Dad had not even started accelerating but Jayden was already in front of him. That fast he thought? No way, he must have jumped the start.
They were now all approaching the first corner and Jayden was already next to Lyssa. Braking for the first corner he even managed to sneak past her and took over the third place!
That went great! he thought. Maybe I can pa.s.s Damian and mom too.
Watching from the sidelines the manager and marshal could not help but smile.
He really aced the start the marshal said.
He did indeed the manager replied. But remember that with this kart the weight of de driver matters a lot. Especially while accelerating. And he is by far the lightest of the bunch so it's no wonder his start was that fast.
That doesn't explain why he was the first to start accelerating the marshal thought but he chose not to dwell on it any longer.
Jayden was now having the time of his life. Racing is so much fun! he thought. Damian is a lot faster than dad too so I'm not even being held up.
In second place Damian was not feeling as happy. How is this possible he thought? Keeping up with mom is impossible and I can't even get rid of Jayden.
This went on for 2 laps and Damian was finding it increasingly difficult to keep Jayden behind. Entering the final corner of lap 3 he missed his braking point and slid into the barrier.
This prompted the marshal to bring out the yellow flag.
Jayden excited to be in second place forgot all about the rules and sped up to catch up to his mom who was now slowing down because of the yellow flag.
Mom now noticing that Jayden was right behind her let out a small chuckle. I can't believe he's in second place. Guess he is at least better than his father.
Starting lap four Damian was again pointed in the right direction and they could all resume racing at full speed.
Mom sped off and Jayden tried his utmost to keep up.
No wonder dad can never win he thought, mom is really fast. She's already leaving me behind.
Jayden was now fixated on his mother kart. How come I can't keep up like with dad and Damian? He could not help but concentrate even harder. And after the 6th lap he was no longer dropping further behind his mother.
How is this possible? the manager thought. It's easy to explain why he is able to be faster than his dad and siblings but how come he is keeping up with his mother?
Why are you looking like that the marshal asked?
That kid might actually be quite talented the manager replied. You have to understand that while it's not easy for him to be faster than his dad and siblings it's not that strange either due to him weighing a lot less. But him keeping up with his mom is different. She is actually driving that kart in a competent way.
You know these karts are not really powerful right? So to get the best lap-time you need to keep up your speed. That means braking as little as possible and keeping up your cornering speed.
Just 2 laps ago that kid was driving just like the rest of them but now he is actually copying his mother's style.
Look at him through turn 4. He used to brake hard then turn in sharply to make the corner. But now he is taking a much wider line through the corner only slightly pressing the brakes and keeping a higher speed throughout the corner. This is the correct way to drive a kart with little power like this one.
The marshal nodded. Looking at the track could not help asking. Will he be able to get closer? Maybe even overtake her?
Not a change the manager replied. Don't forget he is just a 4 year old. Driving even a slow kart like this for 10 laps will be quite taxing for him. Let alone doing this for the first time.
Nodding again the marshal kept looking at Jayden. Hoping to see if Jayden would give them another surprise.
Back on track Jayden was starting to feel his whole body ache. 8 laps had past and although mom was not increasing her lead over him he was not getting any closer. Feeling like he won't be able to get any closer he started to relax a bit.
Guess I will just enjoy the rest of the race he thought.
Feeling the tension leave his body his driving style became a lot smoother.
The final 2 laps went past in a flash.
After 10 laps mom finished first, followed by Jayden in second Lyssa in third and Damian who managed to get past dad again in the final lap in fourth place. Dad ended the race in fifth place looking like he swallowed a bunch of flies.
You're really fast mom Jayden said. I could not keep up with you no matter how hard I tried.
I can't believe you actually got second Jayden mom replied. But that's great you know! Your dad won't have any excuses today.
Don't forget our bet honey she said to dad. You're doing de dishes next week.
Not so fast dad said. We don't know if your lap-time is faster than mine. I just got a bad start that's all there is no way I would have been last otherwise.
Sure! she smiled let's get our food while waiting for the print-out with our fastest time.
While the family went off to get some barbecue the marshal was checking their lap-times.
After looking over the times he did not give it to them straight away but showed it to the manager first.
See anything strange? he asked the manager
What is there to see the manager replied? Their fastest lap should also be the order the finished right?
Just look it over the marshal said while handing him the print-out.
"Like I thought" the manager said the kid is really impressive. After lap 6 his lap-times got a lot closer to his mothers. But that's nothing we did not already know right? Wait, what's this? The fastest lap was set in lap 10 by the kid! But how?!
Fastest laps:
P1 49.3 set on lap 3
P2 49.2 set on lap 10
P3 50.2 set on lap 5
P4 49.9 set on lap 9
P5 50.3 set on lap 8
He should have been too tired to go any faster at the end of the race but he actually gained speed? That's incredible!
Crazy right?! the marshal said. A 4 year old setting the fastest lap-time the first time he drives a kart. And it's a good time too. Some grownups won't be able to match that time! Just look at his father's time he said with a smile on his face.
That's great and all the manager said but why are you showing me this? Just give the print-out to them and get ready for the next group.
The marshal was startled at first but then went to hand over the print-out.
He thought about keeping quiet but could not help but saying to kids mother and father.
Your son might have a knack for this. Why don't you bring him over more often?
Looking over he lap-times dad could not help but be shocked. Jayden set the fastest time? My own time was the slowest? This can't be correct right he asked?
was surprised seeing the times as well! the marshal replied but they are correct.
Did you have fun today mom asked while smiling at Jayden?
I did mom! It was great! He replied.
Good, she said turning to dad. Next time you go karting don't just go by yourself. Bring your son also. It's not like you're getting any faster anyway and he really seems to enjoy doing this.
I just need to lose some weight! dad replied while stuffing his mouth full with meat. But sure if Jayden likes it I will bring him along.
Thank you dad, Jayden said with the biggest grin yet.
Do you want to come too Lyssa? And you Damian?
I'll pa.s.s Lyssa replied.
Damian also pa.s.sed up on the opportunity. He was now reaching the age where playing online with his friends was more fun than doing things with his mom and dad anyway.
Guess it's just you and me then Jayden said dad.
Mhmm Jayden nodded now also with his mouth stuffed full of meat.
The marshal looked at them with a smile on his face. Not knowing this first race left a lasting impression on this little kid that would push him to achieve increasingly greater things.