Inverse Sword God - Chapter 7021

Chapter 7021

The three Lin Xuanxuan continued to walk forward.

They have infinite expectations in their hearts,

It didn't take long before they stopped.

The black flame in front of me seemed to turn into a sea of magic, blooming with a terrifying atmosphere.

I have no way.

Lin Linxuan frowned slightly.

When the dark red dragon dragon claws waved, they played a formation and they teleported in space.

In front of them, a door to space appeared. The three of them walked in and disappeared with a swipe.

When they reappear, they are still in place,

what's up?

Toad exclaimed: You can't do the tricks.

Dark Red Dragon gave him a slap, and said coldly: There is no problem with the emperor's formation, this place is too mysterious.

The space is folded.

He began to look around carefully, frowning tightly,

Next, he tried many times, but there was nothing he could do.

If that's the case, just walk over.

Zhe Linxuan took a deep breath and walked forward. For a moment, he entered into these black magic seas.

The mighty flames swept towards him and made a booming sound.

Jiulin Xuan's nine-body deity shook violently, and nine suns appeared on it.

Zhe Linxuan strode forward, halfway through, a crack appeared on his body.

The blood of the golden **** rolled down and fell into these magical seas, making a roaring sound.

At the rear of the cricket, Toad and the Dark Red Dragon, when they saw this scene, took a sip of cold.

How powerful Lin Linxuan's body is, but in this flame, he was injured.

I can imagine how terrible the power of this flame is!

Toad was pale and frightened, taking two steps backwards.

Dark Red Shenlong gritted his teeth and said: Fight.

He also rushed in.

As soon as Xun took a few steps, his dragon scales cracked, and the dragon's blood dripped down, his teeth grinned and his face became grim.

Array method.

With a loud roar, he quickly condensed the formation and defended him, as if wearing a layer of armor on his body.

He just resisted like this and walked forward,

Gradually, his figure disappeared.

Hey, wait for me.

Toad growled, but no one responded.

Damn it, Uncle Ben couldn't believe it.

Toad gritted his teeth and jumped directly into the magical sea. The next moment, he made a miserable voice: Ah, it hurts Uncle Ben.

A few cracks appeared on him, hurting him to roll on the ground.

I guess that the land fairy should go in and die out. These two guys are really crazy.

A few days later, Lin Xuan took the lead in getting out of this magic fire.

His body is in a state of dilapidation, but his eyes are extremely bright.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth: My **** body went up to another level.

The next moment, he cast all swords, powerful vitality, quickly emerged, broken body, fast healing.

Jiuyang Divine Fire erupted instantly, and his Jiuyang Divine Body was much stronger than before.

Zhe Linxuan turned and looked back, he saw the figure of the dark red dragon.

The dark red **** dragon is also extremely embarrassing at this moment. The blood of the dragon has reddened his body. His formation is also shaking and broken.

Every step, my body trembles,

He came over with his teeth still,

Eventually, he also got out of this sea of fire.

He roared up in the sky, the sound of these nine clouds,

Broken body, quickly recovered under the power of formation.

I feel that my physique has also become stronger.

The dark red **** Dragon is extremely happy.

He looked into the distance and said: Hurry up.

The two of you have actually passed, you wait for this uncle.

Toad heard a crazy roar,

He burst into the flame again,

After a while, I screamed and went back.

No way, Uncle Ben can't get through.

Then you stay there, the front is more dangerous, waiting for us to come back, baby will not have you.

Dark red Shenlong said with a smile.

I **** it.

Toad jumped, but it was helpless.

Let's go.

Dark Red Dragon turned and looked at Lin Xuan, and the two continued to move forward.

This time, there was no danger on the road. The two walked for a few days, and they stopped again.

There was no road in front of me, and a huge wall appeared on it, with numerous patterned murals carved on it.

He is one mysterious palm after another, growing on a big tree,

These palms are like the trunk of a big tree.

Every palm forms a peculiar handprint,

At a glance, thousands of palms lined up in front, mysterious.

After Lin Linxuan saw it, he narrowed his eyes and cast his reincarnation to look forward.

Dark Red Divine Dragon also exclaimed: These fingerprints will not be peerless supernatural powers?

He was excited, the claws of the dragon waved, and they followed the gesture of the fingerprint above, and quickly gathered.

He found that there did not seem to be any terrifying power,

How is this going? They were very puzzled.

Maybe it's just a wall, blocking our way,

Break it.

Gao Linxuan took a deep breath and slaped his palm forward. The terrible flame turned into a fire dragon, opened his teeth and danced away.

A roaring voice sounded, a raging flame swept through,

After the previous magic fire, Lin Xuan's physique became stronger again.

With this punch, the land fairy can't bear it,

However, the wall in front was motionless and there were no cracks.

Chen Linxuan was surprised that the dark red Shenlong also took a breath.

Let me try.

He condensed to form a sky knife formation, and severely chopped forward.

With a single blade, Qiankun was broken, and even dozens of worlds can be split in half instantly.

But still useless,

The wall in front is still not cracked.

Hey weird, are we stopped?

Or does this wall have mysterious power? It's just that we don't know the way, we can't get it for the time being.

The two began to study.

I was at Lin Xuan. When they were exploring this ancient ruins, the people outside were very excited.

They found that the pillars in front of them began to change.

Before, there were only three pillars of heaven and earth, standing between heaven and earth, but now there are five.

5These five pillars of heaven are slowly changing ~ ~ Everyone finds it as if it were like a finger.

And the heaven where they are is like a huge palm.

This mysterious change immediately caught everyone's attention,

Countless people talked and they got together.

Someone said: What a mysterious change.

Some people also said: This is not the hand of God, it seems that the light of God is about to appear.

I really do.

The next change is similar to what they expected, and the light of the sky is indeed about to appear.

Not everyone can get the light of God.

The clouds and clouds in front of it rolled quickly, forming a line between heaven and earth.

God's right hand, the light of God.

When they saw these words, everyone narrowed their eyes: What do you mean? Does God's right hand mean this God's hand?

Can I get the light of God when I stand here?

I'm wrong.

At this time, the true **** son stood up and laughed coldly: Only by ascending the five pillars of heaven can we get the light of God.

In other words, there are only five places!

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