Inverse Sword God - Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Puff puff!

Countless phantoms were slain, and Thunder Zhen, like the same blue lightning, quickly walked upstream of the ring.

Everyone was dizzy, their glaring eyes hurt, but they still couldn't see their movements clearly.


Lei Zhen suddenly showed himself, and quickly lifted off.

Above the sky, he runs his whole body of spirits, forming countless lightning feathers.

"Thunderbolt really feathers!"

These thunderbolts, like thousands of arrows, stab down.

The entire ring was shrouded in horror and thunder and lightning.

"It's a terrible method, and Lin Xuan can't hide this time." The people below marveled.

Sure enough, the sky full of lightning feathers will make Lin Xuan's figure appear.

But the next moment, a dazzling sword lit up, swept across nine days and ten places, and quickly split.

The huge sword with a length of 100 meters is vertical and horizontal.

The sky full of thunder and lightning feathers cut fiercely.

"Boy, I will let you know the true power of Lei Zong!"

Like a thunder god, Lei Zhen stood in the void, and the thunder potential on his body crushed the Quartet.

With his pointer, a huge thunderbolt turned into a dragon and swarmed downward.

"Today use your thunder and lightning to upgrade my Jin Lei body!" Lin Xuan Changxiao.

Xing Juejian waved, dozens of swords rushed into time and space.

Boom boom!

The sound of Zhentian sounded, the thunderbolt dragon and the horror sword collided with each other, and both of the energy burst out.


The thunder and lightning dragon wailed and was cut in half.

Lin Xuan secretly operated the sword of devour, forming a force of devour, quickly absorbing thunderbolt dragon.

"What, Lin Xuan is absorbing lightning?"

"He's dead, Lei Zhen will be furious!"

Sure enough, when seeing Lin Xuan absorbing the thunder and lightning again, Lei Zhen's face became pale.

His wings vibrated, and he turned into a thunderbolt, tearing the void.

"Thunder Wing Flying."

At first glance, Lei Zhen appeared behind Lin Xuan.

Thunder forks stabbed in his hand, and the mood of Thunder filled the Quartet.

At this moment, the entire sky was covered by the thunder sea.

The sky shook, and the hard ground on the platform was cracked by lightning.


Lin Xuan twisted, Xing Juejian waved, and collided with Thunder Fork.

The afterglow disappeared, and Lei Guangjian's spirit was vertical and horizontal.

The two fought against each other, Lei Zhen's hair stood upside down, and he shouted.

The breath on his body suddenly increased sharply, he had few thunder forks, and instantly blasted Lin Xuan.

"Thunder is here!"

The next moment, the thunder and lightning surged on him, forming a giant thunder and lightning giant.

The horror of terror shook the Quartet, as if to tear up this space.

Lin Xuan flew by Lei Zhenzhen and slid out far away.

At this time, a horrifying thunderbolt fell quickly.


Lin Xuan was suppressed, and the entire ground collapsed.

"It's over. He's caught. He can't run."

"It seems that I can only give up." Everyone sighed.

"Hum, it's tough!"

Lei Zhen controls the giant thunder and lightning giant, squaring around.

With the palm of his hand, the thunder and lightning were madly squeezing Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan felt the surrounding space squeezed, as if numerous mountains were moving, as if to squeeze him into meat.

"Suck it for me!"

Lin Xuan's eyes showed a trace of madness, he quickly displayed the sword of devour, and began to absorb the power of lightning.

To be honest, although he was trapped, it was not difficult to go out.

As long as he uses 70% of the sword, he can break the thunderbolt palm.

But he didn't do that. He wanted to use this opportunity to absorb lightning and let the body evolve into a gold thunder body.

A lot of thunder and lightning force poured into the forest. Without it, a golden light gradually appeared on his silver thunder body.

"It's almost done!" Lin Xuan exulted.

However, Lei Zhen soon found out that the cat was nasty.

He could not imagine that under such a critical situation, Lin Xuan was still hitting his thunderbolt.

"Thunder's Fury!"

Lei Zhen was really angry, he exhibited the artistic conception of thunder, and condensed into a thunder cloud at the same time.

"No good, this is the Purple Thunder of Destruction, which claims to be able to cut everything!"

The warriors were shocked all around.

The terror of thunder and lightning fell and blasted to Lin Xuan.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the lower platform was shrouded in purple lightning.

"It's over. In this case, Lin Xuan is dead and seriously injured."

The referee also frowned. He felt like he wanted to stop the game.

However, at this time, a loud laugh came from Thunder Sea.

"Haha, I'm so happy, I didn't expect you to have the power of such thunder and lightning! What other moves can you make?"

Several horrible scars appeared on him, and some areas were already blurred.

"court death!"

The thunder urges the spiritual power, and the purple thunder and lightning are intertwined in the sky, forming the purple shattered **** thunder.

"Since you want to die, then go to ashes in this thunderbolt!"

A huge purple thunder and lightning came, forming a dazzling light, quickly annihilating everything.

The crowd closed their eyes and retreated madly, fearing that it would be affected by the shattered **** Lei.

After a long time, the people opened their eyes.

The entire black gold ring was sore and wounded, as if bombed.

A horrible pit appeared even in Lin Xuan's place, and even his figure was buried under the black stone.

"Huh, this is where you challenge Lei Zong!" Lei Zhen walked in the air with a cold face.

"Are you dead?" Why can't I see Lin Xuan?

"Fuck, I can't feel it!"

Everyone talked, everyone looked at the ruins.

There is no possibility of standing up. Lei Zhen looked indifferent.

However, before his words fell, a dazzling golden light lit from the ruins below.


The ruins exploded, countless black gravels splattered, and gold-colored figures appeared, like the golden **** of war.

"Jin Lei has finally become!" Lin Xuan laughed.

The purple thunder and lightning just now really put him under great threat.

Fortunately, everything passed, and he also condensed Jin Lei body.

With this crystal thunder body, his defense in the transformation of the spiritual realm can be called a metamorphosis. Even if he encounters a psychic warrior, he can still compete against one or two.

"Thank you for the destruction of Thunder God!" Lin Xuan laughed.

Lei Zhen's face became extremely ugly, and the opponent not only died, but his strength increased greatly.

This is hitting his face! It's Lei Zong's face!

"Dead to me!"

The thunder fork stabbed, forming two lightning lasers, and quickly stabbed at Lin Xuan.

"Hum, try my Jin Lei Ti!"

Lin Xuan punched out, the golden fist rushed into the void, the golden light shone in the sky, and dazzled the eyes.


Lin Xuan stepped back, while the two thunderous air in the sky burst apart.

"What ~ ~ he even broke Lei Zhen's attack with his bare hands!" Everyone exclaimed.

Lin Xuan, who was still under the wind the moment before, has become so powerful now.

"What kind of refining technique is this, it is so horrible!"

Dongfeng Bear stared at Lin Xuan's Jin Lei body, his eyes glowed with light.

"What a terrible power, I'm itching again!"

Everyone was speechless, and only with such a perverted physique as the Eastern Bear, could it compete with Lin Xuan.

The cold mang flashed in Lei Zhen's eyes. He could not imagine that Lin Xuan's strength had increased so much.

"It seems that if you don't come up with real skills, you won't know how good I am!"

Lei Zhen dropped quickly.

"Thunder and lightning!"

The huge thunderbolt wings spread, wrapping the thunderbolt into a thunderball.