He was so excited he could barely contain himself. "Two more days until its weekend! I guess contacting uncle Anthony was the right choice after all" He thought.
The following days went by in a flash. Sat.u.r.day morning Jayden was up bright and early, ready to do whatever his uncle had planned. As long as he could go racing again he did not care! Lyssa got out of bed soon after him also excited for what uncle Anthony would bring. He had not especially mentioned her but she had high hopes anyway.
Uncle Anthony did not disappoint. He arrived when they were eating breakfast in a brand new car.
"That's a Tesla Model X!" Jayden called out. "Uncle Anthony drives a Tesla! He must be rich!" He continued forgetting all about breakfast and running to the door. Before his uncle could ring the doorbell he had already swung it wide open to let him in.
Seeing Jayden welcome him so enthusiastically uncle Anthony could not help but smile. "Good morning Jayden. Are you curious about where we're going today?" He asked.
"Yes, uncle Anthony!" Jayden replied with a happy smile on his face. "Good, let me greet everyone first and ill let you know what we will be doing today." He said following Jayden into the house.
Inside, he first greeted everyone then laid out his plans for the day. "Today I'm taking you karting on a real track Jayden! I will rent you a kart and all the gear you need. You will have two hours total on track and I will be filming you from the sidelines. On your helm, I will place a camera that will record all the laps you do. There will be other people driving since this is a free session that anyone can join. What I need from you is a lap time that's close to or the fastest of the day! If you can do that and provide me with good footage I think I can get you sponsored. Your still young and if we can show off your potential this should be doable. We will leave as soon as your ready so gather what you need and let's go!" He said. Hearing this Jayden practically flew to his room to get changed. He was finally going to get back in a kart after so long!
Lyssa was watching all this and was feeling a bit left out. It seemed like she would not get any help today. She frowned but said nothing. It was better to wait for her turn. Her uncle would surely not forget about her right?!
Uncle Anthony saw Lyssa frown and smiled. " Did you think I would forget about you?"He asked her. "Look what I got you!" He pulled out his phone and played a catchy tune. After a few seconds, Lyssa started humming to the tune. it seemed like she liked it. "I had an old friend of mine make this for you. He also wrote a song that goes with it. I will send this to you so you can start practicing it. The song is officially still property of my friend so you can't post your recordings on the internet but if you think it sounds good enough I will send him a copy. If he likes it he will surely help you promote it!"
Lyssa's eyes were sparkling and she was smiling from ear to ear. She could not believe that in just a few weeks time her uncle had found her a song and even the music that comes with it! She gave him a hug and after he sent her the files she went straight to her room. She would be practicing this until she perfected it.
Mom looked at Anthony with a hint of a smile on her face. She still did not like him bot seeing her children so happy she got a slightly better view of him. "Thank you for doing this for them," she said.
"Don't worry about it! There my niece and nephew, after all, I should help them were I can" he replied
Jayden who was finally fully dressed came storming back into the living room. "I'm ready! Can we leave now?" he asked obviously eager to get going.
"Calm down for a bit! Let me prepare you lunch before you leave. You won't be able to do your best when you're hungry!" mom said.
Jayden was waiting impatiently for his mother to finish preparing lunch and when she was finally done he gave her a quick hug then went outside. "Look after my son Anthony!" Mom said giving uncle Anthony a stern look.
"Don't worry I won't let him out off my sight!" He replied following Jayden out the door.
Outside Jayden was looking at the white Tesla his uncle arrived in.
"Do you like the car?" uncle Anthony asked while unlocking the doors.
"Super cool!" Jayden replied.
They both got in the car and set off. Jayden looked around and saw a bag with camera gear in the back seat. His uncle really came prepared. He would also have to do his best to show his resolve.
The trip took almost two hours. They did not know what to say in the beginning but after a while, they were speaking freely. Jayden noticed more and more similarities between his uncle and his dad. This made him feel more at ease and in turn, made him less distrusting against him. Time pa.s.sed by fast and before they knew it they had arrived.
While uncle Anthony was renting all the needed equipment Jayden was being briefed with the rules for the day. There would only be free driving today so there would be karts from different cla.s.ses. After listening to all the rules and regulations Jayden found his uncle waiting for him in front of the dressing room with a huge camera in his hand. When he saw Jayden's shocked face he laughed loudly "I have to make sure the footage looks good at least right? We have to take any advantage we can get!" He said. Jayden nodded. His uncle was right! Today he was not here just to have fun. He needed to do everything he could to show his skill.
After he got dressed in his racing gear he put on his helmet and got in the kart his uncle rented. He made sure the seating was correct fasted his seatbelts and waited for the marshal to wave him past. His excitement was building again. He was finally back on track.