Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor - Chapter 1143 Time Nexus Implications

Chapter 1143 Time Nexus Implications

Chapter 1143 Time Nexus Implications

1143 Time Nexus Implications

Primordial Chaos:

Maitreya and Supreme Unity momentarily paused. Unlike everybody else, they noticed Grand Dao's descent. They saw the confrontation between w.a.n.g Wei, including destroying that crystal that seemed to contain a world inside.

They also immediately noticed the crystal's aura was on par with theirs, if not of a higher essence. They remembered feeling someone or something had intruded into their world a while ago but discovered nothing despite their best efforts.

'I knew he was special, but not to the extent of involving in matters related to transcendence or to the point of offending Grand Dao,' Maitreya thought with a smirk. Things were getting interesting, and she had more hope for the future. Her eyes then focused on the Extremity Sea.

'Could this be my chance to kill him?' Supreme Unity thought. If w.a.n.g Wei had a fallout with Grand Dao, then he might use this opportunity to remove his status as an [Era Son] through Heavenly Dao, making it easier for him to eliminate that b.a.s.t.a.r.d without the protection of his destiny.

'No, it's not working.' True Heavenly Dao was not stupid. Despite how the mighty boss was feeling, it knew that w.a.n.g Wei was still vital in fighting Supreme Unity for absolute control over the world. As such, the stupidest thing it could do was make an enemy out of him now.

"How about a temporary truce?"

"Why would I do that?" Maitreya asked.

"The Dark Truth is gone in the lower dimension. Maybe we can work together to remove it completely from our world."

"You and I know that whatever this taboo involves is above our pay grade. So, it's pointless to try something like that."

"We finally have hope, but you won't even consider it?"

"That's right," Maitreya replied calmly, her determination unwavering and unyielding.

"In that case, what about a truce to interrogate that kid? You saw it for yourself. His secrets involved a being that has walked further from us. Maybe we can get answers to the way forward," Supreme Unity changed tactics, trying to tempt her instead.

"I refuse."

"Why are you being so stubborn? This is a perfect opportunity to see the path forward - and maybe even achieve true transcendence." Supreme Unity felt a slight annoyance and frustration. Ever since the Ultimate Taboo, this woman has gone her way to oppose him in every way.

There were many opportunities for them to both benefit, especially with some of the secrets in the lower dimension. Still, she refused and opposed him in every scenario. Supreme Unity knew how far he could have walked toward the transcendent path if not for this bald nun stopping him at every occasion and opportunity.

"History and time are on my side," Maitreya replied coolly. "Once the kid discovers the truth, reaches my level, and feels rea.s.sured, I know he will be more than happy to share his secrets - to help me walk the transcendent path. So, why do I need to offend him now?"

"You don't know that for sure."

"But I do," she replied, very confident. "All signs have shown that's the kind of person he is. Isn't that why we previously followed Qiyuan? Now, his descendant is even more charismatic and talented than him."

Supreme Unity looked at her. He would have unleashed his wrath and anger if not for his suppressed emotions. However, he knew such emotions were useless. ' I can only continue the original plan. Heavenly Book better not let me down, or I will hunt him down to any corner of this universe.'

Their battle continued, becoming even fiercer than before.

Red Mist Forbidden Land:

Heavenly Book Paragon opened his eyes. 'Another Time Nexus? How many major life events does this man have? More importantly, if he has so many, why hasn't Grand Dao found a flaw to kill his young self?'

As he looked at the words appearing in the group, he had to give w.a.n.g Wei his prop. It should not be easy to defend his past self against so many events that could kill him if he failed to save his past self.

'So, is he that capable, or has Grand Dao been this incompetent?' Heavenly Book Paragon knew the answer. As someone who cultivates Heaven Dao, he knew how sophisticated of a system Grand Dao was, and no one with a sane mind would call it incompetent.

He observed the entire process of his book's upgrade, and once the process ended, his eyes twinkled: 'Am I going to get my first worthy fortunate encounter from these two? Let me see, it should be something that belongs to w.a.n.g Wei. Interesting.' The page describing this encounter was still incomplete, but he deduced much information from the small section.

Heavenly Book turned a few pages to a.n.a.lyze the new information. He suddenly stopped at a new information. 'He used my inheritance and Madman Chu's method to create a new ceremony? This b.a.s.t.a.r.d knows I'm his enemy.'

He deduced w.a.n.g Wei would be suspicious of him after the plan with Emperor Jia failed, but now, he had confirmation the latter knew of his existence. With how Madman Chu usually behaves, he will definitely try to meet him to get his hands on that ceremony.

'And once they meet, he will one hundred percent recognize my work, and there is a 76% chance he will accidentally mention it.' He did try to hide the fact he created that inheritance and his method could fool w.a.n.g Wei due to his low cultivation and unfamiliarity with him, but that will not be the case for Madman Chu.

'His threat has been elevated now that he knows, and the amount of time I have left has also decreased.' He frowned briefly before raising his hand to draw a rune in the air. Then, a potent energy that originated from the rune entered the book. As soon as he drew the rune, thousands of Chaos Worlds activated powerful arrays that covered their entire world. Then, they were refined into the purest energy that the Heavenly Book fed his book.

Nothing survived in this world: not the people, the cultivators, the branches of Samsara, no matter, energy, s.p.a.ce-time, and even the fundamental concepts that composed their existence. Powered by this extremely unique and pure energy, more writing appeared in the book.

'Grand Dao is not happy with its chosen son, so it has begun to create ways for him to become a worthy compet.i.tor for w.a.n.g Wei. It's a good move since it cannot trust me.' The purpose of the Grand Dao Son was pretty obvious - be strong enough to kill w.a.n.g Wei in one of its [Time Nexus], thus killing its future self. Grand Dao only needs to block the River of Time to prevent any interference, and then it will be game over.

'What are those Time Nexuses?' Heavenly Book Paragon asked himself, and this was not the first time he had asked. In fact, he could not count the number of times he pondered this question.

'All those Half-Step Transcendence have essentially transcendent time and s.p.a.ce. So, why does someone even more powerful have not? The implications behind this might be the real prize in all these conflicts.'

He had done countless calculations, deductions, a.n.a.lyses, and even divinations after learning about this Time Nexus, and the answers he received varied from absurd to nonsense and, finally, mind-boggling. Sadly, there was not enough information to narrow things down and find a concrete answer - or even to narrow it down to something he could investigate.

Heavenly Book Paragon looked at his book, wondering if he could sacrifice more worlds to accelerate the process. He was unsatisfied with the news he received since it only involved Grand Dao Son, and he did not care much about that chess piece.

'If I make any moves, things could s...o...b..ll out of control.' He had already noticed signs of the upcoming chaos since Primordial Chaos had not been peaceful since the All-Seeing Temple released their divination. However, the situation was still in the preparatory stage, and if he started destroying worlds in large groups, people would notice, and his actions might create a s...o...b..ll effect.

'The peace and quiet is still advantageous to me, so there is no need to accelerate the chaos. What I need to focus on now is whether I should take the Grand Dao Son's fortune encounters or leave it to him so he has a chance.'

Heavenly Book was currently in a "cooperative" relations.h.i.+p with Grand Dao, and such action might destroy their almost nonexistent trust, and he might anger the latter.

'Why am I even hesitating?' His plan was extremely dangerous, and only death awaited him if he failed - either at w.a.n.g Wei or Grand Dao's hands. So, he did not care about offending either of them.

'All or nothing. Hasn't this always been the motto?' He immediately ordered one of his clones to travel to a few worlds to get his hands on a few things he might need.

'Anyway, Grand Dao is rich and has numerous ways to train its chosen son.'