Lucretius, ii. 58; Professor Sellar's article on, _ib._, Munro's edition, 82, 217-219; quoted, 218; coincidence with Bacon, 219
Lushington (Franklin), i. 291
Luton, pictures at, i. 74
Lyell's Geology, i. 229
MACAULAY's Memoirs, ii. 200
Macnish (Dr.), lines on Milton, i. 65
Macready as Wolsey, i. 24; as Macbeth, 24, 25; as Hamlet, 28; his revival of Acis and Galatea, 102; as Virginius, ii. 120, 158; his funeral, 158
Malkin (Arthur), his marriage, i. 27
--(Dr.), master of Bury School, his opinion of Crabbe, ii. 300
Manfred, i. 31
Martial, i. 229, 230
Martineau (Miss), cured by mesmerism, i. 179
Marvell (Andrew), quoted, ii. 133, 134
Matthews (Rev. T. R.), of Bedford, i. 122, 160, 169; his death, 197
Maurice (F. D.), his Introductory Lecture, i. 139; the Kingdom of Christ, _ib._
Mazzinghi, (T. J.), i. 14
Mendelssohn, new Symphony by, i. 120; his Midsummer Night's Dream, 177, 237; Elijah, 237; Fingal's Cave, _ib._; his opinion of Donizetti, ii. 127
Merivale (C.), Dean of Ely, his marriage, i. 264; History of Rome, _ib._; ii. 260; meets FitzGerald at Lowestoft, 297
Meyerbeer, i. 277
Millais, ii. 142, 173, 293
Milnes (R. M.), Lord Houghton, i. 114; ii. 245, 249
Moliere, his Life by Taschereau, ii. 150
Montagu (Basil), Selections from Jeremy Taylor, etc. i. 34; Life of Bacon, 42; a saying of his recorded, 151
Montaigne, ii. 91, 92, 95, 97, 98; traces of him in Shakespeare and Bacon, 251
Montgomery (James), quoted, i. 185
--(Robert), i. 169
Moor (Major), i. 89; his death, 235; his Oriental Fragments, 308
Moore (Morris), i. 166, 175, 210, 239; his controversy with Eastlake, 225
--(T.), his Memoirs, i. 286
Morland, picture by, i. 192
Morton (Savile), i, 58, 59, 77, 81, 83, 85, 88, 93, 101, 104, 118, 121, 123, 150, 170, 177, 181, 188, 202, 239; a selection of his Letters sent to Blackwood's Magazine but not published, ii. 76, 141; others collected by FitzGerald, 76, 89, 141
Moxon (E.) his Sonnets, i. 87
Mozart, i. 195, 200, 277; ii. 119; his Requiem, 122, 123; his Cosi, 151
Mozley's Reminiscences of Oriel, ii. 341
Muller (Max), Essay on Comparative Mythology, i. 309; on Darwin, ii. 160
Munro (H. A. J.), his edition of Lucretius, ii. 82, 217-219; his Criticisms and Elucidations of Catullus, 232, 236, 238
Musset (Alfred de), ii. 243, 248
NASEBY, i. 5, 75
--battle of, i. 91, 125; FitzGerald's excavations, 126, etc., 206; ii.
129; Carlyle's proposed inscription for a pillar, i. 301; ii. 128, 132, 135, 136
Nelson (John), his Autobiography, ii. 105:
--(Lord), ii. 23
Newman (J. H.), his Sermons, i. 73; his Apologia, ii. 57, 72; an admirer of Crabbe, 341
Newson, captain of FitzGerald's yacht, his son drowned off Cromer, ii.
Newton, Roubiliac's statue of, ii. 161; suggested inscription for, _ib._
--(Dr.), a writer on Vegetable Regimen, i. 23 _note_
--(Rev. J.), his journal, i. 41
--(Napoleon), i. 311, 312, 321, 329; his death, 332
Niebuhr, i. 97
Nizami, i. 300, 317