Inverse Sword God - Chapter 8074

Chapter 8074

The wife of the owner still had joy on her face, but suddenly, she was hit by a palm.

Her body was immediately shattered, and her internal organs split apart.

She was penetrated.

She flew out and fell to the ground. The box in her hand also fell.

From inside, there was a bright light, flying out.

But everyone can ignore these.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

They looked at the scene before them and couldn't believe it.

What did they see?

Feng Qingyuan actually wounded the owner's wife.

Are you crazy?

Qingyuan, do you know what are you doing?

One after another roar sounded.

The wife of the owner, her face extremely pale,

She clutched her wound and couldn't believe it.

This is six apprentices, why did they sneak attack on her?

You betrayed our villa?


Your master and I treat you very well, why do you betray us?

After Feng Qingyuan took a palm, a sneer rose from the corner of his mouth.

Hearing what the owner said, hahaha laughed.

There was a strange light in his eyes.

What about betraying you?

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Zhuang's pupils shrank sharply.

The next moment, she exclaimed: You are not Qingyuan.

who are you?

It can be seen from the expression and tone of the other person.

This is not her six apprentices at all, and their six apprentices, I am afraid they have already been dealt a poisonous hand.


Feng Qingyuan looked up to the sky and laughed.

As expected to be the wife of the owner, she is really smart enough to see through it so quickly!

so what?

It's too late, you have been seriously injured.

Damn, you dare to hurt Madam and fight with you.

Around, guards from the villa rushed up.

Feng Qingyuan sneered, slapped his palm, and dozens of guards turned into blood mist.

The face of the wife of the owner changed drastically, and she said: Go back quickly.

He is a pinnacle master, don't resist him.

Let's do it.

The Great Elder and others rushed over quickly.

To be honest, what happened before was so fast that they didn't react.

Now is the time for them to take action.

The Great Elder, the Second Elder, and the Third Elder, they are all true gods at the peak.

Together, they walked forward.

The other disciples in the surrounding villa were all excited.


There are three powerful elders, no matter how strong the opponent is, they will be suppressed.

Feng Qingyuan glanced at these people and chuckled coldly: I had made preparations long ago.

Now, it should be almost done.

Upon hearing this, the Great Elder and others were taken aback.

The next moment, their complexion changed,

Their soul is under attack.

A weird voice rang in their ears: deep sleep.

Plop, plop.

The great elder, the second elder, the third elder, the three true gods on the peak, fell to the ground.

This scene made everyone confused.

Are the three gods of war dead?

Feng Qingyuan said: Not dead yet, but in a short period of time, I can't wake up.

They have entered, in a dream.

It's not easy to get out of dreams.

After speaking, Feng Qingyuan looked at the wife of the owner again.

He smiled and said: Who can save you?

He walked quickly forward.

Mrs. Zhuang, with a trace of despair in her eyes.

But at this moment, a figure stood in front of her.

The owner's wife looked up, and she was stunned.

She discovered that this person turned out to be Murong Qingcheng.

Xiao Qi, go away, you are not an opponent.

The wife of the owner said quickly.

Before, she did have opinions on Murong Qingcheng.

However, she didn't want to let Qingcheng fall here.

Stupid woman.

Feng Qingyuan snorted coldly, raising his hand to a palm.

Even the Peak God of War is not his opponent, let alone this little Murong Qingcheng.

Murong Qingcheng gritted his teeth and made a peerless blow

She was beaten out.

However, a weapon appeared on her body, blocking the opponent's attack.

This is the pinnacle weapon.

Before Lin Xuan, he had killed a lot of Peak True Gods, and he had many Peak Artifacts in his hand.

He gave Murong Qingcheng a few.

At this moment, it was these pinnacle artifacts that played a role.

The other brothers also rushed forward.

They are guarded by the wife of the owner.

Murong Qingcheng said: I won't let you hurt Madam.

Little girl, rely on you?

Feng Qingyuan sneered.

The next moment, the power in him exploded like a vast ocean.

Murong Qingcheng and others were lifted out in an instant.

No way, the gap is too big.

Even with a pinnacle artifact, it is still not an opponent.

As for the other disciples and guards of the villa, they even knelt on the ground without resisting.

There were even some guard disciples who were wiped out by this force.

At this desperate moment, a palace opened in the villa.

Fengming walked out from inside.

During this period of time, Fengming practiced in retreat and made a breakthrough, reaching the peak of half a step.

It's very close to the real peak state.

It's just that the pill for her cultivation, and the treasures of heaven and earth, have been exhausted.

She was going out to rest.

She didn't feel right when she came out.

There is a problem with the villa!

She rushed over in an instant.

When she came to the scene, she found that the queen mother was injured.

Fengming's eyes immediately turned red: Who hurt you?

She turned her head and stared at Feng Qingyuan, shocked.

Sixth, do you dare to attack the mother queen? Do you dare to betray the villa?

Are you still not human?

Seeing Fengming's arrival, the people around were all excited.

Before their villa, there had been two phenomena of heaven and earth.

Extremely amazing.

That is the image of heaven and earth formed by Fengming's cultivation.

Fengming's current strength must be very strong.

The other party can definitely contend, this Feng Qingyuan.


They see hope,

Even the wife of the owner was relieved.


Fengming was extremely angry, and she rushed over quickly.

In her hand, a divine sword appeared, and it was cut down.

A huge phoenix soars into the sky, and the laws above are extremely vast.

Feng Qingyuan slapped it out with a palm, instantly smashing the phoenix phantom and flying the divine sword.

With another palm, UU Reading Fengming was knocked to the ground and his body was broken.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

How could it be like this? Is even Fengming vulnerable to a blow?

With despair in their eyes,

Could it be that the sky is going to kill them Tianfeng Villa?

And the wife of the owner was also stunned: What's the matter?

Why is her daughter's cultivation base so weak?

She probed carefully and was shocked again.

Her daughter is not the true **** of the pinnacle.

This is impossible!

What a terrifying vision of heaven and earth caused by the two previous cultivation practices.

Her daughter must have reached the pinnacle of God.

Why is the breath so weak now?

Could it be that her daughter was not the one who caused the heaven and earth vision before?

But who is it then?

Mrs. Zhuang, she was stupid for a while.

Feng Qingyuan sneered: so weak, dare to be arrogant in front of me?

Tianfeng Villa is too rubbish, if so, then I will kill you all.

After that, in his hand, a slashing knife appeared, the knife was sharp and murderous.

He walked towards Fengming, Murong Qingcheng and others.

Fengming's face was full of despair.

The opponent is too strong, she is not an opponent at all.

The wife of the owner said: Run, you all run, I stop him.

Even if I desperately, I will stop him.

She stood up hard, and walked forward.

Mother, I will not go, I will be with you.

Fengming cried and said, she also stood up.

Murong Qingcheng and the others did not leave either.

They said: I will live and die with the villa.

wanna die? Complete you!

Feng Qingyuan raised the sword in his hand and cut it down with a single knife!

At the same time, in the depths of the villa, a sharp sword light cut through the void.

Quickly, kill towards Feng Qingyuan.