King Of Sports - 114 New Generation Surpassing The Old

114 New Generation Surpassing The Old

10 points!

Im Dong-hyun moved to the gallery.

Tang Yan's 10 pointer made him feel pressure like he had never before.

However, he had already experienced the baptism of the Olympic Games, and his mentality was much stronger than that of the average archer.

He calmed the thoughts of his heart and put all his attention on the distant target. He took a deep breath, nocked the arrow, drew the bowstring back then aimed.

But didn't let go.

The audience on the sidelines turned their heads from time to time to see the time limit.

Finally, Im Dong-hyun loosed his hand right before the time limit.



A m.u.f.fled sound.

The South Korean audience on the sidelines roared in glee.

Im Dong-hyun's emotions went out of control.

This arrow was on the edge of the 10 points ring barely cutting in for 10 points!

In the second round of overtime, the two sides still held a tie!

They had to usher in an unprecedented third round of overtime!

The mood of the audience at this time was quite complicated, there was faint excitement in the tension.

Nerves rang high among the Chinese fans for fear of Tang Yan losing right at the last hurdle. 

Such a tense match was really rare to see.

Tang Yan walked up filled with a variety of emotions.

Confidence, indifference and a health dose of admiration for Im Dong-hyun. With a pinch of tension.


The arrow was off the bowstring, making a parabola in the air and falling straight toward the target.


Another 10 pointer!

Im Dong-hyun's face fell slightly. 

He could understand now why Park Tae-an had become so despondent after returning home from the Asian Games.

It's not that Park Tae-an's psychological strength was weak, but such an opponent like Tang Yan could wear anyone down. 

Denting and destroying your hopes with each arrow.

Only when you were really faced with him could you get a real sense of his horror.

"Im Dong-hyun, please come up." The field referee reminded Im Dong-hyun pulling him back to reality.

He shook his head and reverted back to a determined expression. Took up his recurve bow and walked up.

"Im Dong-hyun, come on!" Perhaps sensing Im Dong-hyun's change. The Korean audience on the sidelines shouted to encourage him.

Im Dong-hyun heard the cheers from the audience and took a deep breath.

He took out an arrow from the arrow pot and buckled the arrow.

The audience behind him fell quiet.

At this time, Tang Yan sat on the bench behind him, twirling two gra.s.s strands in his hand whilst watching.


Im Dong-hyun let go, the arrow crossed a high parabola and fell straight toward the target.


The scene fell silent, followed by a burst of cheers like a tsunami.

9 points!

Im Dong-hyun's arrow hit the inside of the 9th ring. 

He couldn't match Tang Yan's arrow.

After two overtime rounds, Tang Yan defeated his opponent by a point difference!

The cheers on the scene were deafening, Tang Yan on the side was dumbfounded.

He missed?? Oh sh*t

He thought that Im Dong-hyun would continue to persist, he didn't expect it to be over just like that.

He shot up from the bench, too see his national teammates behind him had already rushed onto the court.

He showed a bright smile and jumped into the incoming crowd, joining the cheers of his teammates and coaches.

Im Dong-hyun was stood in a daze. 

The cheers of the audience sounded wave after wave. After winning this event, Tang Yan had won three gold medals in the Asian Games, becoming the athlete with the most gold medals so far.


At the awards ceremony, when the national anthem sounded, the scene was electrifying as the "March of the Volunteers" resounded through the stadium.

However, after the end of the awards ceremony, Tang Yan spent the next few hours celebrating with his team.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Before eventually heading towards the swimming centre, the finals of the 200-meter freestyle would begin soon.

Tang Yan's luck wasn't bad. When he arrived at the swimming pool, they had just begun the introductions.

The attendance rate at the swimming pool was fairly high. But because in 2010 the Chinese swimming team didn't have many achievements, most of them were foreign fans.

Although Tang Yan arrived at the buzzer, he still found a good seat in the third row.

In the 200m freestyle final, the Chinese team had a total of two swimmers advance to the finals, but it was clear that they were not the focus of attention, the most eye-catching star belonged to Korea, Park Tae-hwan.

As an Asian swimmer and even a well-known player in the swimming world, Park Tae-hwan, who became famous in 2006 and s.h.i.+ned in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, had absolute dominance in the short-distance freestyle.

The Chinese team's current ace was Zhang Lin who won the silver medal in the 400-meter freestyle at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and he won the first World Champions.h.i.+p for the Chinese swimming team at the 2009 World Champions.h.i.+ps in Rome. He was the most well known swimmer to the Chinese audience.

However, Tang Yan's gaze at this time was locked on another member of the Chinese team, Sun Yang.

Sun Yang held a nervous expression.

Sun Yang, at this time was still a relatively low-profile swimmer, his best result was achieved at the World Champions.h.i.+ps in Rome last year, but that was in the 1500m freestyle, the 200-meter freestyle was a new realm for him.

Although Tang Yan didn't specifically watch and keep track of swimming before he was born again, Sun Yang's road to fame was quite clear.

This final was the beginning of his road to dominance. He showed up his predecessor in this famous battle.

Zhang Lin, the ace of the national team became a tale of old.


After the swimmers were ready, the referee fired and the swimmers like penguins dived into the water.