Episode 9 (bath)
The daily life of doing our best with rehabilitation while taking care of my s.e.xual urges at the same time continued, when I noticed, 1 week already pa.s.sed after Mifuyu-chan's menstruation period started.
Speaking of 1 week, it's always the amount of time Mifuyu-chan's menstruation period ends, I knew that and while fidgeting *sowasowa*, I headed to Mifuyu-chan's room.
「Good morning, Mifuyu-chan. How's your physical condition?」
「n……good morning, Sou-chan, fuwaa~……un, I don't fell too sluggish today, maybe……」
Mifuyu-chan replies while letting out a huge yawn, my heart is filled with a slight expectation because of her answer.
Because of various reasons, I decided not to penetrate Mifuyu-chan during menstruation period, but if the period is over then I can properly have s.e.x with Mifuyu-chan.
f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o and paizuri feel good too, but as expected, the sensation of the v.a.g.i.n.a I tasted the other night was extraordinary.
Therefore, it can't be helped that I really really want to penetrate her again.
「Hai, Mifuyu-chan. I will measure your temperature」
But I wasn't hurry, firstly I would check Mifuyu-chan's temperature, blood pressure,…condition
From the quite lessened amount of menstruation blood and the v.a.g.i.n.al discharge's condition, I understand that perhaps her period ended yesterday, but because the first s.e.x with the conscious Mifuyu-chan should be memorable, it's necessary to carefully choose the time. (the menstruation here is 生理- seiri and the v.a.g.i.n.al discharge is オリモノ-orimono, which can also be translated as menstruation, Idk the difference)
……Seem like there's no visible abnormality on her body.
Having confirmed Mifuyu-chan's body is extremely healthy, I made a guts pose and shouted "yos.h.i.+!" in my mind, and took Mifuyu-chan to the toilet firstly, afterwards I headed to the kitchen to make Mifuyu-chan's breakfast.
To tell the truth, I want to immediately copulate *zukobako* with Mifuyu-chan. But after suppressing to the limit, waiting until the time is ripe and releasing everything should feel the best. (コバコと交わってしまいたい, zukobako is an AV manufacturer specialized in orgy tho, not sure about this)
While suppressing my desire, I make a thin rice porridge filled with love at the kitchen.
Since Mifuyu-chan's stomach has recovered considerably, she graduated from having liquid food around a day before yesterday.
Mifuyu-chan ate the liquid food deliciously, but after all the porridge seemed to be much better than liquid food, she was quite delighted.
「Yos.h.i.+, it's done」
I tried mixing today's porridge with adzuki bean
Because it should be a memorable day, I try making with red rice.
For a memorable day, even I think it feels slighty bad, but this is "in the course of the event" . (He's talking about having porridge in a memorable day, or maybe it's about treating having s.e.x with her as a memorable day, the raw is quite vague so….)
When I tried sampling, it was quite tasty so Mifuyu-chan would surely eat it gladly.
In addition, I also prepare potato potage soup and apple juice added with some apple flesh put into the mixer beforehand, I put those onto the tray and carry it to Mifuyu-chan's room.
My pace seemed to hasten as I was in high spirit, but I slowly walked, not to show my feeling.
「Then, Mifuyu-chan. Here's breakfast」
「n, thank you, Sou-chan」
Mifuyu-chan thanks me neatly.
It seems like she raised the reclining bed and waited for me to carry the breakfast
Her clothes is of course the see-through babydoll so I can see her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but I control myself "not yet, not yet"
I set the table, put the tray there and lined up the breakfast.
Then after letting Mifuyu-chan say 「Itadakimasu」, I scoop up the meal with a spoon and bring it to Mifuyu-chan's mouth as usual.
「Hai, a-n」
Until now, Mifuyu keeps wanting me to help her eat so it can't be helped, but I also half give up, thinking " well, it's good as long as she can eat well"
Although it may be necessary to brace myself somewhere because of Mifuyu-chan’s spoiled behavior, it seems troublesome so I can leave it afterwards (Extremely not sure about this 美冬ちゃんの甘えたがりもどこかで引き締めなければならないかもしれないが、それは大変そうだしだいぶ後でいいだろう)
「Gochisousamades.h.i.+taa」 (thank you for the meal)
「Hai, osomatsusamades.h.i.+ta」 (you're welcome)
With this and that, the breakfast ended.
It's necessary to rest for a while after a meal, but it would be alright even if we have s.e.x after that.
But I'm suppresing the feeling of wanting to jump toward Mifuyu-chan and violate her, and prepare even more.
What I'm preparing is……
「Mifuyu-chan, let's enter the bath」
「E? The bath……? E, enter!?」
Right, it's to take a bath.
Because I cleaned Mifuyu-chan's body properly everyday, there should be no problem, but speaking of having s.e.x, doing it after feeling refreshed after having a bath is the rule of thumb after all.
After nodding while smiling to Mifuyu-chan, I left the room after leaving a "wait a sec, okay?"
I go to pick up the ordered flatpack bath, which just arrived yesterday
It was placed in the entrance hall, so I make multiple round trips to bring the parts one by one to Mifuyu-chan's room.
Then, after having carried everything, I a.s.sembled the bath while reading the manual.
「Waa……a bath……!」
After about 30 minutes, finally a bath was a.s.sembled inside Mifuyu-chan's room, her face brightened delightedly.
It can't be helped that the bath is just a square bathtub, but it's enough for Mifuyu-chan to submerge a part of her body inside.
The size is also sufficient, I want to try entering together in the future.
I immediately use a hose to pour hot water into the a.s.sembled bathtub
Her stamina would be exhausted if it was too hot, so the temperature is just lukewarm.
Soon, a just right amount of hot water for Mifuyu-chan to submerge half of her body was collected.
「Then, Mifuyu-chan. Take of your clothes and enter the bath. Then wash your body」
Mifuyu-chan cheerfully takes off the babydoll, then she continues to throw of the diaper.
As the menstruation period ended, it seems like she will soon say farewell to the diaper.
I carry the naked Mifuyu-chan in my arms and bring her to the bathtub with a slow pace.
「Waa……! Warmm……!」
Mifuyu-chan lets out a deeply impressed voice.
After putting her b.u.t.ts in the bathtub, I extracted power in my arms and released Mifuyu-chan.
「Haa~……Sou-chan, the bath is really good……」
While saying such a fusty thing, Mifuyu-chan splashed the water *chapuchapu*, seemingly enjoying her first bath after a while.
Furthermore, I throw the bathing power I brought together with the bath into the bathtub.
This bathing power is a commodity of a high cla.s.s brand perfume maker and somehow costs more than 10.000 yen
I bought this because I didn't give up the obsession of wanting Mifuyu-chan to always have a nice smell floating nearby, but un, as expected from a high cla.s.s brand, it has a complex yet elegant, peach-like smell.
As if realizing the effect of the bathing powder, while humming the theme song of the magical girl anime she always watches, Mifuyu-chan seems to fully enjoy the bath.
As she looks that happy, I think it was good that I let her take a bath without doing erotic things.
「Mifuyu-chan, I will use the shampoo」
「A, haai」
After 10 minutes, I decided to cleanse Mifuyu-chan's body.
Making Mifuyu-chan shut her eyes, I pour hot water from her head to wet her hair.
Then, I wash her hair using the shampoo from the same maker of the bathing powder.
This shampoo was considerably expensive too, but it splendidly mixed with the smell of the bathing powder and was extremely wonderful.
It's both sweet and sour, not just sweet, and I'm in fact fond of it.
After hair is the body.
I again picked up the body soap from the same maker of the bathing powder, added it on a wet towel and foamed it.
「Mifuyu-chan, I'll wash your body next」
「Un. Sou-chan, please♪」
Firstly, I diligently brush from Mifuyu-chan's back.
Since the back is often on the bed, I must rub it carefully many times to remove the dirt while making sure not to wound the skin.
After the back is the arms.
Mifuyu-chan isn't that tight because of the degenerated muscle, but she's slim because she's trying to eat moderately.
And yet, her 2 arms are moderately *punipuni* (squishy), they have the softness of a girl's and touching them feels good
Touching such a place, I want to praise myself for controling the amount of meal an exercise minutely.
After the arms are the b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
Honestly, if my heart is disturbed here, I won't be able to suppress my desire, so I hold back my emotions and devote myself to wash her.
Mifuyu-chan's b.r.e.a.s.t.s are huge so I must lift them up and wipe the part below, but I do it businesslike, without thinking anything
After finis.h.i.+ng her b.r.e.a.s.t.s is her stomach, then the secret place below that.
I put the towel into hot water, but well, there shouldn't be any problem.
In order not to stimulate the stomach's internal organ, I wipe it like gently caressing.
「Fufu, kufufu」
When I wash the sides, Mifuyu-chan raised a ticklish voice.
Her body wriggles so it's extremely lascivious, but I stop my desire with my steel-like mind.
(Endure, me……! Just a little more……just a little more……!)
Rampaging here and inspiring a scary image for Mifuyu-chan is inexcusable, I want Mifuyu-chan to have a good image regarding s.e.x.
I clench my teeth and finally reach out to her secret place.
「n……! a……!」
Mifuyu-chan stops wriggling, her body trembles *biku* while she lets out a small, heavy breathing sound.
(Stop ittttttttt!! Don't make such reaction nowwwwwwww!!)
I also kill my heart here, but when I carefully rub her secret place, Mifuyu-chan's body trembles *biku* while she lets out an entranced voice. (心を殺して, stop listening to one's heart)
Is it okay if I go and insert it here?
Such though springs up in my head and loudly emphasizes its existence.
I shook my head *buruburu* to drive out such thought, then shut my eyes and only moved my hands.
「Aa……! Afu……!」
Just hearing her heavy breathing is really stimulating, but my heart is more comfortable than seeing her naked body springs up *bikubiku*.
I continued to wash her secret place like that and successfully cleansed it.
Finally, was.h.i.+ng the legs.
Compared to her secret place, was.h.i.+ng the legs is considerably more comfortable, but Mifuyu-chan's legs are also quite sensitive, so as expected her body also trembles *bikubiku*
(However, this is the end……!)
Mustering my last willpower, I even cleaned the gap between her toes without giving in.
Then, the enjoyable yet painful bathing time ended.
「Fuu, refres.h.i.+ng~」
Having a good smell drifting nearby as well as having a new babydoll wrapping up her body, Mifuyu-chan throws herself to the bed.
The babydoll this time has a different color than the one used up to now, although both are see-through, this one has a pure white color, creating a feeling of innocence.
Again, she had worn diaper up to now, but today I make her put on a seemingly high grade short with plenty of laces
After all this will be Mifuyu-chan's first experience, dressing up like a princess like this is a must. (must in in english)
…..there's the "is wearing the see-through babydoll really like a princess?" question though.
Maa, anyway, Mifuyu-chan who threw herself down to the bed is completely ready to have s.e.x already.
*gokuri* I gulped my saliva and sat on a chair next to the bed, leaving the bath just like that.
Then I stretch my hands and grasp Mifuyu-chan's slightly hot hands.
「……? Sou-chan?」
As her hands were grasped suddenly, Mifuyu-chan looked at me with curious eyes.
Despite being ready to have s.e.x already, Mifuyu-chan's eyes are pure as ever.
Mifuyu-chan who is having such eyes, I will violate her after this.
While being pushed from the back by such immoral feeling, I made a gentle smile and told Mifuyu-chan.
「Mifuyu-chan, we already step out of the bath, so how about painting the s.e.m.e.n to your p.u.s.s.y next?」
「A, un. Is f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o fine?」
Mifuyu-chan immediately suggests f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o.
It's splendid that I have trained her that successfully, but this time I will go beyond that.
「Uun. Today, let's try having s.e.x」
「A, s.e.x!? I see, my menstruation period has ended, right!?」
「Un. Therefore, from today, let's have pleasurable s.e.x every day」
As she was taught the word "s.e.x" before, Mifuyu-chan is delighted with s.h.i.+ning eyes as she can finally have s.e.x.
Really, it's convenient that she doesn't have any resistance towards s.e.x.
Let alone dislike, just by hearing it would feel good, she already wants to do it.
While stroking Mifuyu-chan's head, I explain about s.e.x one more time just in case.
「I already explained before, but the thing called s.e.x is to put the d.i.c.k inside the p.u.s.s.y, piston *zupozupo* and feel good together」
「Un. It feels rea~ly good, right?」
「That's right. Therefore, to insert the d.i.c.k, we should better make the p.u.s.s.y wet first. It will feel good that way」
In the middle of explaination, I stopped stroking her head and took off my clothes.
As if having expectation about our first s.e.x, Mifuyu-chan stares at me with a glittering *kirakira* gaze filled with expectation.
Having too much expectation, perhaps she's unable to take her eyes of every single action of mine.
I got naked, then got on the bed with my slightly erect meat stick.
「Then, let's first make Mifuyu-chan's p.u.s.s.y wet. It's fine not to hold back your voice」
「Un, understood!」
Confirming that Mifuyu-chan nodded, I fall onto Mifuyu-chan's body
Then, finally, it's the beginning of s.e.x……!