Jayden would have to wait before it was his turn because he would be starting in the last group. Which didn't seem to bother him one bit.
"At least I'm in the same group as that guy," he thought. "The best way to show him whose faster was in a straight fight".
Normally Jayden is a calm and sensible child but at times like this, he can be quite childish. He would not be upstaged on his birthday. Especially not while doing the thing he loves the most, racing. He went over to his parents and started checking out the people which were part of the first group.
Noticing Simon was in the first group he waved at him. Simon looked back and gave him a thumbs up.
Simon was good at karting as well. To him, karting was just a hobby though he was nowhere near as fanatic as Jayden.
"Are you enjoying your birthday so far Jayden?" his mom asked.
'I sure am!" he shouted.
His mother, knowing her son, knew something was wrong but chose not to continue asking him.
" If he doesn't want to say anything then it should be ok," she thought.
'The first group was now really starting to go for it. You could hear the engine noise and the sound of tires squealing.
"Mom"? Jayden asked while trying to get her attention.
"Will it be oke? Paying for all this and then also for the test day?"
"Don't worry." She said. "Your dad and I have it all figured out."
"Just do your best when your there and enjoy yourself. Now go out there and have fun" she concluded.
Jayden feeling relieved hugged his mom and ran off to get closer to the track.
"Why don't you tell him dad has to work extra s.h.i.+fts to pay for this hobby of his." Lyssa said looking unhappy.
Dad was spending all his time working so that he could pay for Jayden's karting and was spending a lot less time at home.
"leave it for after the test day." Mom said. Why not let him dream a little,she thought. And if he can prove himself there well just have to pay extra attention to our budget.
Mom knew they would have trouble paying for a season kart racing but if they could help their son chase his dream they should at least try.
While mom was thinking about their financial situation the first group's session was coming to an end.
Simon posted the best time with a 49.7. This was a bit of his personal record but he was still happy. "It's difficult to get a clean lap in with 15 people going around on track". "This is the best I could do." He said walking up to Jayden.
"Not bad, only 2 tenths of your best". Jayden said.
Simon smirked at Jayden's response. "just make sure you get a clean lap in when it's your turn. You don't want to get beaten because you got stuck behind a slower driver".
Jayden nodded. "Don't worry," he said
He wasn't planning on giving Jasper a sniff off an opportunity.
Simon shrugged. He knew what his friend was thinking and left it at that.
Meanwhile on track 2 drivers were starting a ma.s.sive battle for the fastest lap-time. In front, we had Jayden's teacher and behind him was his dad.
"I hope dad gets it. He's been practicing hard and even lost weight". Jayden thought.
Try as he might though dad could not get past the teacher and with 5 minutes left it looked like there would be no opportunity for dad today.
"if I can't get past I'll just go for the fastest lap then, "dad thought.
Knowing time was running out dad dropped back a bit from the teacher to give himself a bit more s.p.a.ce. With just 2 minutes to go, he had enough s.p.a.ce and pushed his utmost for 2 fast laps. After those laps, he caught up to the teacher again. Just as he got back up behind the teacher time was up.
Getting out of his kart dad immediately went to look for his lap-time.
"Yes"! he shouted punching his fist in the air.
Jayden ran to his father. "What's your time dad"? he asked.
Dad held the paper before Jayden's face while pointing at his time. "Look! 49.4! I beat my personal best! Now you know how fast i can really go right?" he smirked feeling good about himself.
"Sure dad" Jayden replied.
He left his dad to gloat and went over to get ready to go on track himself.
Looking to his left he saw the boy who challenged him.
Jasper was still looking around with a smirk on his face.
"Keep smiling," Jayden thought while getting in his kart.
The last group was the smallest with only 9 people so it would be easier to get racing room.
Jayden was not worried at all. He knew that he should be able to easily get a fast time. What he really wanted to do was soundly beat his cla.s.smates, that arrogant kid Jasper and finally set the fastest time of the day.
As soon as the lights went green they all sped off. Jayden did not start in front but only needed 2 laps to get in front of everyone. Jasper wasn't having as smooth a ride and was stuck in the middle of the group not able to get any further ahead.
This gave Jayden an idea. Since he was in front with an empty track ahead of him he started pus.h.i.+ng his kart flat-out.
"Time to see if I can beat my own record," he thought.
De following laps Jayden kept going faster and faster. He was also catching up the slower karts in the group.
The manager was looking from the sidelines with dad.
"Jayden is pretty fired up today."he said
"Yeah, he's pus.h.i.+ng quite hard. Looks like he's trying to beat his record again." dad sighed.
On track, Jayden had now caught up with the person in last place.
He could see Jasper in front with just 3 other people between them.
With 3 minutes to go his next target was to put Jasper a lap behind.
Now Jayden could really show his stuff.
All those years practicing on this track not only helped him get faster, but it also helped him become a skillful overtaker.
It took him just 3 turns to get past the first driver. Easily pa.s.sing him on the outside of the full throttle left-hand corner. This was only possible because that other driver had no experience karting and was nowhere near full throttle through that corner.
"One down, "Jayden thought.
The next driver got overtaken in turn 1. She was taking a wide line into the turn and Jayden boldly stuck his car in the now open s.p.a.ce braking as late as he dared. Just managing to stop his kart he looked ahead.
"2 more minutes and one other driver between me and Jasper "
Jayden set off after his next target. This was one of the parents and he had some skill. Jayden had to really concentrate to get past him.
He finally managed to get past him by braking earlier into the last corner. This allowed him to make a tighter turn and accelerate earlier than the other driver allowing him to out-drag him across the finish line.
"Just Jasper left now"
Jasper could not believe it. Not only was he not able to get past anyone Jayden had lapped everyone up to him and was now right behind him.
"I have to stay ahead for one more minute," he thought
Too bad for Jasper, Jayden had other plans for him.
He simply out-braked him on the inside of the next corner en shoved him wide. Jasper who was now out of position could not get on the throttle because he would crash into Jayden. If he did that. This allowed two other drivers to get past him before he got back up to speed.
Jasper now in second to last place smiled wryly. He knew he had been too arrogant today and that Jayden had purposely pa.s.sed him like that to put him in his place.
The race was soon over and they all got out.
Jasper walked over to Jayden and shook his hand congratulating him. "You really were fast today," he said. "I'm sorry I said those things earlier."
Jayden was surprised about how easily Jasper apologized.
"It's ok, let's just forget about it," he said
The manager was now walking towards them.
"you did it again Jayden. A 47.7! That's your fastest lap time. You're now only 3 tents away from the all-time lap record here. Great job!"
Jayden took the paper and looked over his lap-times. He knew the times would be good because he could feel it when he was driving. He felt like he was on another level today.
"I guess having something to motivate you really makes a difference," he thought.
Simon who ran over to see if everything was oke was surprised to see Jayden and Jasper being on friendly terms.
"Good going Jayden! You improved again. Maybe you could actually put in a good performance on the test day"!
Dad also joined in now. "That's my son," he said
"He knows how to end the day in style"