Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8075

Chapter 8075

In the underground palace of the villa, Lin Xuan finally wiped out the black aura.

He repaired the formation.

He was relieved: It's not easy.

Suddenly at this time, the sound transmission bell on his body rang.

It was Murong Qingcheng's cry for help,

what happened?

Lin Xuan's expression changed and he immediately left the underground palace.

When he came out, he found that Murong Qingcheng and others were all injured.

Before he could think about it, he grabbed a leaf next to it and threw it out.

Among the leaves, there is his invincible swordsmanship.

This leaf cut through the world and drove into the distance.

The people at Tianfeng Villa were desperate.

Mrs. Zhuang, ready to die with the other party.

Feng Qingyuan raised his saber with a disdain.

But at this moment, the world broke open, and a leaf slammed into Feng Qingyuan.

Feng Qingyuan disdain.

Someone attacked him? It's stupid.

With his current strength, he is not afraid of any sneak attacks.

He didn't even look at it, his backhand was a palm, grabbing this light.

With a flutter, the light penetrated his palm.

The blood is flying.

Feng Qingyuan screamed.

The pain made him crazy.

what's the situation?

He was actually injured!

After sensing the breath from the leaves, he almost didn't scare to death.

This force was too strong to threaten his life.

In times of crisis, he avoided the vital point.

In the next instant, he was penetrated by this leaf.

The whole person flew out and was nailed to a palace in the distance.

Everyone was stunned when they watched this scene.

Even the wife of the owner was shocked.

She had tried desperately, but she didn't expect that the crisis would be lifted.

Feng Qingyuan was beaten to fly.

She turned her head and looked.

Seeing the leaf that passed through Feng Qingyuan, she was even more stunned.

Feng Qingyuan was the pinnacle of strength, even the pinnacle artifact could not hurt the opponent.

But now, a leaf hurt the opponent.

What kind of leaf is this? Who did it?

Those other people were also dumbfounded.

When Fengming saw this scene, he said with excitement: It's the father.

It must be the father.

That's great, Master has taken action, we are safe.

The three brothers were also relieved.

In their opinion, only princes can use a leaf to mark the peak of the true god.

Murong Qingcheng felt for a while, and she was taken aback.

She found that Lin Xuan's kendo was above the leaves.

Brother Xuan is making the shot.

Murong Qingcheng was surprised.

Not seen in a short time, has Brother Xuan's strength become stronger again?

She did not explain, now is not the time to explain.

Above the palace, Feng Qingyuan was also full of horror.


The person who shot is extremely terrifying, far surpassing him.

Don't think about it, it must be Prince Tianfeng.

No matter how strong he is, he is no match for the prince.

He shattered the palace, turned around and fled.

Finally gone.

The disciples of the villa breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this scene.

The wife of the owner also turned pale and fell to the ground.

Before, she tried to fight.

Now the injury broke out, and finally couldn't bear it.

Mother, how are you doing?

Fengming also paled.

On her, there was a pinnacle-level armor that saved her life.

She was just injured and it was not a major problem.

At this moment, seeing the crisis of the queen mother, she was extremely worried.

Murong Qingcheng, they were equally nervous.

The third senior said: If the elder and others are awake, it will be fine.

After speaking, they went to investigate the situation of the great elder and others.

I saw a few peak elders falling to the ground and sleeping.

Their brows furrowed tightly, seemingly painful.

Don't know what happened in the dream?

what should I do?

Fengming cried anxiously. She had never seen such a scene.

Murong Qingcheng thought for a while, turned around and ran back to his courtyard.

Ge Xuan's move will definitely save the situation.

However, she did not find Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan only left a scroll,

There is also a message left: scroll, can break the dream.

Murong Qingcheng breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew that Lin Xuan should go after the mysterious man.

She took the scroll and turned back.

Feng Ming and others carried the wife, the great elder and others back to the palace.

Ready to find a way to save.

At this time, Murong Qingcheng returned.

Murong Qingcheng said: I have a way to break the dream.


The three brothers were pleasantly surprised.

Feng Ming shook his head and said: It's useless, your strength is not good.

Just now, several of their geniuses have tried it.

Together, they couldn't wake up the Great Elder and others.

Maybe there is only peak power, right.

But now, the power of the pinnacle is asleep, and the queen is seriously injured.

It is possible only if the father makes a move.

However, no matter how she called for help, the father did not respond.

Fengming has never been so desperate and helpless.

Murong Qingcheng said: I can't do it.

However, this scroll can be done.


After Fengming heard this, he raised his head.

The three brothers were also extremely shocked.

Could it be that this is Master, the scroll left before?

Murong Qingcheng is really respected by Master.

Fengming was also delighted, and grabbed the scroll.

She said: Has the father left you any treasure? Why didn't you say it earlier?

While talking, she opened the scroll.

But the next moment, she was stunned.

Senior Brother San and the others took a look and were shocked.

The scroll reads: Lin Xuan will never give birth to me, kendo is like night!

This is not the father's thing!

Feng Ming was angry and threw the scroll to the ground.

This is something from Lin Xuan,

Lin Xuan is too embarrassed.

Do you still want to stand at the pinnacle of kendo?

The other disciples also frowned.

Brother Si said: Qingcheng, when is it? Are you still making this joke?

Senior Brother San said: I think it is possible. After all, Young Master Lin is very good.

The third brother had seen Lin Xuan saving them before. UU reading

However, Fengming didn't believe it.

She felt that Senior Brother San was confused.

Now, she said angrily: Lin Xuan is relying on possessing a pinnacle artifact. Arrogant.

In addition to the artifact, what else does he have?

Is it possible that he thought that only a few words he wrote could solve the dream?

Just kidding!

If he can do it, I will eat this palace.

As if responding to Fengming's words, the scroll that fell on the ground suddenly burst into light.

One handwriting after another seemed to come alive, floating in the air.

Afterwards, it turned into a bright sword energy after another, piercing the sky.

Illuminate the eternal!

When they felt this power, the bodies of those around them trembled.

Even a few direct disciples had scalp tingling.

Feng Ming was even more stunned. She couldn't help but step back and wanted to bow down.

What kind of power is this? Too sharp?

She couldn't resist it at all.


These dazzling sword qi cracked and turned into a brilliant light.

The next moment, the great elder and others screamed, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

Soon after, they opened their eyes.

Wake up, wake up, the elders are awake.

I didn't know who, shouted, everyone looked.

In the next moment, they were astonished.

It really did.

Lin Xuan only wrote a few words to break the dream.

Isn't it incredible?

How strong is Lin Xuan?

Could it be that Lin Xuan is a hidden sword god?

Thinking of this, everyone was stunned.

Feng Ming is completely stupid: Lin Xuan is so powerful?

She has eyes but no beads!

Ignore such a peerless sword god!