it's the last day of school before the May holidays. It was almost 3 o'clock and there was a relaxed mood in cla.s.s. Even the teacher was looking forward to his week off and looked around the cla.s.s to see what the children were doing. Spotting Jayden in the back of cla.s.s he could not help walking over to speak with him.
"Anything planned for the holidays Jayden?"
Jayden couldn't help getting excited thinking about the upcoming days responded with a big smile plastered on his face.
" You bet! This weekend the test sessions for the national 2-stroke karting season will be held and I get to go too!"
"Do you mind telling the cla.s.s a bit more about what you will be doing?" the teacher asked.
Hearing this everyone in cla.s.sed turned Jayden's way not willing to miss a thing he said. They now knew he was a capable karter and started to pay more attention to him after his birthday.
Jayden who was still not used to being the center of attention wanted to decline but after one look at his teacher, he knew this was not an option.
He looked over at Simon for support but all he got was a thumbs up and a knowing grin.
"No way out of this I guess"
After taking his time gathering his thought's Jayden started explaining:
The Dutch National 2-stroke karting champions.h.i.+p or DN2K for short is a series for young drivers from 7 to 8 years old. The series will hold 8 events this year and to qualify for these events you need a few things.
First and most important is a racing license! Without a license, you will not be allowed to join any events. To get one you will need to perform a theoretical end practical exam. To finish you will also receive a medical examination. Pa.s.s these and you receive a 1-year license. These test days are for me to acquire a license so that I can join in on the national events this year.
The second thing you need is an FIA approved cha.s.sis. This means you can't start racing with just any kart you own. The Kart has to follow strict policies regarding size weight and other specific measurements. The same with the engine you. You can buy your own but it will have to be made to spec and have a seal provided by the supplier to show that no one has been tampering with it.
Tires will be provided at events so you don't have to worry about bringing those.
"Do you have all those things at home?" a girl in cla.s.s asked.
"No we don't" Jayden answered. "It's very expensive to own and manage a kart so my parents are renting one for this event"
"Can anyone join these events?" Someone else asked.
"You can but you need to sign up for the test a few weeks prior. There are only so many spots available so full is full" Jayden replied.
"My dad told me not just anyone should join these events. You need skills and money to go far in the world of racing! He said that even if you could perform well you wouldn't be able to do a full season because you're not rich and that you should stop burdening your parents!" another kid said.
Jayden felt like a brick dropped in his stomach. He dropped his head and his body was trembling. He tried really hard to hold back the tears after this kid's thoughtless comment. "I know we aren't rich but is it that wrong for me to want to try?!"
The teacher saw that the conversation was going the wrong direction stepped in. "That's not something your father should worry about, "he said to his student.
"If Jayden's parents want to do this for him who are we to judge them?" he added
"One last question before cla.s.s ends Jayden. What do you plan to achieve when you race? Do you have any goals?!" the teacher asked.
Jayden looked at the teacher with tear-filled eyes. He rubbed the tears away, stood up grit his teeth and said.
"I want to make money so my parents don't have to work so hard!"
"I want to make mom and dad proud when they see me race!"
"I want to know what it feels like to drive other fast people!"
"I want to become a professional racing driver!"
"I want to be known for my driving skills!"
"I want to be the fastest!"
"I want to win!"
He practically shouted the last sentence. Shocked by his own reaction he sat back down and looked at his desk. No longer looking at anything or anyone in particular.
The teacher had a slight smile on his face. This was the first time he saw Jayden really speak up for himself and show his true emotions.
He coughed to gather everyone's attention then said.
"It's great that you have the drive and motivation Jayden. You will need this if you want to succeed in life no matter what it is you are trying to achieve!"
"Take an example of him," he said to the cla.s.s while pointing at Jayden.
"As long as you have the will to succeed no matter where you are from or what you are trying to do you can make things happen! I want you all to write an essay about what you want to do in the future and how you plan on getting there! You can pick anything you want as long as you can explain why it is that you want to do it!"
The whole cla.s.s let out a collective groan. They would have to spend time doing school work on a holiday. There's no way they will be happy with that. A few kids were gearing up to complain but just then the bell rang.
They forgot all about what they were complaining about grabbed their bags and rushed out of cla.s.s while greeting the teacher.
"Don't forget your a.s.signments. I will be grading them!" he said
When it was Jayden's turn to greet the teacher he stopped him and said.
"Don't worry about anything that was said today Jayden. Just let your parents worry about the money. You just go out there, do your best and have fun. I'm sure your parents will be happy if you're happy!"
Jayden perked up quite a bit after hearing this. He looked at the teacher's friendly face greeted him once again and left cla.s.s.
Walking outside the school building he saw Simon waiting for him.
"Are you oke?"Simon asked
"I'm fine" he replied.
Together they walked home.
There will be a time when Jayden thinks back to this day.
But not now.
Because today, the holidays start!