Inverse Sword God - Chapter 4720

Chapter 4720

The mysterious voice in her head rang,

No, he shouldn't be old,

If I guess correctly, he has been sleeping in Zifu for the past five thousand years, and it should have been sealed by Shenjing.

Shen Jingqiu was surprised. The seal had been sleeping for five thousand years. What was he planning?

She was really stunned,

What can this guy get after five thousand years?

My friends of the same generation are all dead. What does it mean that he is still in the world by himself?

Even those who are still alive, such as his younger brother, have become a great saint, standing at the peak,

Is he going to catch up now?

Shen Jingqiu really didn't understand,

However, the mysterious soul sighed, and it seemed that the legend was true.

What legend? Shen Jingqiu was curious.

Tens of thousands of years ago, there was a peak Dasheng who had performed the reincarnation of Tian Yan.

That person's strength was very horrible, reaching an incredible level, he really started the reincarnation Tianyan, and then saw an incredible scene.

In his era, after seeing tens of thousands of years, there seemed to be an opportunity to become a fairy.

He only saw it for a moment, and then he fell and turned into a pile of bones.

However, his last words were left and passed on,

So that people were shocked.

But some people sigh. After tens of thousands of years, no one can live that long.

Moreover, not everyone believed it.

However, a small number of people still acted.

They collected endless **** crystals, sealed themselves, slept,

The time has come to wait for the immortal.

After listening, Shen Jingqiu took a deep breath. Are you saying that the time to become a fairy is in our lifetime?

It is very likely that this can also explain clearly why he has been sleeping for five thousand years,

Because with his strength, if he didn't sleep at that time, he is now a great saint,

However, it will not last long.

At most, if you live another 2,000 years, it will fall,

However, if he is in his peak state, he can live for five or six thousand years, or even seven or eight thousand years.

Enough to support the chance of becoming immortal.

At the same time, the soul said, if this thing is true, then there is definitely more than one purple house, he exists like this

There are still people who slept tens of thousands of years ago, but I don't know if they are in the Purple House?

It looks like this is really a big fight.

Shen Jingqiu took a deep breath after listening, it was so shocking,

This is a golden age. Not only do they have to fight with their contemporaries, they have to fight with them thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years ago.

Those other people are also speculating, even Fengzu people said. My ancestor, what benefit does Zifu give you?

Why are you joining the Purple House?

Do n't you want it, our wind patriarch, ca n't give it to you?

Even the great saint said that, brother, are you controlled by them?

After speaking, they all stared at Zifu, with extremely dazzling light appearing in their eyes.

You Zifu dare to take action on our Fengzu, want to die?

They decided to grab the wind back and not let the other side stay in Zifu.

If Feng Shaoqing is really controlled, then the secret of their wind clan may be obtained by Zifu.

They are not allowed.

how? Want to do it? Elder Indus sneered, not afraid at all.

Third brother, offended. That great saint, leaned out his palm, and grasped the wind and light,

However, there was also a great saint attacking in Zifu, blocking the opponent.

The big holy anger of the wind clan sang, and quickly started to bring the third brother back.

Those other people quickly start,

The wind drank coldly, and it was up to you, not my opponent at all.

He screamed angrily and struck out Aeolian Four Strikes.

The wind shortage retreated, feeling qi and blood rolling, and after being shaken out,

So powerful, it is indeed the first genius of the family five thousand years ago.

No matter how strong the opponent is, it is only a holy king, and there is only one person. These strong people of the wind tribe are fully capable of shooting, absolutely.


At this time, an aurora passed by, the body with less wind disappeared, appeared in another direction,

Fenghuang and others exclaimed, have they disappeared?

The elders of the wind clan are also shocking, too fast, this does not seem to be the power of the wind.

Lin Xuan's pupils shrank. This was the power of light. He was really shocked.

Did the Gwang people rob him?

However, to his surprise, the people from the Guang clan were also exclaimed. This is the magical power of our Guang clan. Who is it?

Everyone was stunned, and the people on the Guangzu side were also blank,

How could they do it without getting an order?

The people on the Feng clan couldn't believe them, stared at the Guang clan, and gritted their teeth, saying, do you want to grab our genius?

Want to let our two wild ancient families go to war?

The elders of the Guang clan said coldly, nonsense, how can we do something to your wind clan people?

You see clearly who is doing it.

Countless people were shocked. Suddenly they saw Feng Shaoqing's body emerged, and there was a figure next to him.

Is it his hand? This is obviously the work method of your light clan ~ ~ The people of the wind clan grit their teeth,

The people of the Guangzu are also blinded, staring at the figure and saying, "Who are you?"

After that, they attacked quickly,

Damn, wouldn't it be that the people of Zifu also stole the inheritance of their Guang clan?

Damn it.

The strong of the light tribe attacked quickly, but the figure was very fast and avoided the attack.

Guangming, when he saw this scene, he screamed angrily. He cast out the ancient body, and killed him with a strong force.

His speed is faster than some elders.


The figure was surprised, and found that someone could catch up with him, and suddenly a sword was drawn,

The sword of light is shining brightly.

The roar of light, also the sword of light,

Two long swords collided between heaven and earth, and then the light was shocked and exited,

The figure in front also stopped. Said with surprise,

The ancient body, it seems that the Guang clan, again came out of the top genius.

Fantastic ancient bodies, that is very rare, you know, a lot of Fang ancient families also came out, a few of the Fang ancient bodies,

What is currently known is Guangming and Ye Wudao.

Yes, I am the body of light. Now that you know, you show your true identity obediently.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite to you,

Thirty-six large bright swords appeared around Guangming, and it was full of terrible breath.

So horrible, this is the top extinction of the Guangzu,

Countless people were shocked that this light was so terrible.

The figure in front of me is also surprised after seeing it, it is indeed an ancient body, so young can condense the sword of great light,

And it's thirty-six handles.

But what about that?

Let me see, my great sword of light!

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