Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Chapter 123 - Bear-san Regrets Going To See The Silkworms

Chapter 123 - Bear-san Regrets Going To See The Silkworms

Bear-san Regrets Going To See The Silkworms

The Black Tiger collapsed.

Even though I went easy on it, its ability to detect magic made this a difficult fight.

I managed to get its black fur though, so I was going to ask Fina to dismantle it when I returned.

「Yuna-san, did you defeat it?」

Shia came out of the thicket and asked timidly.

「Yes, I defeated it. It just took me a while to do it.」

「I can’t believe it; you defeated a Black Tiger all by yourself…」

After Shia, Cattleya and others came out, too.

The four of them