Inverse Sword God - Chapter 694

Chapter 694

"Help me, what should we do? Is that all it takes?"

Eventually, an old man stood up and asked tentatively.

Zhao Kun's face was dark and gloomy. He looked at the two corpses on the ground and said coldly, "Go, take the bodies of the two of Du Du to Feihu City, and say they were killed.

After hearing the words, the disciples shuddered, and the old man was surprised: "Help the Lord, I know what to do."

"Go ahead, this matter is done, you will be the director afterwards." Zhao Kun said lightly.

"Yes! I'll do it!"

The old man was ecstatic. He quickly greeted his disciples, carefully placed the bodies of the two of Du, and then quickly sent them to Feihu City.

He knows that helping the master to do this is definitely a fear of the mysterious teenager, and the person who can make the master afraid is either a master or a special status.

In short, the mysterious boy is not easy to mess with.

However, they could not bear this tone, so they decided to let Feihu City shoot.

Because Governor Du is the master of the Flying Tiger City Lord, wanting to come to this death of the Governor Du will definitely make the Flying Tiger City Lord furious.

That is a stronger warrior than Zhao Kun, a true respect!

Lin Xuan didn't know the small movement of the Blue Wolf Gang, at this moment he had left Broken Mountain City and set off according to the instructions of the **** map.

I have to say that Zhao Kun's map was very detailed, at least more than the one he bought.

He found the fastest way, used his body skills, and quickly hurried.

The place where Lin Xuan is located also belongs to the edge of the blood, so there are fewer cities. Looking far away, it is a dark red.

Half a day later, he suddenly stopped and frowned slightly.

Because of the wind's perfect mood, Lin Xuan was extremely sensitive to the flow of the surrounding wind. At this moment, he felt that there was a very unusual wind wave ahead.

This breath is very strong, very violent, and it is by no means an ordinary wind.

Soon, Lin Xuan saw the red mist blowing from the horizon ahead, like a sea of blood, and he was more than rushing.

Accompanied by that, the ghost howling was very harsh.

"This is ... the storm!"

Lin Xuan's pupils shrank, and he had never seen such a powerful storm.

The red storm was fast, and it was already nearby in a blink of an eye.

High winds swept through the trees, uprooting the trees, countless dusts, and rolled up into the sky.

It seems like dragon-like dragons roaring in the air.

The sky roared, as if torn apart, red cracks appeared, and the power of the horrifying wind swept around and destroyed everything.

In this case, escape is impossible.

Ordinary warriors can only pray when encountering a red storm, but Lin Xuan is different. He has a great wind mood and is extremely powerful.

The next moment, around him, waves of cyan air flow, holding his body, dreamlike, erratic.

With this wind mood, the impact of the red storm was really small, Lin Xuan fluttered with the red storm, watching the raging storm, and suddenly felt in my heart.

It's been a long time since his wind mood has been perfected, but he hasn't reached the point of wind spirit, and he knows that this kind of thing can't be urgent.

Unlike the soul of the sword, the mood of the wind is completely realized by him alone, there is no shortcut to go, so the speed is not as good as the sword.

But now, facing the red storm in the sky, he suddenly had a hint of enlightenment.

This process is short and only a moment, but it is enough.

Because he has a direction, he knows the way after the wind mood.

As long as he becomes more enlightened, it won't be long before he can become a wind soul.

The wind was getting smaller, the red storm was like a giant, coming fast and going fast.

Soon, it completely disappeared in this area and ran towards other places.

Lin Xuan recruited the Dark Red Dragon to protect him.

"Fuck, boy, aren't you evil!" The Dark Red Dragon is dissatisfied, and you can make an epiphany as soon as you go. Are you sure you didn't mean it?

Although the Dark Red Dragon was dissatisfied, he still deployed a defensive formation.

Lin Xuan sat on the floor, constantly deducing in her mind to recall the situation just before the red storm, and realized it carefully.

He felt that his understanding of the mood of the wind had deepened a lot, and at the same time, he had created a violent wind style based on the understanding of the scene just now.

A palm waved out, the wind was rolled up, the turbulent waves rolled, and the sound of terror was stirred, as if the red storm was reappearing.

The ground cracked, the trees flew upside down, turned into powder in the air, and the mountains exploded in the distance, unable to withstand this force.

This palm, like the Red Storm, is full of violent destruction.

"Ah! Help, the red storm is back!"

In the distance, an exclamation sounded, very miserable and hopeless.

When Lin Xuan heard it, he looked surprised. He waved the palm of his hand to retract the move, and at the same time his body was shaking, running towards the voice.

The Red Storm was terrifying, and the areas it was passing through were severely damaged. The earth cracked, cracks spread, rocks fell, and a miserable scene.

And among these ruins, there was a lean young man who was screaming at the moment.

"Oh my God, did the red storm only appear once, why did it just disappear again this time!"

"Oh, I don't want to die!"

The youth roared wildly.

Lin Xuan was surprised. He couldn't imagine that there would be someone who could survive the red storm.

With his mouth raised, Lin Xuan, like a clear breeze, was silent and came to the bamboo pole youth, then kicked with his toes.

Suddenly, the young bamboo pole shivered and yelled madly, "Ah, here it is, here it is!"

Lin Xuan was speechless, his mouth twitched slightly, and he could only say, "Hey, there is no storm, you don't have to be afraid."

In this voice, the young man on the ground stopped shaking immediately, then quickly turned his head and looked at the Quartet, and then he was relieved.

He sat up, patted the dirt on his body, stared at Lin Xuan, dissatisfied with Lengheng: "No storm without saying early, do you want to scare me?"

The guy complained.

Lin Xuan was funny. At the same time, he was curious. This guy on the ground was not very good. How did he survive the red storm?

"Hey ~ ~ What's your look?" The young man on the ground was dissatisfied and stood up with a sigh.

"Although the little master is not strong, but in terms of survivability in the Scarlet Plain, the extreme martial arts are not necessarily comparable to me!"

Youth are confident.

"What's your name?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Yu Fei," said the youth, and then hesitated, "Why should I tell you?"

He stared at Lin Xuan with a bad look: "You guy, you are so clean, haven't you encountered the red storm?"

"Boy, who the **** are you?"

"Newcomer." Lin Xuan shrugged. "You say your survivability is strong? In addition to the storm, what danger is this scarlet plain?"

Yu Fei's eyes widened, staring at Lin Xuan for a few seconds, then disdaining: "It really is a rookie!"

"Boy, you listen!"