Inverse Sword God - Chapter 693

Chapter 693

Lin Xuan was angry, his warning had no effect, so it seemed that it could only kill the Blue Wolf.

Seeing Lin Xuan condensing sword energy, Mr. Du and others were furious. A hairy boy was actually trying to die in front of so many of them?

"Go on, destroy him for me!" Director Du drink coldly.

Next to him, Mrs. Poison sneered: "Boy, dare to fight against your mother, this is your end!"

Dozens of people pulled out the sword behind them, and the terrible breath swept the Quartet.

The gale screamed, and the murderous spirit raged, like a ghost crying.

At this moment, a anger suddenly came from the distance: "Stop it!"

The sound was even more violent, like a galloping horse rolling in the void.


The warriors who wanted to start were shocked by the sound, and were shaken back by this voice.

Mr. Du was even more shocked.

"Helper? Why is he here?"

Others were equally shocked, one by one, like stone sculptures, afraid to move.

"Help the Lord, just kill a little ghost. Such a trivial matter does not require you to take a shot."

Mr. Du quickly stepped forward and said with a smile.


Zhao Kunqi shivered, he didn't dare to look at Lin Xuan, and slap him directly to Mr. Du.

"Little thing? Did you tell me it was a little thing?"

This palm can be said to have used enough power, even if President Du is an extreme martial artist, he cannot bear it.

With a slap, Mr. Du's face has become a pig.

Beside, Madame Poison was blinded, and she screamed, "Help the Lord, are you confused, why did you hit the wrong person?"

"Missing the wrong person?" Zhao Kun stared at Mrs. Poison, with fierce flames in her eyes, this wicked and fat woman, without her, how could she provoke the horror boy?

Thinking of the scene where he was kneeling, Zhao Kun's face slumped again.

He stepped out and came to Madam Poison instantly, then kicked out.


Kicked out, like a hungry wolf to eat, fierce and abnormal.

Where the poison lady resisted, she mourned directly, turned into a meat ball, and flew towards the rear.

Knowing that dozens of houses were penetrated, they fell into ruins.

Everyone was blinded, wondering why the Lord would behave like this.

But the next moment, they were shocked again, their eyes almost fell.

I saw Zhao Kun turning around, and the murderous look on his face was gone, instead a smile was on his face.

The smile seemed to be flattering.

He went to Lin Xuan and asked softly, "Heroes, are you okay? Are you not scared?"


The blue wolf helped his disciples' heads explode, as if exploding.

The brutal help on weekdays actually whispered to a young man?

Dreaming, they must be dreaming!

Many people are slap in the face and want to wake up in a nightmare.

However, they found in despair that all this was true.

President Du was even more frightened. He now knows why the help was angry. It turned out to be the young man in front of him.

He didn't know where the handsome young man was in front of him.

But he couldn't help thinking about it.

Today, life is the most important!

"Big, hero! Misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

Du Du had a face swollen into a pig's head and could not speak clearly.

"Misunderstanding?" Lin Xuan sneered, "Did I hear you right?"

He was angry, if he were an ordinary person, he might have been poisoned by now.

For this kind of villain, Lin Xuan will not relent.

"You, tell me, what did he do just now?" Lin Xuan pointed at a person beside him.

Suddenly, the man was terrified and his face was very ugly.

"That one"


Zhao Kun turned his head, his face horrified again.

"Yes!" The martial artist was frightened, and Du Duan said, "Let the hero kneel, cut off his arms, repair himself, and ask him like a dog."

"He is in a good mood, maybe he will let the hero!"

Zhao Kun's face suddenly turned black, looking for death, this is naked looking for death!

He looked to Mr. Du, his eyes were filled with murderous spirit, you don't want to pull Lao Tzu if you were to die!

"Heroes, what do you say?" Zhao Kun asked carefully.

"What you say, you bear the consequences yourself." Lin Xuan said lightly.

Zhao Kun nodded, expressing understanding, and then he kicked Mr. Du down. "What to do, you understand."

Mr. Du shivered, he naturally understood the meaning of helping the Lord, but he was unwilling, because until now he still didn't understand the identity of the boy in front of him?

Seeing Mr. Du's reluctant eyes, Zhao Kun's anger in that heart, he snorted, waved his hands, and patted him on Mr. Du's arm instantly.


The surge of spiritual power was immense, and this blow directly broke Du's arms.


Mr. Du was severely hit and roared madly, with a terrifying look in his eyes.

"I don't agree!"

"Dare to talk back?" Zhao Kun was furious and kicked out again.

This kick just hit Du Duan's abdomen and shattered his Linghai cyclone.

"Ah! My cultivation!"

Du Du screamed, lying on the ground like a dead dog, he kept breathing, his eyes flushed, and stared at Lin Xuan.

He refused to accept it, and he was desperate.

Without cultivation, he is not even as good as a dog, and it is the young man who caused all this!

He hates it!

Lin Xuan looked at Mr. Du on the ground without any sympathy.

If he doesn't kill, he will be killed, especially in a **** place that doesn't make sense and only talks about strength, and it doesn't need pity.

"I don't want anyone to have hatred against me, so you should know how to do it." Lin Xuan Shen said.

Hearing that, a bit of fierceness appeared in Zhao Kun's eyes.

A teal of air mass floated in his palm, carrying an amazing power.

One palm waved, the blue breath surging, condensing into a wolf paw in the air, about ten feet long, lifelike.


Du Du was hit by this force, Qiqiao bleed, and fell to the ground.

The martial arts soldiers around were shocked. They couldn't think of killing Mr. Du personally.

In the distance, Mrs. Poison climbed up hard, seeing this scene, and screamed in horror.

Zhao Kun looked cold, and punched out.

The void was torn, and a ghostly blue wolf ghost formed by the spirit, galloping in the air, quickly engulfing the poison lady.

"Heroes ~ ~ Are you satisfied?" Zhao Kun asked softly.

Lin Xuan nodded slightly, not paying attention to this matter, he said, "Do you have a blood map, a detailed one?"

Although he bought one in the city, he was not satisfied.


Seeing that Lin Xuan was not pursuing it, Zhao Kun secretly took a sigh of relief. He took out a scarlet map from the storage ring and handed it in respect.

"This map cannot be said to be the most detailed in the blood, but it is definitely ten times stronger than those sold in stores!"

As a result, Lin Xuan found that the denseness marked above was indeed very detailed.

After accepting the map, Lin Xuan glanced at Zhao Kun: "Stop this kind of thing from letting me encounter a second time! Otherwise you know the consequences."

"Yes! Heroes rest assured!" Zhao Kun said in a respectful voice.

Lin Xuan murmured, then fluttered, disappeared