Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear - Chapter 122 - Bear-san Fights The Black Tiger

Chapter 122 - Bear-san Fights The Black Tiger

Bear-san Fights The Black Tiger

I used detection magic, but I hadn’t noticed the Black Tiger.

I only looked in our vicinity, so it was my mistake.

If I had summoned Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear, they would have probably found it.

It was a complete failure on my part.

「Why is such a monster here?」

Marcus whispered.

Nobody answered his question, though.

They were all looking at the Black Tiger, which was devouring the goblins.

「Anyway, we should run away.」

「Marcus, don’t move!」

The moment Marcus tried to move, the Black Tiger looked our way while sniffing the air.

It was just a matter of time before it discovered us.

If we didn’t move, it would discover us using its sense of smell.

If we moved, it would discover us by the sound we would make.

Also, there was no way we could outrun it.


Timor and Cattleya seemed worried and looked at Marcus.

I knew it, they were leaving the decision to Marcus, their party leader.

It was a terrible thing to do to a student who had no experience.

After looking at everyone, Marcus swallowed his saliva and spoke up.

「I-I will be a decoy, so you guys have to use that chance to flee!」


They were all surprised by his words.

I was surprised too, of course. I really didn’t think he would say something like that.

「I’m the one that got us in this situation. If only I didn’t promise that I would try to kill the goblins…」

「That’s not a reason for you to sacrifice yourself, right?」

「If it continues like this, we will all be killed, you know!」


The Black Tiger was slowly approaching our hiding spot while smelling the air around it.

「I will make an opening, so make sure to use it!」

「If we all attack it…」

「That would be impossible, of course. Also, someone has to inform the village. If we all died here, who would do it? Adventurers who can kill a Black Tiger have to come from the capital. If the villagers are