Inverse Sword God - Chapter 475

Chapter 475

The situation is just like the previous Shangguan Hao.

However, the thunderbolt formed by Lei Zhen was more powerful than Shangguan Hao.

The lightning flashed, and Lei Zhen's injuries covered a layer of lightning armor, even his head was wrapped.

Behind him, there is a tail more than two meters long, covered with lightning stings, terrifying.

The thunderbolt smashed the hard ground into a groove immediately.

The thunderstorm after the transformation is like a lightning monster, full of explosive power.

Stepping out, he was like lightning, rushing forward, and the void wherever he went was torn apart.

Lei's artistic conception was used to the extreme by him, and the pressure of terror covered Lin Xuan.

The wind and thunder merged with the artistic conception, Lin Xuan cut out with a sword.

However, Lei Zhen's Lei Yi mood was too powerful, Lin Xuan's Tao Jianqi was cut in half.


The thunder fork fell, tearing the ground, Lin Xuan quickly retreated, his eyes were extremely heavy.

That strike just now, I am afraid that Lei Zhen's mood of Lei has reached 70%.

The thunder mood of this kind of fire far exceeds his thunder mood.

"It seems that only the Dragon Sword can be used."

Facing the thunderous mood of Lei Zhen, Lin Xuan clenched the star sword.

The next moment, a fierce sword broke out from him.

"It's useless, even if it's your sword, it's the same as my thunder mood." Lei Zhen looked indifferent and strode.

Soon, Lin Xuan's sword intention reached 50%, but he did not make a move, but continued to improve.

"What, Jian Yi has risen again, how is this possible?"

"Oh my God, did he keep the sword?"

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

Especially the disciples of the three major Kendo families, the expressions on their faces are like seeing a ghost.

"60% of the sword!"

Lin Xuan's eyes flickered.

Not enough, he once again urged the dragon's sword in his body.

According to his estimation, Lei Zhen's mood of Lei reached 70%, so he also planned to open the sword of Qicheng.

A dragon yin rang, and Lin Xuan screamed with blue dragon sword in his body.

At this moment, all the weapons on the surrounding warriors trembled.

As if to worship in the middle of Yantai.

"This is ... 70% sword intention!"

The crowd was shocked, holding their weapons desperately.

"Qi Cheng Jianyi, Lin Xuan actually has Qi Cheng Jianyi, is this his hole card?"

At this moment, Xie Yijian and Xue Yiren all showed their horror.

With their strength, they can't compete with the Qicheng Sword. If Lin Xuan goes all out, they won't even have a sword.

"This guy is so scary, is he really a newcomer?"

"I'm afraid he will become the second Zhou Jianying."

Many people believe that as long as Lin Xuan grows up, he will soon become one of the four Tianjiao figures.

"Seven percent of the sword."

Leng Yiqi took a sip of air-conditioning. He originally planned to play against Lin Xuan, but now it seems that the chance is no longer.

Han Fei next comforted him: "Relax, you will reach this state sooner or later."

As soon as Qicheng Jianyi came out, even the four Tianjiao were moved.

Especially Zhou Jianying, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Lin Xuan.

The most shocking thing is Lei Zhen, who originally thought that the thunderous mood of exhibiting 70% of the fire was completely able to crush Lin Xuan.

In this way, he can not only avenge Shangguan Hao, but also promote Lei Zongwei.

However, it was unexpected that Lin Xuan had the same swordsmanship.

"What's the meaning of Qicheng Sword? It won't make use of the same waste!" Lei Zhen drank coldly, laying down a terrorist attack.

"Breaking moon!"

Lin Xuan, who exhibited 70% of the sword intention, was extremely calm. His body was filled with sword qi, condensing into a huge half-moon sword qi, and rushed forward.

The sword was extremely violent, and the void was shattered everywhere.

Lei Zhen's attack instantly dissipated, just like paper.

"What is so powerful?"

Lei Zhen was shocked. Originally, he thought that even if Lin Xuan had performed 70% of his sword, he would have tied at most.

but. Lin Xuan's sword attack was so powerful that he split his attack directly.

Is this really Qicheng Sword?

"Come on, starburst!"

Lin Xuan turned the big dragon sword intention to the extreme, and the sword and man merged into one sword.

"Thunder Hedge!"

Lei Zheng gritted his teeth and formed the strongest defense in front of him.

However, the sword was so amazing that it cut directly at the weak part of the defense and quickly tore it.

Subsequently, the sword cracked and a shocking explosion occurred.

Zhentian's voice sounded, and Lei Zhen was wrapped in countless sword lights.

Lin Xuan regained the star sword and waited quietly.

He is confident that this sword can definitely defeat Lei Zhen.

Sure enough, when Jianguang disappeared, Lei Zhen's wolverine figure appeared.

The thunder and lightning armor on him was all broken, and numerous sword marks appeared.

One of them even opened up his belly and almost cut him off.

Compared with physical injuries, the most serious injuries are spiritual ones.

As a big five, he thought it was just a matter of raising his hand to defeat Lin Xuan.

However, I did not expect that Lin Xuan's hole cards were beyond his expectations, especially the last 70% of the sword, he was even unable to resist.

Now he understands that he did look down on the boy.

The opponent didn't use the hole cards as soon as he came up. I was trying to retain his strength. Then he wanted to use his lightning to temper his body.

Thinking of this, he felt bitter and even regretted challenging Lin Xuan.

"you win"

"What, Lei Leizhen conceded?"

Lei Zong's disciples were all blinded, especially Shangguan Hao, and his eyes were terrified.

Since practicing, he has brought his elder brother Lei Zhen to the goal of his life.

But now, his idol has been defeated, and his master is still a newcomer like him.

Think about the situation where he had provoked Lin Xuan before, and Shang Guanhao was afraid after a while.

If Lin Xuan had used all his strengths at that time, he could definitely kill him with a sword.

"Are you going to change the sky? Someone from the Big Five has finally fallen!" The people around were crazy.

You must know that the Four Great Tianjiao and the Five Great Masters are recognized as strong in the hearts of everyone.

They originally thought that no one would be able to shake their status at this session ~ ~ It was only the internal ranking that changed.

But I did not expect that Lin Xuan defeated Lei Zhen and successfully entered the top five talents.

At this moment, everyone's eyes changed to Lin Xuan's eyes, changed awe.

If we say that Lin Xuan was just a very talented, promising newcomer.

And now he has proved with strength that he is not only talented, but also powerful, and he can set records now without having to!

Defeating Lei Zhen is the best proof.

"This guy, really has entered the top five!" On the viewing stage, the iron hand was extremely shocked.

Lin Xuan gave him so many surprises that he hit his nerve again and again.

You know, before that he thought that Lin Xuan could only reach one hundred, and Lin Xuan has now become one of the top five talents.

Even the five lords in the ancient city were surprised.