Inverse Sword God - Chapter 7020

Chapter 7020

These three figures appeared as if out of nowhere. Very suddenly, no one found when they appeared.

By the time he found his toad, the three seemed to have been there for a long time.

Dark Red Dragon turned his head and looked, and his face turned black instantly: Toad, you have a big mouth, I have fight with you.

How do I know that they will appear? You know, even if you kill Ben, you won't say it.

Toad was almost crying.

Lin Linxuan glanced at the two of them and said: Be quiet! Don't know where these three are sacred?

He performs six rounds of reincarnation, the eye of heaven,

A mysterious eye appeared in the void, and the falling eyes illuminated the sky.

Looked forward to the three men.

The front is illuminated instantly,

However, the three of them seemed like boundless black holes. When any light reached them, they were swallowed up instantly.

Lin Linxuan, I ca n't see the three people in front of me. Who is sacred? Only know these three people are mysterious and extraordinary.

When the dark red **** dragon saw this scene, his face changed greatly.

He said: Boy, don't act lightly, these three people are extremely unusual, let me investigate.

He casts an array and conducts an investigation. Before long, he takes a breath.

He felt in them the same breath as the ruins, and they were the people in the ruins.

How to do? Continue to go forward and fight these three mysterious figures? Or just retreat?

Lin Xuan said: war.

With a wave of his hand, Xi Xianjian appeared on his body, stepped out one step, and the sword in his body burst out.

Yi Yijian chopped forward.

The two Liangyi sword arrays turned into an endless pitch of black sword, like a dying moon, falling from the sky.

Fiercely killed forward.

It 's an absolute skill when you hit it.

The three figures in front of him, still standing there, did not escape at all.

Lin Linxuan's sword was cut to one of them,

When he approached, the figure suddenly shot.

He reached out his **** palm and waved it forward fiercely.

His arm seemed to turn into a magic sword, and it was cut in the sky, colliding with Lin Xuan's Liangyi sword.


The sound of panic-stricken sounded, the devastating sword gas shattered the world, and the whole passage shook slightly.

At this time, on both sides of the passage, a mysterious atmosphere appeared, protecting the passage like a sky barrier.

I was actually blocked.

Yuan Linxuan was very surprised,

The sword that struck him, even if it was a strong man in the middle of the gods, could not be blocked.

I did n't expect that the other party could block it.

I really did not expect him.

I have a little meaning, but I want to see how much skill you have, can block me a few swords.

In Lin Linxuan's eyes, the extremely radiant light erupted, and the Liangyi sword array rushed out again. .

The terrible sword light turned into a terrible yin and yang dragon, killing forward.

At the rear, the Dark Red Dragon also shot.

Toad followed, saying: Boy, I might not beat him. You help me to counter one, and I attack him.

The horrible sword flew and the terrible formations swept around.

The breath here is terrifying, and if those people outside see it, it will be frightening.

Lin Linxuan and Dark Red Dragon are both very powerful.

The formation of the dark red Shenlong is enough to suppress one,

Raising his hands, thousands of formations, flying above his claws, terrifying.

Lin Xuan 's side is even more terrible. In addition to the two ritual sword arrays, Lin Xuan also cast a dragon elephant tactic. He used one person to fight two mysterious shadows.

A green dragon hovered between heaven and earth, as if the real beast was resurrected.

The dragon head fell, the earth was shaking, and the terrible sea water was spewed out.

Qinglong spit water, this is a superb magical power, once cast, enough to trap any enemy.

Before the death, Lin Xuan had experienced the horror of this move when he was in the ruins of the Emperor.

Now, he has exhibited, although he has not been able to fully exert the power of Dragon Elephant,

But equally terrifying.

Suddenly, a dark shadow was trapped. He seemed to enter the quagmire, and his body became slow.

He made a loud roar, and a pair of black wings appeared behind him, still like black swirls.

Winging his wings, he seemed to want to leave this quagmire,

Lin Linxuan snorted and would not give him a chance at all.

Bian's big hand turned empty, and he patted it fiercely. On the palm of his hand, he turned into a golem and pedaled in all directions.

He directly stepped into this mysterious figure into the Qinglong spit water.

I was again two swords, and this figure disappeared completely.

After solving a mysterious figure, Lin Xuan casts a sword into the sky, living like a dream,

The sword fluttered and turned into a sky.

I fell from the sky and shrouded a second figure,

The mysterious figure trembled slightly.

He started rampantly, it seems that he is affected by illusion and cannot be completely cracked.

How can this state be Lin Xuan's opponent?

The inverse sky sword method split the opponent in half.

Gao Linxuan resolved two figures on the other side, and on the other side, the dark red dragon also suppressed the third figure.

The third figure is broken, scattered like a glass,

Most of the pieces turned into black flames and disappeared.

There are still some fragments left on the ground, shining brightly and transparently.

what is this?

Dark Red Dragon was surprised, picked up a fragment, and explored,

He exclaimed: Boy, this is the fragment of the road.

After listening, Toad rushed over and exclaimed: Fragment of Immortal Road!

Lin Linxuan bowed his head and looked forward. The two figures he beheaded and killed also had several fragments falling on his body.

He is a shinto fragment that can be absorbed.

Lin Linxuan tried it, and was extremely surprised.

The power of the immortal body of Xuan Linxuan flew out, covering these fragments, and then absorbing the power above.

On the other side, the dark red Shenlong also condensed the magic fire and began to absorb ~ ~ Toad skipped and said: leave me a little.

He is urgent, wanting to gather the real magic fire.

After the three of them arbitrarily absorbed these avenues, they found that the power of the **** of fire and fairy was increased.

Even Lin Xuan has a bright eye: it is not easy to enhance the power of the gods.

You must know that the cultivation of his immortal power is extremely difficult, which is many times more difficult than other land immortals.

He is a fusion of two forces,

He is the only one.

You are as hard to ascend to cultivation,

Now that these fragments can enhance his fairy power, how can he not be pleased?

Go on, it 's best to see these mysterious figures again,

A few more boulder fragments,

I may not be far from the breakthrough.

In Lin Linxuan's eyes, a bright light bloomed,

He is just the beginning of the land fairy. When will he break through and become the land fairy?

At that time, his strength can still be improved.

Lin Linxuan walked forward with anticipation.

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