. Zen's battle power was a ma.s.sive 100,000,000∞.
"GOKKKKKUUUUU!!!" Cries out Bulma and Master Ros.h.i.+. On this day. The DBZ world had seen the true power of a Harem G.o.d. Every other harem king or whatever where weak t.w.a.ts compared to Zen.
"I thought you would put a better fight. Guess I was wrong," Zen lands in front of Bulma and Master Ros.h.i.+. The thunderstorm gets louder and more rain pours over Zen's b.l.o.o.d.y face.
"You monster!!!" Bulma goes to slap Zen in the face. He easily freezes her with his Doctor Strange powers and stares right in her face.
"Maybe I can use you for something," He grins as places his hands under her soft chin with a slight frown.
Suddenly two people land in front of Zen. The show was just getting started.