Episode 8 (Babydoll, Irrumatio)
(Let's make this the spare pajama……)
Mifuyu-chan's pajama is dirtied because I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed on her cleavage.
Originally, the spare is in the tansu in Mifuyu-chan's room, so the fact that I expressly leave her room is not necessary.
But the reason I left the room, was because I remembered a certain thing sent a few days ago.
When I bought it, I was looking forward to put it on Mifuyu-chan, but seem like thi is the time.
I headed to the adult goods' storage, opened the closet and took out the thing I wanted.
Then after checking and confirming its splendor, I returned to Mifuyu-chan's room.
「Mifuyu-chan, sorry for letting you wait. I brought the spare pajama」
「A, Sou-chan」
When I returned to the room, Mifuyu-chan had finished wiping her cleavage, she hastily took of the pajama.
The drooping, ripen b.r.e.a.s.t.s in full view are a pleasure to my eyes, but I shakes my head *buruburu* to prevent me from gazing.
「Mifuyu-chan, won't you take off the bottom pajama too?」
She touches the pajama's pants and removes it
In fact, taking off the pants by oneself on the bed needs considerable stamina, so it's still hard for the current Mifuyu-chan.
When the bottom pajama is completely removed, Mifuyu-chan was stripped of all her clothes, other than the diaper.
To the defenseless Mifuyu-chan, I showed the thing I brought with me
「Then , wear the new pajama. Hora, here it is. Isn't it cute?」
「n……? Sou-chan, this is, a pajama……?」
「Un. This is a pajama called babydoll. I bought it since I thought it would suit Mifuyu-chan」
Right, the thing I obtained a few days ago and try to put it on Mifuyu-chan right now is this babydoll.
Babydoll is a kind of one-piece type nightclothes.
However, it has one big different point compared to normal nightclothes.
That point is, the normal nightclothes are made to help one sleep comfortable, but babydolls are made with the main purpose of seducing men.
The pink babydoll I'm holding right now almost doesn't fulfill any funtion of clothes, the cloth is fully transparent and the other side can see the inside completely.
Plenty lovely lace and ribbons are added on it, but they are obviously arranged to be aware by the men's erotic eyes, and to guarantee that, the embroidery on the stomach part was shaped like the uterus.
「This is, a bit strange……」
Because the transparency is at the level where wearing it is useless , even Mifuyu-chan seems to harbour doubt.
However, I deceive her forcefully.
As a meat slave, it will be troublesome if she doesn't wear something like this babydoll.
「Mifuyu-chan, babydoll is the clothing for rehabilitation. If you don't wear it, your body may heal really slowly……」
「Ee!? Is, is that so……!?」
With the 8 year-old mental age, Mifuyu-chan easily believes the words of me, an adult.
After confirming Mifuyu-chan's consent, I immediately made her wear the babydoll.
「Then, let's change into this. Hora, banza—i」 (the act of raising both hands up to cheer)
「U, un」
Mifuyu-chan banzai-d as she was told, I put the babydoll through her hands and pull it from the top to the bottom.
Since the structure is simple, in the blink of an eye the babydoll was put on Mifuyu-chan's body neatly.
(Oooo……! This is, dangerous……!)
Mifuyu-chan whose body was clad in the babydoll was overflowing with obscene charm more than ever.
Of course her whole body is visible, thanks to the string that is pulled to the limit under her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, the shape of Mifuyu-chan's beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s is emphasized clearly
Still, if you look further down, the uterus-shaped embroidery is of course erotic, but because she's wearing a diaper, the sense of corruption is terrific.
When her menstruation is over, I thought of making her wear some erotic underwears, but indeed, just like this is not bad.
「…………, a, aa, sorry I was stupefied. It suits you very much, Mifuyu-chan」
I unintentionally stared at Mifuyu-chan in silence, so she called out to me with a curious foice, I somehow come to my senses and tell my impression.
Mifuyu-chan told me her feeling while fidgeting *sowasowa* (美冬ちゃんはなんだか落ち着かなそうにそわそわしながら、着心地を教えてくれた)
「Somehow, it's *suusuu*……but not cold……」 (スースーする = cool sensation of pa.s.sing air)
While staring hard at Mifuyu-chan who is holding the babydoll, I told Mifuyu-chan like instructing her,
「Yos.h.i.+, from now on, let's spend time while wearing the babydoll. Is it good?」
To my words, although Mifuyu-chan didn't seem to be eager, she nodded *kokuri*
Although turning Mifuyu-chan into an erotic appearance was a success, I decided to let her rest.
She's more or less still in menstruation period, it can't be known from her appearance but I think it consumed considerable stamina somehow.
I open the TV and let her watch an anime, then quietly leave the room.
Then I went to the bathroom, put the pajama dirtied with s.e.m.e.n into the was.h.i.+ng machine.
I intend to make Mifuyuc-chan wear the babydoll all the time from now on, but on the other hand, it's too wasteful to throw this away.
Perhaps, there will be a chance to use it
「Well……then shall I finish the housework?」
I straighten up my back, roll up my sleeves and do the housework completely.
I want to do lots of erotic stuffs, but I do this regularly because I want to live a well-regulated indulging life .
「Fuu, this is alright, then」
Sitting strongly on the sofa in the living room, I breathe a sigh.
As if Mifuyu-chan's babydoll figure cheered me up, I was filled with fighting spirit and finished the housework in the blink of an eye.
I also diligently did the cleaning that I normally don't do much, so everywhere is visibly glittering *pikapika*
When I try to to do it and see, a clean living s.p.a.ce feels considerably good
I feel like wanting to praise myself, who tried so hard with cleaning.
「A reward to myself……un, that's right. To reward myself, let's e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e using Mifuyu-chan!」 (the word "e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e" here is usually refer to masturbation, not the usual word which can apply to any situation)
In those 10 years where Mifuyu-chan was in vegetative state, almost no one praised me, so I couldn't take a breather at all.
However, it's different now.
If I try hard, I can release my s.e.xual desire as I want accordingly using Mifuyu-chan.
It's truly wonderful.
I stood up from the sofa and headed to Mifuyu-chan's room while skipping.
I worried about Mifuyu-chan's stamina exhaustion and made her rest, but soon it will be the time her stamina recovers.
Feeling cheerful, I opened the door of Mifuyu-chan's room.
「Mifuyu-chan, are you awake?」
「Aa……an……! A, Sou-chan……afuu……!」
(Oops……in the middle of masturbating huh?)
The moment I entered the room, the heavy breathing sound is audible.
Mifuyu-chan noticed I had come, but even so, she doesn't stop masturbating.
After all, she doesn't seem to think being seen masturbating is an embarra.s.sing thing.
(However, masturbating in babydoll appearance feels truly obscene……)
What makes her do that much is, Mifuyu-chan brings about the obscenity of the top materials among the ero-videos she saw on the internet (自分がここまでさせておいて何だが、美冬ちゃんはインターネットで見たエロ動畫の中でも上位に入るくらいの淫靡さを醸し出している)
To think that she learnt it just a few days ago, the way of using hands to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e is also too bold.
The left hand is rubbing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, completely like milking it, she also flicks her nipple occasionally.
The right hand is thrusted into the diaper but even if I can't see well, the movement of her hand make me know that she's rubbing her secret place violently.
I was aroused by that figure of Mifuyu-chan and stared at her, but I recalled the purpose of coming here, shook my head and changed my feeling.
It doesn't matter if Mifuyu-chan feels good, I want to feel good too.
I slowly approached Mifuyu-chan who was masturbating in a trance.
「Ann……! S, Sou-chan, rehabilitation again……? Aa……!」
「Uun. I want to receive a f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o by Mifuyu-chan a little」
I honestly tell my desire.
Normally, if you spit out that speech, even your lover will be drawn away, but it isn't necessary to hold back if it's Mifuyu-chan.
Mifuyu-chan nodded *kokuri* to my words, she separated her hands from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and secret place, stopped mastutbating.
Of course she loves masturbating, but it seems like she also loves giving me f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o comparatively
I said "thank you" and immediately took off my pants and trunks, rose the reclining bed and put Mifuyu-chan into sitting position.
Then I get on the bed and thrust my meat stick in front of Mifuyu-chan's face
「Hora, Mifuyu-chan. Today too, suck it *jupujupu* and feel good a lot」
「Un, I will try……amu. Muchuu……jupu……」
Without any kind of hesitation, Mifuyu-chan holds my meat stick in her mouth and begins swinging her face very hard.
The sensation from warm, slippery but rough characteristics of the inside of Mifuyu-chan's mouth attacks my meat stick
It's a sensation I taste everyday recently, but as expected, it's very stimulating and feels good.
Mifuyu-chan seems to enjoy the f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o for some reason, while sucking my meat stick she even has a slightly delightful expresion.
Since when did she drow up as such a pervert?
「Juruu, jububu, nmumuu, chupa」
While stroking Mifuyu-chan's head who is sucking and caressing my meat stick zealously, I also move my waist little by little.
I also have the feeling of wanting to enjoy Mifuyu-chan's f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o for a while, but as expected, it's no match for the desire of shooting out my s.e.m.e.n.
But at that time, inside my head, "what will happen if I try swinging my waist with all my strengt?", such bad thought was born.
If I recall correctly, the man swinging his waist and use the woman's mouth like a toy, isn't it called "irrumatio" (deep throat)
(Irrumatio……let's try it)
Mifuyu-chan might dislike it, but after consideration, I decided to obediently obey that desire.
I stop stroking Mifuyu-chan's head and try to hold it with both hand.
Mifuyu-chan looks at me with curious eyes.
I tell Mifuyu-chan a notification.
「Mifuyu-chan, it might hurt a bit, but please endure」
「nn……? N……」
It's hard to understand since the mouth is not separated from the meat stick, but seem like Mifuyu-chan consents to my words.
Maa, perhaps she didn't know how painful it is, so for now she would just do as she was told.
「Yos.h.i.+, then just hold the d.i.c.k like that, okay? Here I go……」
I slowly move my waist, and pistons my meat stick *zubozubo* in Mufuyu-chan's mouth.
When I try pus.h.i.+ng my meat stick a little deeper than usual, the tip of my meat stick hit deep inside Mifuyu-chan's mouth, I can sense a never before seen stimulus
Mifuyu-chan also seems to be alright with this degree, she only looks at me with upturned eyes.
(Yos.h.i.+……let's gradually make it stronger……!)
While looking at Mifuyu-chan's condition, I hasten my waist's movement, giving pleasure to my meat stick.
Despite caressing meat stick using the same mouth, it's different from f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o, the really high score of this is you can indulge in the pleasure selfishly.
「Muju, nmuu, mufu」
The breathing leaked out whenever I push my waist makes me aware that Mifuyu-chan is suffering because of my desire, but it also satisfy my desire of conquest
With the pleasure from both my body and my mind, I can feel my meat stick is swelling while the speed of my meat stick's pistoning as well as the depth of my invasion gradually rise to the next level.
「nfu, npu, nnmu, nfuu」
As expected, it became painful, Mifuyu-chan's face turned bitter.
There's the feeling of wanting to play with Mifuyu-chan's mouth like a toy as long as I like, but perhaps I should e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e soon.
While careful not to insert it too deep, I prepared for a last spurt.
「ubu, nku, mubu」
「Mifuyu-chan, juts a bit more. The s.e.m.e.n almost come!」
Although I speak like encouraging her, I already can only think about shooting my s.e.m.e.n out in my head.
Still using Mifuyu-chan's mouth as an onahole as I like, I released my s.e.m.e.n without holding back just like that.
Dobyu! Dopyuru! Dokuu!
「nmuu~! nnn! nku! nku! nku!」
The s.e.m.e.n is released inside Mifuyu-chan's throat.
Mifuyu-chan was surprised because shot the s.e.m.e.n into such a deep place and had a bitter expression, but perhaps she thought it would be comfortable if she swallowed it, the *kokukoku* sound resounds from her throat as she gulps down the s.e.m.e.n.
Whie being entranced by the pleasure of e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n, I keep holding Mifuyu-chan's head with my hands and don't release until everything is swallowed.
Soon, when the long e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n ended, I finally pulled my meat stick out from Mifuyu-chan's mouth.
「nchubu……nhaa, haa……fuu……I drank, everything……」
As if she became slightly suffocated, Mifuyu-chan reported with a slightly absent-minded face.
I squatted down and matched her line of sight, then gently brushed Mifuyu-chan's head and praised her as she tried her best.
「Mifuyu-chan, good girl. My d.i.c.k felt very good」
「a……e, ehehe……un」
Mifuyu-chan seems to be happy from the bottom of her heart, she smiles sweetly with a pure face.
(As expected, Mifuyu-chan is the best……)
While thinking so, I drew water from the washroom to help Mifuyu-chan remove the bad taste.