Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor - Chapter 1142 Marked

Chapter 1142 Marked

Chapter 1142 Marked

1142 Marked

w.a.n.g Wei was happy with this transformation and was glad he trusted Hong'er to come to this place. If before he was confident of achieving Half-Step Transcendence because of his idea, now, he had another source of confidence - his talent and Dao Foundation.

He condensed a new set of purple robes but was not feeling this color currently, so he changed them to white. Glancing at his handsome face with a conjured mirror, he almost fell in love with his beautiful self.

'Let's reduce this aura,' he thought as he controlled the alluring aura his almost perfect body was releasing. However, he still could not change his overall temperament and increase in beauty. Now that his personal affairs were dealt with, he focused his attention on this taboo that has been a mystery of the Chaos Universe since the dawn of time.

"Is anyone there?" w.a.n.g Wei asked, but no response; the fog was calm, eerie, and mysterious - as usual. "Future self, if you're truly responsible for this thing, how about you give me a few rare things?"

No sounds or response.

"Our father could use a Limit Breaker. No, make that two for our mother. Then, we also need materials for the Perfect Foundation for the whole family, so that's four people if you count the yet-to-be-determined wife."

w.a.n.g Wei frowned, 'Maybe, there are some strange rules that they need to come here to get it?' This was a possibility he considered. 'Or, maybe I'm wrong, and my future self did not create this thing, but they are connected somehow. It would explain why it knew what materials I needed for this foundation.'

w.a.n.g Wei sighed as this was going nowhere, so he decided to leave. However, once he reached the border of the Extremity Sea, he sensed an invisible barrier that seemed to have locked him inside. He frowned as he tried pus.h.i.+ng forward with his palm, and something was there as expected.

'I can't be stuck here for eternity, can I?'

He immediately used all his force to push this invisible barrier, but all his efforts were useless. As w.a.n.g Wei was about to give up and try something else, he felt the barrier rapidly weakening and took this opportunity to break through and leave this area.

He embraced himself for more, but nothing happened ??? not even a slight breeze. w.a.n.g Wei looked above, expecting Grand Dao's Eye to manifest at any moment, but nothing happened even after waiting for close to an hour.

'This it normal or suspicious behavior?' He could not tell, so he decided to focus on something else. Now that he had the strength, he needed someone to test it.

'So, who would be the safest?' According to his calculations and divinations, the Death World was the safest and with the most variables for something going wrong. The Abyss Gap was the most dangerous and had great variability, and the Nether h.e.l.l was the second most dangerous and had the weakest variability.

'So, between the Death World and the Nether h.e.l.l?' After thinking briefly, w.a.n.g Wei chose the Death World. He genuinely wanted to get rid of this thing as soon as possible, as Death Reverence creeped him out. However, he did not lose his cautious nature, so he sat cross-legged in the void to enter the Dream World and train.

He used the Battle Tower to design worthy opponents for himself so he could adapt to his newfound strength as soon as possible. He even designed opponents with greater parameters than him to ensure he could challenge himself.

A little time pa.s.sed before he woke up, and now that he was completely prepared, he directly teleported to the Death World. A red sun stood above the Heavens, barely illuminating this vast and infinite world.

'This is truly a world of death,' w.a.n.g Wei commented. There was a small continent floating at the center, but dead bodies everywhere else. Yes, this entire world/dimension, slightly bigger than the lower dimension, was full of dead bodies. Quadrillion? Quintillion? s.e.xtillion? Numbers could no longer quantify the number of dead bodies in this world.

w.a.n.g Wei calmly observed his surroundings. He noticed countless different races and species, many of whom he had never heard or read about, and they were of various cultivation levels.

'Forget about the body. The Death Qi in this place is giving me an eerie feeling.' He frowned as he activated his senses to detect danger. However, so far, nothing. The world's people noticed his arrival and activated formation to protect themselves. Sadly, w.a.n.g Wei only took a glance after teleporting to them to destroy their formation, which was even better than the Commerce Hub.

"Call Upon the Death Guardian," someone yelled, and the order was immediately executed. The Corpse Selling Sect never expected someone to find this place, let alone for that person to be w.a.n.g Wei. Although they were not afraid of that b.a.s.t.a.r.d, they also did not want to conflict with him since they would have to pay a severe price to eliminate him.

An immense amount of Death Qi gathered above the sky to condense a three-and-a-half-meter dark creature with horns, claws, and red energy stripes running through its body. Its aura displayed the fact it was the embodiment of death itself.

'Strength of 69% Grand Dao Source, but can achieve 70% by using the Death Qi in this world,' w.a.n.g Wei a.n.a.lyzed. 'I'm getting a bad feeling, so let's end this as swiftly as possible. I can also test my new technique.'

"Void is not true nothingness, as it contains invisible but detectable aspects. Emptiness truly contains nothing, but it does not have the grandeur, n.o.bility, and arrogance of true nothingness for the mere fact it precedes all creation. Regardless, why don't you experience a little bit of its power - [Return to Emptiness].'

A small white orb appeared above his right palm before exploding and covering this Death Guardian. The powerful creature sensed its death and tried to resist, but even death-which is often described as a state of nothingness by mortals who do not believe in reincarnation-could not resist the power of emptiness. Its body, soul, and even existence were wiped out in an instant. The Death Continent also suffered the same fate as w.a.n.g Wei did not want to risk anything and wiped them out clean.

Then, he was immediately on guard for the possible appearance of Death Reverence, and he was correct to be. The Death World trembled, and w.a.n.g Wei suddenly sensed something watching him from the darkness. His senses or detection method caught nothing, but he knew someone or something was watching him.

"You should make the perfect vessel."

w.a.n.g Wei's body felt an instinctive repulsion which seemed to be hidden in the deepest layer of his existence. The aura in the surroundings changed, and it seemed familiar.

'It's similar to the Abyss Gap - a fundamental rejection of Heaven and Earth.' w.a.n.g Wei's eyes squinted as he quickly realized the implications. 'Death Reverence was a.s.sociated with or had connections to some foreign ent.i.ties similar to Cthulhu or the Old G.o.ds.'

Many things suddenly made sense to w.a.n.g Wei. Why did Death Reverence destroy that world? It was probably a sacrifice to try to allow that ent.i.ty to descend into this Chaos Universe.

'The All Savant World must have something special which he needed.'

All these thoughts flashed quickly in w.a.n.g Wei's mind as his instinct kicked in to run away. However, it was pointless, as his body was unable to move. He immediately tried to kill himself and revive somewhere else, but that also failed. A dark light descended from the heavens into his body.

w.a.n.g Wei's expression turned ugly as he saw a black tattoo on his chest. "You dare mark me?" No one answered him, and the repulsive aura in the environment dissipated. w.a.n.g Wei looked into the darkness with a fiery anger that could burn the world. He snorted coldly, instantly destroying the Death World in the process.

He floated in the void, looking above the heaven. However, after ten minutes, his anger increased.

"d.a.m.n you, Grand Dao. I have the mark of an intruder of the Chaos Universe. Why aren't you doing your job and removing it?" All logic and truths dictate that Grand Dao should have appeared and dealt with the situation. After all, if someone like w.a.n.g Wei were used as an avatar to allow some unknown Transcendent or Half-Step Transcendent to descend into this world, the result would only be chaos.

w.a.n.g Wei's wrath reached the pinnacle as he knew that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Grand Dao purposely did not intervene because of either his future self or the fact he just acquired the perfect foundation.

"You think I need your help? Keep dreaming."

His red eyes focused on the Endless Void, and with one thought, all the branches of the Corpse Selling Sect across the lower dimension rapidly dissipated. w.a.n.g Wei killed everything and everyone, including all their sects' formations, artifacts, and resources. Anyway, he saw these things as being contaminated and would never use them. The only thing he kept was their sect's luck, which he condensed into a golden crystal - which he attached two strings to use as a necklace.

No one survived this ma.s.sacre, including two Eternals Emperors. He had already destroyed their vaults since they were hidden in the Death World, so he only needed to erase them from history. He wiped out hundreds of sects and trillions of people scattered across an infinite realm with a single thought.

w.a.n.g Wei immediately teleported back to the Dark Truth, and as soon as he arrived, he saw signs of movement from the fog. However, the fog suddenly collapsed, and each attempt to gather seemed to fail. The process lasted for a few minutes before there were no other movements.

'So, you lost this move?' he thought with squinted eyes. He immediately teleported home, and the first thing he did was kill himself. He had three extra lives - one from his Mortal Emperor achievements and two from his Life and Death Talent, which he successfully elevated into lives after using the data from Mon Wuzhi's physique. So, he used it.

After his body rea.s.sembled itself, w.a.n.g Wei saw the mark on his chest, and he was not surprised. His death was simply to ascertain how deep this mark was. And now that he knew, he continued with his plan by entering the Science and Technology World, heading directly to the Quantum Realm.

"I know you're here, and I have a gift for you," w.a.n.g Wei said before showing the mark on his body. "This mark contained information about an entire being outside your designated parameters. It is the perfect opportunity to evolve beyond what you could ever calculate."

The [Quantum Will] awakened before immediately scanning the mark. It was immediately interested. It had already received much information by scanning and a.n.a.lyzing the weird humans who "created" it, but the information contained on this mark was way more valuable.

So, it released a devouring power to extract the mark. w.a.n.g Wei felt a terrifying pain, and his body was also falling apart, but he did not resist. The [Quantum Will] continued its work. The thing was probably more powerful than it, but its essence was on the same level. Furthermore, it had its home court advantage, while this mark was only a rootless thing that did not have access to a power source or anyone actively controlling it.


The mark moved out of w.a.n.g Wei's body before disappearing into the depth of the Quantum Realm. He immediately checked his body and found nothing, so he sighed in relief. He looked in the distance before leaving.


The sky above the Myriad Emperor World changed.

"Grand Dao," w.a.n.g Wei muttered with gritted teeth, and the eye glanced at him. Then, out of nowhere, the marble containing the Science and Technology World flew into the sky before bolts of lightning instantly destroyed it. Grand Dao then focused on him, and w.a.n.g Wei could feel its fury. However, he still looked at it defiantly.

After glancing at each other for a minute, the eye dissipated as if it were never here. Meanwhile, w.a.n.g Wei sensed something and looked at the Extremity Sea: the fog was gone.

In other words, the Dark Truth had left the lower dimension.