"What in tarnation is going on!!!?" Master Ros.h.i.+ jumps ups in the air with his pants down. He was reading a dirty s.m.u.t p.o.r.n magazine that had three busty female p.o.r.nstars eating out each others' p.u.s.s.ies. On Master Ros.h.i.+'s bald head was a pair of blue panties!
"Has anyone seen my panties!? I swear I left them in my luggage!" Shout Bulma as she barges in Master Ros.h.i.+'s bedroom. She sees her panties on top of the old geezers head.
"You sick old geezer! You dirty pervert!!!" Bulma screams out with a disgusted look on her face. She then looked up at Zen who was now floating down in front of Bulma.
[ A/N: Bulma's current style = https://www.pinterest.com/pin/519532506993940733/ ]
"Who are you?" She asked with a pouty face as she placed her hands at the side of her slim waist Her gorgeous b.o.o.bs jiggled in a memorizing way. She was already mad at Master Ros.h.i.+ stealing her panties and now Zen was adding more flames to her anger.
"The name is Zen. Can I have a word with the old man?" Zen asked as he landed and sealed away his Superman Prime powers to reserve some battle power.
"Yes! Haha! This boy is a friend of mine!" Master Ros.h.i.+ could sense Zen's insanely powerful battle power aura. Master Ros.h.i.+ almost puked out blood from how forceful and brutal Zen's aura was. He could feel Zen's battle power crus.h.i.+ng his very soul and being.
"Okay?... If I see you with my panties again you're dead!" Bulma's eyes furrowed as she angrily s.n.a.t.c.hed away her blue panties from Master Ros.h.i.+'s head.
"Ah ahaha woman you can never quite understand them. They always live in their own world." Master Ros.h.i.+'s goes into the kitchen and takes out a cold beer from the fridge.
"You want some?" He offered as shook the beer can.
"No, I am fine. Tell me where are the Senzu Beans," Zen said with a serious face. When he wanted something he would do anything to get it. Look at what happened to Red for example. He took all of his harem girls and then made him kill himself with his Golden Eye gea.s.s powers. He can be ruthless when he wanted too.
"Ah yes. Um well, I don't have them on me..." Master Ros.h.i.+ stuttered. He looked like he was about s.h.i.+t himself at any second.
"What a shame. I guess I will take that beer," Zen commanded as waves over his hands.
"Sure thing," Master Ros.h.i.+ tosses the cold beer can to him.
*Gulp gulp* Zen drinks the refres.h.i.+ng beer, "d.a.m.n that's a good f.u.c.king beer. You have good taste old man," He wiped his mouth and easily crushed the metal can with relative ease.
Zen: "So I am going to ask you one more time. Where is-"
"Hey guys! I am back home! Woooah! What is this powerful energy I sense!" Goku's eyes widen with amazement as he stares at Zen with awe in his opal eyes.
Zen looks down at Goku and spots a brown bag near his pockets, "Are those Senzu Beans?"
"Yup! Why you ask!?" Goku said as rubbed his tummy in a hungry way.
"Can you hand them over?" Zen asked with a cold tone.
"Heck no! You crazy? There is this crazy green freak wreaking havoc in this world and I am going to need all I the Senzu Beans I can get," Goku said as rummages through the fridge and pulls out a giant ham leg.
"How about I fight you for the Senzu Beans? If I win I take them," Zen said with a confident sharp look as his golden eyes glowed. "This won't take long," He said while clenching his fist.
"Oh heck yeah! You're on!" Goku tossed away his ham leg. He loved food, but he loved fighting a powerful opponent way more.
"Wait Goku! This guy is no joke! I have never felt such fearsome and powerful energy in my life!" Master Ros.h.i.+ intervenes.
"That's exactly what I want! Let's see if you can back up your talk!" Goku flew forward at the speed of light and slams his fist against Zen who punches back. Both of their powerful fists collide.
Goku's eyes widen when he sees Zen body barely moving an inch. Both of their fists were shaking in mid-air.
"Is that really all you got?" Zen said with a taunting smile.
"Oh man! This is going to be fun!"Goku has the biggest smile he has had in a while.