"Stop jumping on the bed Jayden It's far too early for that! Go back to bed I need my sleep" dad mumbles.
But you promised we would go Karting today! If you get up now we'll have the whole day" Jayden replied
"Catherine your son is calling for you!' Dad told mom while trying to go back to sleep.
"You promised him to go karting so you get up first. I'm staying in bed!" she said. After this, she rolled around and pulled the blanket over her head.
Dad realizing he will not get any more sleep today got out of bed." Alright, Jayden I'm up! stop pulling me I'm up!" he said.
"Great, can we go now then?"Jayden said.
"We still have to get ready, why don't you go wake up Damian and Lyssa?"
"Ok dad," Jayden replied while jumping off the bed and running upstairs to wake up his brother and sister.
While Jayden runs upstairs calling for his siblings his dad gets back into bed trying to cuddle his wife. She was not having any of it and kicked him straight out of the bed!
"Guess I'm awake"dad grumbles and got up for real this time. As he got himself ready for the day a Jayden finally managed to get Damian and Lyssa to come downstairs.
"Why do we have to get up this early dad?" Lyssa was not happy having to get out of bed this early in the morning and Damian wasn't looking happy either.
"Alright stop complaining and help me prepare breakfast. Today we're going karting remember?" Dad who was feeling quite grumpy himself replied.
"Jayden go and wake up your mother," his dad said while giving him a cheeky wink.
"Oke dad", and Jayden left the living room and went back to wake his mother by jumping on the bed again.
After some running around and preparing the whole family was ready to leave.
"Can we finally go now, dad?"
"Yes, Jayden where leaving now stay calm."
After a short 20 minute drive, they arrived at the karting circuit. Everyone was starting to get excited and could not wait to start racing but dad quickly called them to a halt.
"You know there are rules to this right? You can't just hop into a kart and start driving. First of all, we have to wait our turn and there are some things you have to be aware of before we start. But don't worry I won't explain those rules let's wait for the manager for that."
30 minutes which seemed like forever for Jayden finally pa.s.sed and it was now their turn.
The manager who was a 40 something-year-old bald guy called them to the small briefing/dressing room.
"Have any of you karted before?" he asked before looking up and seeing dad. "Hey, Brandon your back again I see, and you brought Catherine with you. Ready to lose again I guess." The manager said with a big smile on his face
Dad looked sheepishly and mom was trying really hard to hold her laugh but was obviously failing.
Choosing to ignore the manager's comment he pointed at the children."My kids need to know the rules. Please do your job and explain to them what they need to know."
"Alright alright," the manager replied "no need to get angry."
"So kids you ready to have some fun today?"
"Yes! all three said loudly full of excitement.
"Good! let's get ready then" he said.
"First, let's talk about safety. You will be racing each other and other people so this is what you need to know."
"number one: Always follow the directions of the marshals on track. They are there for your safety and will pull you off the track if you ignore them."
"Second: The marshals will be waving four kinds of flags.
Yellow to slow down. This might be because I driver is stuck or spun on the track. "
"Red will be waved when the rave has to be stopped due to an accident. If you all drive sensibly we won't need this flag."
"Black means you ignored the rules or are driving dangerously. If you see this one your race is over and have to get off the track immediately."
"Lastly is the black and white checkered flag. This is to indicate the race is over. What you want of course is to be the first one to see this flag because you will have then one the race so do your best."
"Do you understand all that kid's?" mom asked.
"Yes mom," they said in unison.
"Good" the manager then said. "Next is how we will actually race. To figure out who will start at which position we will do a 5 lap qualifying heat. All you have to do is try and finish a lap as fast as you can. The faster your lap time the higher up your race position will be. After that, it's on to the race. You will start in order from fastest to slowest."
"Any questions?" The manager asked. "If you all understand then let's get dressed and you can go and pick a kart! A marshal will be there to help you adjust your seat. Have fun and drive safe."
"Ok, let's go guys," dad said. Even he was starting to get excited now. "I'll show you who the fastest is today!"
The karts were the same for all of them so the marshal had to adjust everyone's seat accordingly.
Jayden was excited and nervous at the same time. Finally, he was able to start racing now! After the marshal showed him how to work the steering throttle and brakes he was ready.
Slowly applying the throttle his kart started creeping forward. "I'm driving!" he thought, "I'm really driving!"
While he was slowly getting to grips with his kart his family had already sped off. Jayden not willing to be left behind applied full throttle and followed after them.
Shocked by the speed his kart achieved he was to slow recognizing the first corner and slammed in the barrier. The marshal came running over to check on him.
Asking if he was ok he was shocked to see Jayden was grinning from ear to ear.
"Did you see how fast I was going?" he asked while beaming.
"I sure did the marshal!" replied. "But next time when you reach a turn at least try and use the brakes ok?"
"Yes!" Jayden said still grinning and after he got his kart pointed in the right direction sped of full throttle again. After experiencing the speed of his kart Jayden slowed down well before the next corner. He had not even completed half a lap yet when mom pa.s.sed him with dad right behind. They were already onto their second lap. Jayden was not willing to be outdone and tried to keep up again.
It's a lot easier following dad he thought after he completed his first lap. He was now slowly figuring out when to brake and when to apply the throttle. This is great! he smiled and started to actively chase down his dad.
Meanwhile, the marshal who was keeping an eye on him was getting more and more shocked. "Is this really the first time this kid is driving a kart?" He waved for the manager and pointed at Jayden.
"Is something wrong?" the manager asked. "No," the marshal answered. "Just look at that kid over there," he said while pointing at Jayden. "He crashed at the first corner but he is now quite easily keeping up with his father!"
"No way!" said the manager. "Is Brandon driving slow on purpose?"
"Not slower than usual" the marshal replied while smiling.
"Alright, keep an eye out" the manager replied. "It's just a kid having fun anyway."
"Sure no problem the marshal said."
Jayden now on his fourth lap was actually getting held up by his dad now. "Cant, he go any faster?" he thought
Dad did not know if whether he should laugh or cry. His wife was long gone and his 4-year-old son was looking for a way to get past. Luckily the track was not that wide otherwise he might really be the slowest of them all. "Well, he won't be able to set a faster lap time if he can't get past me," he thought. "If that happened I wouldn't have anywhere to hide my face."
Driving in the middle of the track for the last lap of their qualifying heat dad managed to stay ahead of Jayden who was now quite comfortable with his kart.
"Is it already over?" Jayden thought. "That was too short. I couldn't even get past dad and he was the slowest!"
Stopping on track the marshal arranged their karts according to their fastest lap time.
Mom being the fastest was first followed by Damian and Lyssa. Dad feeling quite ashamed was 4the but what was surprising to all of them including the marshal was that the 4-year-old Jayden was only 1 tenth of a second slower than his father.
"He really got the hang of It quickly!" the marshal thought. "He might be quite talented in driving these things. Let's see how he does in the race!" Mom being on the first row called back to dad." Looks like you're doing the dishes again honey!"
"No way!" dad said. "I was just taking it easy. Just you wait after this race is over you'll see who's faster."
While mom and dad were yelling back and forth al Jayden was doing was concentrating on the start lights. "I need to get past dad at least!" he thought. "He's so slow I can't drive as fast as the kart can go. I should be able to go a bit faster at least."
Waiting for the lights to turn from red to green Jayden eagerly awaited the start of his first actual race concentrating on those lights harder than he ever concentrated on anything before.