"Mom Jayden really sent uncle Anthony a message today! Can you come inside now, please? the neighbors might call the police if you keep yelling and arguing!" Damian said trying to get them to come into the house. "Let them call! it's not my problem," she said but still came into the house. Uncle Anthony followed in after her keeping some distance. He was afraid she might go off at him again.
As soon as she came inside she frowned at Jayden. He was now almost in tears. It was never his plan to have thing get so out of hand.
"Why would you contact and even invite him over? You know how I think about this. He is not a trustworthy person. If you need anything just ask me! There is no reason to ask him for help! "Mom asked Jayden in a frustrated tone. She had a hard day of work and would usually relax a bit before going to sleep. Now not only was Anthony here but he was invited by Jayden without first consulting her.
"I... I... asked uncle Anthony if he could help me start karting again. It's been so long and I know we don't have the money to pay for it ourselves. Dad always said how good he is with making money and that he owned his own companies. I was going to pay him back as soon as I made money!" Jayden said tears now streaming down his cheeks.
"There is no reason to ask him for help! We are doing fine by ourselves. If you want to start karting again you can just ask me. I will figure something out. How are you planning on paying him back anyway? You're not even 10 years old!" Mom Said.
"You know that won't work mom! We can barely get by every month. It's not Just Jayden you know! Lyssa is doing pretty good making music but she will need help to get better and reach more people. We can't do that with the money we earn now. I know how you feel about uncle Anthony but if he's here that means he wants to help. The least we can do is hear him out, right? Damian said. He was using facts to reason with his mother. If she would let her emotions get the better of her Anthony would have to leave without being able to say anything!
Mom took a deep breath trying to calm herself down. What Damian said made sense but it was hard for her to accept that her children were looking for help from this person. "I must say I'm disappointed you did not try to speak to me first before you contacted your uncle Jayden! You know you can ask me anything right? Well let's sit down and see what your uncle has planned." she said.
They went to the kitchen because that was the only place in the house where they could all sit.
"If you have something to say just speak! Don't keep them waiting" Mom said to uncle Anthony.
He looked at her with a sad look before facing the children.
"I know we haven't seen each other since your father died. I just did not know how too face you and your mother. As you probably know your mother doesn't like me because of certain things I have done in the past. I used this as an excuse to stay away but that was the wrong decision. Lately, I was looking for a way to contact you so you can imagine my surprise when I saw your facebook message Jayden!" uncle Anthony said.
Mom just scoffed at this but chose not to say anything. You could tell from the look on her face that she did not believe him though.
Uncle Anthony ignored her and continued. " Now Jayden can you tell me why you want to go racing? Is it because your dad liked racing?
Jayden shook his head" At first I wanted dad to be my fan just like he was for Lewis Hamilton. He would watch everything he did and always tell me about it. I wanted him to think of me like that too! But when I started karting myself I really liked it. It became my dream to be a racing driver! I wanted to be faster all the time. Be better than everyone. It's the only thing I really like doing and I feel at my best when I'm driving! When I look at other kids racing each other I get jealous. I want to join them and prove how good I am" He clenched his fist when finished speaking. It was obvious he was struggling with this for some time.
"I can see you have some motivation. You will need at least this much if you want to succeed! Now, what about you Lyssa? What do you want to accomplish?" He said. "That's easy! I want to be famous. I want to be known for my singing but I want to act too. Do you want to see the video's I posted? I get really good reviews and people like my voice!" Lyssa replied. Her energy was through the roof. She knew this was an opportunity that she had to take.
"Calm down for a second! First, tell me why you want to be famous?" Uncle Anthony asked. Lyssa was quiet for some time. After sorting her thought she said. "I was jealous of Jayden. Dad was working very hard to pay for his racing and mom always helped him follow his dream. I wanted something like this for myself! I dream I could call my own. But just when I figured out what I wanted to be dad died. I never got the chance to show him what I would become. Have him look at me and be proud. That's why I'm going to succeed. To prove to myself that I can become a star and be famous. That my dream is worth following just like Jayden and his racing! Her eyes were s.h.i.+ning when she said that. She firmly believed that she would make it.
"As long as you do it for yourself then that's good! Damian, do you have anything you wont to do?" Uncle Anthony asked Damian this time. "No! I just want us to be happy together!" Damian said short and simple. Uncle Anthony was taken aback by this response. "It seems like he doesn't like my very much" uncle Anthony thought.
He did not dwell on it any longer and directed his attention to Jayden and Lyssa again.
"Let me start by telling you that I don't have any money!" He said.
This was met with disappointed faces from Jayden and Lyssa but mom was about to react. Why would he ask them why they wanted to do something if he wasn't able to help?
"Let me finis.h.!.+ I can't help you by paying for everything but I can help you get in contact with the people who can. What we need to do is make you a team. That way if one of you gets results the other one can ride the same wave." he said
Lyssa looked at him like he was stupid and Jayden was confused. Seeing this he tried to explain. "Let's say I can help Lyssa get some fame with her singing. If this happens we can us that by saying she is also Jaydens spokesperson. Gaining him some fame through her as well. This works the other way around as well. If Jayden becomes a well-known racer we can start promoting Lyssa's music by playing it for people he knows and then telling them his sister and spokesperson is the singer. It's not the fastest way to gain fame but its stable. The first thing we have to do though is getting sponsors for you both. And to do that we have to show your accomplishments." He looked at them both with a stern gaze before he continued.
"For Jayden, we will have you go to a real Karting track and have you set the best possible lap-time. We will film the whole thing and show it to potential sponsors. Your lap-time will have to be compet.i.tive though otherwise, it's just a was of time!"
"Lyssa you will need a catchy song! I will see if I can find someone that can write you one but you better sing better than ever or we can just forget about it! We will make a simple video that goes along with the song."
"That's enough Anthony if you want to help then help but don't try to intimidate them!" Mom said
"They will need to be able to handle a lot more than this if the wont to make it! I'll leave it at that for today. Talk to your mother and if you want to do it my way let me know." After saying this he did not stay any longer and left.
"Now listen to me you two! Your uncle has a point. If you want to pursue your dreams you will need to have a plan! I don't like him but he makes sense. Sleep on it for the night and let me know tomorrow if you want to do it his way or try something else. I will support you no matter what" Mom said.
They all left for their rooms to sleep. Today was a tense day for all of them and they would need time to think.
Jayden laid down in bed thinking about his conversation with uncle Anthony. He already knew he would follow the plan his uncle planned out for him!