Half Hours with the Worst Authors, ii. 280
Ham, i. 275
Hampton Court, i. 276
Handel, i. 101-103, 111, 112, 153, 166, 183, 200, 265, 266, 290; ii. 49
Hare (A. J. C.), his Spain, ii. 169; Memorials _ib._
--(J. C. and A. W.), Guesses at Truth, i. 53
Harrington's Oceana, i. 140
Hatifi, i. 329, 348
Hawthorne (Nathaniel), ii. 145; a man of true genius, 191, 246, 265, 271; his Journal in England, 265; a n.o.ble book, 267; FitzGerald does not take to him, 105, 246, 271; his Italian Journal, 273
Haydon (B. R.), Memoir by his son, contains notices of Wordsworth, ii.
197, 199
Haymarket Theatre (the), a.s.sociated with Vestris, ii. 120, 138; Pasta, 138, 295; and Rubini, 295
Hazlitt (W.), his English Poets, ii. 196
Heine (H.), ii. 150, 162
Helmingham Hall, i. 56
Herodotus, i. 71, 73
Holmes (O. W.), ii. 191
Hugo (Victor), Toilers of the Sea, ii. 145, 150; his Miserables, 229
Hullah, i. 243
Hunt (Holman), his Christ in the Temple, ii. 17
--(Leigh), selections by, i. 179
Hypocrite (the), i. 254
INGELOW (Jean), ii. 46, 47, 54
JAMI'S Salaman and Absal, i. 304, 306, 312, 317, 318; new edition of FitzGerald's version, ii. 263, 324; the first Persian poem read by FitzGerald, 325
Jelaleddin, i. 312, 317, 319; ii. 27
Jenney (Mr.), the owner of Bredfield House, i. 63, 64, 96, 106
Johnson's lines on Levett quoted, i. 124; his bookcase, 196
Juvenal, ii. 34, 35, 58, 59
KEATS' Letters and Poems, i. 246; his Hyperion, ii. 178, 246, 249; his Love Letters, 233, 235, 238, 245; subject for picture from K., 235, 239, 293; his sister, 249; Severn's letters about him, 276
Keene (C. S.), sends a packet of his drawings to FitzGerald, ii. 291; and an old map of Paris, 293; recommends North's Memoir of Music, 323
Kemble (Charles), i. 44
--(J. M.), at school with FitzGerald, i. 2; recites Hotspur's speech, _ib._, working on Anglo Saxon MSS. at Cambridge, 25; article in the British and Foreign Review, 80, 84
--(Mrs. f.a.n.n.y), her opinion of the translations from Calderon, ii. 67, 187; makes the Agamemnon known in America, 186, 188; declines to join the Browning Society, 323
Kerrich (Mrs), FitzGerald's favourite sister, her death, ii. 46
--(Walter), FitzGerald's nephew, married, i. 335
Lamb (Charles), Alb.u.m Verses, i. 32; Essays in the London Magazine, 143; Letters, ii. 198, 240; FitzGerald's Data of his life, 239, 242, 247
Landor (W. S.), i. 288, 289
Laurence (S.), Spedding's description of, i. 75 _note_, his opinion of Gainsborough, 95; his portraits of Wilkinson, 167, 170; Coningham, 166, 171; Barton, 215, 225, 234; Tennyson, 242, 243; Donne, 259; studies the Venetian secret of colour, 243; his portrait of Archdeacon Allen, ii. 15; his opinion of Romney's portraits, 41; his portraits of Thackeray, 50, 55; asked by FitzGerald to copy Pickersgill's portrait of Crabbe, 171
Le Desert, i. 194
Lever (C.), his Cornelius O'Dowd, ii. 181
Lewis (G. Cornewall), ii. 183
Lily (Lyly or Lilly) quoted, i. 15
Lind (Jenny), i. 224, 237, 239
Longfellow, ii. 191; his death, 330
Longus, i. 211
Louis Philippe, i. 59
Louvre, the, i. 4
Lowell (J. R.), Among my Books, ii. 191, 192, 199, 203; his Odes, 208, 215; his Essays, 222, 223, 226, 227, 229, 230; proposed to visit FitzGerald, 224, 225; his Moosehead Journal, 233; Mrs. Lowell's illness, 272
Lowestoft, the beachmen decline to join the Naval Reserve, ii. 13