King Of Sports - 115 You Need An Agent?

115 You Need An Agent?

Zhang Lin's start was extremely fierce, he shot off the blocks, going head to head with Park Tae-hwan.

The more fierce Zhang Lin was, the higher the cheers of the audience.

However, Tang Yan unlike the rest had his eyes glued on Sun Yang, who was on the outermost side, in fourth place.

The first 50 meters, Park Tae-hwan was the first to touch the wall and flip back around, followed by Zhang Lin.

After the second 50 meters, Zhang Lin was still chasing after Park Tae-hwan who had gained a small lead, but at this time j.a.pan's Takes.h.i.+ Matsuda was slowly gaining on them.

By the third 50 meters, although the cheers of the audience were still high, Zhang Lin's speed had obviously slowed down. His first 100m were too fierce. His physical strength at this time was waning and bit by bit everyone gained.

With a heavy charge Matsuda surpa.s.sed Zhang Lin and chased after Park Tae-hwan.

The Chinese audience grew quieter, seeing Zhang Lin slipping in to third.

But soon, the cheers of the audience rose again, because at this time, in the eighth lane, the unnoticed martyr Sun Yang fought to catch up, surpa.s.sing his teammate Zhang Lin. 

Before beginning to chase Matsuda gaining inch by inch.

"Who is that...

"Sun Yang?"

"He's one of our's...right?"

"Yeah he's also in the Chinese team! Come on!"

"Come on Sun Yang!"


Beside Tang Yan many viewers began to chant. Those who originally chanted for Zhang Lin, began to cheer for Sun Yang.

Among the shouts, Sun Yang chased for the last 50 meters, succeeding in pa.s.sing Matsuda and gradually narrowing the distance with Park Tae-hwan.

However, it was too late.

Park Tae-hwan steaming ahead, reached out an arm and touched the wall. 

He secured 1st and broke the Asian record for the 200-meter freestyle which he already held, all the while defended his t.i.tle.

But the most important thing for Chinese fans was the surprising performance of Sun Yang, who managed to snag second place and win the first medal for the Chinese swimming team.

Tang Yan watching up to here didn't wait for the award ceremony but instead got up and left the swimming centre.

He had come to observe the strength of Sun Yang and get a feel for the atmosphere around swimming in advance.

He went to find Qin Hailong.

Qin Hailong was returning from the 81kg final. The Chinese team had regrettably lost. At this point, the Chinese boxing team's trip to the Asian Games ended prematurely. Overall the boxing team didn't perform all too well and the number of gold medals was limited.

Seeing Tang Yan, Qin Hailong squeezed a smile and greeted him.

Tang Yan was one of his treasured fighters.

Tang Yan took Qin Hailong to the side and directly asked: "Coach, I want to try out for the swimming team, can you help me out?"

"The...swimming team?!"

Hearing this Qin Hailong was startled and looked at him with a look of confusion.

"Can you even swim?" Qin Hailong said muddled.

"Yeah, I learnt when I was younger. I just want to try my luck, is there any way you could get me a tryout." Tang Yan responded.

Qin Hailong sank into thought, looking at Tang Yan who was staring back at him earnestly he sighed and said: "I know the coach of the swimming team. But I'm not very sure...."

"Coach, I just want him to give me a chance, I can make him recognize me." Tang Yan said with confidence.

"Sigh, I will give it a try, but this is all on the premise that your boxing training can't fall behind." Qin Hailong said.

"Coach, rest a.s.sured, I'll make sure it won't."

"Also Coach, like we talked about before I want to start bulking and try for a higher-weight cla.s.s."

"Hmm okay, good but like I said last time we have to take it step by step."

Qin Hailong said with a gleeful smile, although it would take time to transition, but if Tang Yan really changed weight cla.s.s, then along with Zou s.h.i.+ming, the Chinese team could aim to hit two at the London Olympics, two chances for gold.

Tang Yan after greeting Qin Hailong went to Tian Zhenzhe.

What he needed at this time was an opportunity to enter the national swimming team.

Coincidentally, Tian Zhenzhe and Qin Hailong's answers were similar. He knew the head coach of the swimming team, Zhao Wei but he couldn't guarantee an opportunity.

Although the two head coaches didn't give a positive answer, they promised him to try at least. With them both asking hopefully Zhao Wei would give him  a chance. Even if it was just to give them face.

As he was walking out of the archery hall at this moment, he saw a man who looked familiar smiling whilst walking towards him.

He was lost in thought as to why he was smiling at him. 

As the two approached each other, he finally remembered why he looked familiar. This was Zhuang Jiajie who gave him cigarettes during the last boxing match.

Zhuang Jiajie walked up and said "Hey"

"Oh hey, it's you how are you doing."

"I'm good, in fact I was just looking for you."

"Oh, what's up."

"I have a proposal for you, as your reputation is getting bigger and bigger, there will be a lot of sponsors looking for you, don't you think it's time you got an agent...." Zhuang Jiajie said quickly.

"You're an agent? Aren't you a translator?" Tang Yan heard Zhuang Jiajie out.

"I previously used to be an agent before I retired, I took up translating after but I quit after I saw you, your talent is something rarely seen especially in China. I'm willing to place all my bets on you." Zhuang Jiajie said straightforwardly.

Tang Yan was stunned but he slowly revealed a smile. He felt that this person was interesting beyond words, to place so much trust in someone who was virtually a stranger as to even resign from your  job.

This was the definition of a desperate attempt.

Although he valued his determination and courage, it was obviously impossible for him to agree just based on that.  He needed to know more about Zhuang Jiajie and his abilities beforehand.

"Can you leave me your number? When I make a decision, I'll contact you." Tang Yan said giving him a chance.

"Yes of course, thank you." Zhuang Jiajie said taking his phone directly.

"I will call you if necessary." Tang Yan reminded.

"Yes, I'll be waiting." Zhuang Jiajie nodded and said, he seemed very patient.

Tang Yan took back his phone and then left.

Hmm an agent, he truly needed one.

Now his fame was growing, he should soon be able to secure sponsors, other deals and even fights.

This Zhuang Jiajie seemed interesting but he also had his own considerations.


Just as he was arriving back at his hotel, his phone rang.

Taking out his phone, he saw that it was Tian Zhenzhe calling.

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